/smg/ - Stock Market General

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>/smg/ - Stock Market General

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ahhh I could have put the IRC in the OP but I forgot.

here it is then:
#/smg/ at rizon.net
so far it's just some super secret IRC bros not saying anything but that's how all IRC channels start

it's a celebration

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I‘m wearing a billabong t shirt rn lmao

Buy QYLD and write calls

> Damn AMD dipped harder than i thought. Is this the time to buy or are we gonna enter into the 29 range?

Looks like we're going to test the 30$ mark soon. I'm closely monitoring the RSI for potential buy signals, but we aren't there yet.

Pendulum must be proud. Also, buy AMD.

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Can anyone even buy slack on Robinhood?

>Tyson Foods: We’re Activating the Ingredients for More Growth

Who told them how to activate their almonds?

First for @!#$ BYND YOU PIECE OF @!$#

I did :^)

Holy fuck my amd puts. If we dip into 29 and close in it with more than likely a correction tomorrow I might see 1k profit on this trade

extra tendies for you user

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I'm wage cucking lol. I work as a cart attendee at Target. 13 an hour ain't bad with a state mw of 7.25 and I'm 18

Also a lot of cute girls shop at Target and I get mires

come on Spx 3000
Fuck bonds, if you gave me a bond certificate Id rip it in half in front of your face!

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I've been waiting to get my account verified for over a year now on robinhood wtf do I do?

how would you rate your skill of as a cart attendee?
what is the highest number of carts that you ever attended to in an hour?

I might have some 'carts' that I need 'attended' at some time in the near future. I could pay significantly more than 13USD/hr, if you're the right man for the job.

here comes the $WORK dump

Reminder that /smg/ discords and irc's are a sign of the top of the market. Prepare for your 30% or more correction...

nice trade, kid

As soon as you hit 1000 hours, sign up for the 5% 401k match. It adds up fast. In fact, you might want to set it up ahead of time. Do the Roth 401k at your age.

It’s literally free money, you just can’t access it for a few years, and when you leave you can roll it over into an IRA.

(It’s weird, their match is not Roth, but your contributions should be. So, you’ll end up with a rollover IRA and a Roth IRA)

Nah its holding up well, a positive sign for days to come this is heading to $60 soon

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wow, how brave and powerful

Lol. I'm not a working man at all. At Target they literally have a machine that guides and then the entire thing for you. All you have to do is just steer it.

>pride month
>flag with a rainbow on it and zero (0) lions

Why did IFRX take such a big hit?

soon fren, very soon

Don't worry about it just buy the ultra cheapies now while you can friend.

>Social Justice, the new religion
They couldn't be making it any more obvious. But the morons swimming in it won't see it.

>Kohl’s STILL hasn’t found a bottom
What the fuck?

Why do I bother with this shit, instead of forcing more money into CRM and UNH on pullbacks.

5% match, please do the needful

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Maybe it's because winter is over in Germany.
What other cheapies are there to invest in?

bought some kohls today for a quick flip, but I envisioned it will hit 45 this month before rebound

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Checked, check these out.
How come XIN?

Υοur country is officially gayland.
Your feds are the gaystapo.


Anyone betting against Kraft tomorrow?

the gaystapo

Cheap chink divies

Anybody else beyond fucked?

Anyone else up 20% on gold?

Gotta receive the verification email they send, click the link in it (preferably on your PC), and verify your account. I think you can go to Account then Settings to have them re-send the verification email.

etf, miners, physical, what did you buy?

Any good market place where I can turn my btc to PayPal or send it to my bank?


SLV, GLDO, SLVI, GDX, physical gold and silver

do it ;^)
if you do, post position
KHC is the truth right now
might buy more

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Just send it here bro. I'll deposit the money to your bank in a couple days.


Whoa LPTX! Take it easy!

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How the fuck has BYND managed to gap up every single day and not drop 20% this week?

Did anyone check the MLNT train yesterday?

What this pattern called? Buy the dips pattern?

I’m really worried about them rallying into earnings. Every cannabis ER has gotten wrecked, could they possibly make it through unscathed?

They can’t seem to stop the bleeding, but I can’t imagine they are really worth this little

Poor Mr. Kraft macaroni company ruined all because he wanted a massage!

It’s just gay month. Rape culture to resume in July.


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Yeah damn shame i was gonna start to DCA into it again. Oh well it'll probably drop again before long

Kroger doesnt deserve to be down
if only they could increase margins more. the large specs that bought up the initial dip this morning must think they can

>Oh well it'll probably drop again before long
Nooo whyyyy. Actually why is it going up now?

Small bet

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They give me a 15% discount + you can't match the qts

> need it to go to 30.60 in a week just to break even
> in this market
> getting hit for 10% just on the spread to get in/out of the position

hey nice bet dude.
I hope it pays off for you :^)


Probably this.

First of all, it’s a 14.5% discount, because of the way the red card and employee discount stack.

Second of all, I’m talking about their 401k plan, and you REALLY need to look into that, because it really can pay off. Using free money to buy stocks is a sick benefit.

Thirdly. Yes. The QTs are phenomenal. But the milfs... oh my god the milfs...

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Thanks, feeling good

Indeed, this is the first time they’ve responded so well to a catalyst in a while. I’m trimming at 1.75 and DCAing lower if it gets there. I got very discouraged but obviously, now I’m wishing I’d have thrown more money at it when it was looking like bags of dead money.

I forgot to actually watch their presentation, or poster or whatever, I get it mixed up with VSTM sometimes.

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AMD sub $30 time to buy lads

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No Slack PLEASE don't fuck me I'm the ass I can't take it!

Why would I use anything but Robinhood?

heres the thing, 10 days left until July monthly candlestick
If theres no rebound for KSS next week, it will open below the month bollinger band and you know what that means

100% free money baybee

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Think they just made a comment or something about results. So it's just hype. See: NBRV this week. Could have scalped my open calls but i didn't and then I'm back to where i was a week ago.


Shit execution

It's lacking a lot of tools and uses shitty market makers on purpose. If you're trading more than five hundred shares at a time, established brokers are a better deal

no DRiP

Oh boy, I love your 100% free money™ moves!
Been a while since the last one!

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This is probably a mistake, but I'm gonna hold all of my LPTX.

Not loading up on AMD last year was a mistake.

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Honest question, does a single serious investor use Robinhood? I have never touched Robinhood, but I heard from friends that it lacks so many advanced tools (with more) that they can't even take it serious.

you can be a serious investor with robinhood. wont have the frills of other platforms, which is mostly for trading anyways.

It's meant to be a platform that makes investing available to the layperson. It's also super convenient and has a nice UI/UX (on mobile at least). I think in combination with other tools/research platforms (Tradingview, Koyfin, Morningstar) it can work for a serious investor.

Just bought more on the dip of SNSS. That shit is due to shoot back up within a week.

#FREEMONEYMOVE Short Beyond Meat, Short it back to 20$

I just got unbogged on Natgas

I think it's great for learning, at least that's what I'm using it for.

Jim Cramer:
>...Slumberger and BP coming back. And if the oils come back, well jeez it is just really late in the cycle [chuckles]
Also Jim Cramer:
>My dad only hit me twice, I think ... now different era, you get thrown in jail for that stuff

Paraphrasing by yours truly. Sounds like he's in a rough way, I'm guessing he'll be having to take a sick day soon. Or is taking a LOT of pain killers today. Time is such a bastard, take care of your spines kids. Take care of all of your bones!

Late in the cycle is a good thing, right?
He means... we're due for a reincarnation, the cycle is about to boost, right?

Based. I'm going to start following her twitter.

It must be nice to be a wealthy boomer with qt millennials looking up to you and laughing at all your jokes, making you look good and stroking your ego.

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This. RH until 10k, then switch to Interactive Brokers is my plan

Late in the cycle? What did he mean by this?

Okey, can u give me some contact like email?

the talking heads and internet Jeets always say the opposing thing about oil
"oil is mooning, its late cycle!"
"oil is crashing, its late cycle!"

The truth is that the new 10 year bullrun cycle started in January. Also get Tradingview for your charts like WOW


Just give it to him David.

> dat end rally of SPY

New ATH soon?

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That’s just a Schwab quick-view autogenerated chart thing from the volatility tab, helps me keep an eye on when we’re demonstrably overbought/oversold according to the bollies.

>more bullish than Cramer
You’re one of my tip top favorite market analysts, with a great record, but have you EVER been bearish on the market?

I don’t mean full on gommie sky-is-falling, but even just like “hey, we’re overbought”

>AMD closing below 30 and going into mids
Do you want me to work for you or target breh? Who are you shilling for?

Dubs confirm

we're closing all time high right now

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I’m just trying to get the little zoomer to take advantage of the 401k match. 5% is decent.

how bout instead just put the AMD puts in the bag

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Christopher are you using again?

>but have you EVER been bearish on the market?
literally never. Only things I short are the Vix and Treasuries.
Always 100% in stocks and trade with margin/add money every other month. Because I only look at the historical facts and only listen to the best SPX trader in the world, Ciovacco.

When I first started trading I was told something important: Never Ever Short the SP500 under any circumstance

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Well, ding ding ding. I got bled for 2.85% today due to this weird dip with SNSS but I just bought a bunch more of it at the lower cost.

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm up .30%, def pulled too much into cash. Busy at work so no tradies today, probably none tomorrow either. Oh well, congratulations on ATH, margaritas half off tonight!

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Well since we are at an all-time high it pays off to be a permabull

Down a touch, nothing too crazy

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up 1.34%
finally broke $1.2 million

I work at Whole Foods. I may be mistaken but i think they match five percent too. Glad my zoomer ass never withdrew that, checked and i got 1k banked in there after a few years. Not much, but hey it's better than nothing.