Attached: satoshi_ñakamoto.png (630x650, 323K)

Other urls found in this thread:


holy shit that mean he is actually satoshi!!!

Attached: 1512502753004.png (645x729, 32K)

wow a corrupt government running on drug money


>Calvin laundering money


Attached: hmmm.jpg (500x322, 15K)

This guy is so desperate for confirmation


Tweet discarded as trash

Should only take about 10 minutes on average.

Holy shit, I’ve never been more embarrassed of being a spic

I guess they have to find a way to launder that cocaine money.

>all this smoke and mirrors
>cant sign the genesis block
I'm gonna be smug beyond belief when the BSV house of cards comes crashing down

Attached: 1477525716195.jpg (198x198, 8K)

Filthy lies coming from Pajee... Uh... *scrambles to find new script.*
I mean filthy lies coming from street pissing Pablo & Jose shills.

ok NICE.

SAUCE PLS so i can spread the gospel.

Flags fucking when?

The third world was a mistake

It's the only thing that matters.
Sign the genesis block
or fuck off
Hope the burger courts btfo this faggot once and for all but frankly I'm starting to get doubtful knowing how it's most likely an incompetent boomer judge judging shit he doesn't understand.

even amidst colombians, those two still look like the shiftiest people in the room, by soem distance. I feel bad for Jimmy, he deserved better

Sorry Greg, we're a nation of laws and due process. Signing a key only proves possession, not the man behind it.

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no you gonna wake up one morning:
> opens blockfolio
> S H O CK
> "how can BTC be at 200,- USD, it was 33.000,- when i went to sleep ?!! The market was healthy, everything going well ?!?!?!?"
> all Alts tied to BTC are minus 70-90%
> check Jow Forums: sea of pink wojaks
> first thread you notice headlines: "THIS INSANE AUSSIE WAS FOR REAL FUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKK"

have fun, i will enjoy your tears.

redpill for you:


of course you can't count them, they're 0 kek

>be bsv retard
>if we take everyones money then they will buy our product

Why is india not yet a superpower?

Next, India. Sky's the limit boys.

Its the Gothic Script font that adds it that aura of credibility. Maybe creg should use that instead of ComicSans.ttf, next time he's signing documents

>"Craig Wright es mundialmente reconocido como el creador de Bitcoin."


Know how I know you don’t shit in a toilet?

Thats why im still coming here

>"Craig Wright es antigualmente reconocido como el creador de Bitcoin."

All of Europe writes numbers like this, Fat piece of Shit.

>CSW won't sign the genesis block because that wouldn't prove he's Satoshi!
This is the dumbest shill narrative and you would need to be actually braindead to believe it. Verify, don't trust. Cryptographic currency, it's right in the name.

Attached: 1477526249129.jpg (1372x1080, 133K)

columbians are based and redpilled. hail craig

>200,- USD
Yes, very European of you, pajeet.

Attached: 1477526726709.jpg (511x509, 52K)

Why should he sign, so he can appease the Core cartel who set out to destroy him on day 1? You think that will end their attacks on him? I like how he is keeping people in suspense, making those with the ability to open their minds and listen to see what he has to say before making their investment decision. I'm ready for the greatest wealth transfer in crypto history, too many corrupt old whales have too many coins, they need a good kick between the legs!

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

>why should he try to win the lawsuits he's embroiled in by proving what he claims

In school they told me indians were smart

Shut up you dumb faggot

My sides, fucking beaners

Attached: topkek.jpg (225x225, 21K)

Again, what an obvious con. You really deserve to lose your money.

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Lmao why so angry? Is it because deep down you know that’s the wrong way to write numbers? Also I’m underweight so if you want to hurt my feelings make fun of my lack of muscle not my fat. Have a great wrest of your day! ;)

Actual brainlet.

Attached: 1558756200808.jpg (471x388, 14K)

is Columbia, dare i say it, based and redpilled?

this is hilarious

Put yourself in Craig's shoes, you're in Australia chilling and minding your own business. Suddenly you wake up to phone alerts your name and life history is all over wired and gizmodo one day. You're panicking because you hear the Australian tax authorities are coming for your ass over 1m Bitcoins, so you pack your bags and flee in the night to another country. Then as you try to start and make a new life, you got all these faggots on twitter yelling at you demanding "sign the genesis key, prove who you are asshole!", fuck them, why should he schuck and jive for their amusement?

acknowledges the
Dr. Craig Steven Wright
for his leadership for more than 20 years in counseling, research and
development of organizational security systems, and for their countless
contributions in the fields of Information Technology, Security
computer science and digital forensic analysis at the global level.
Dr. Craig Steven Wright, better known as "Satoshi Nakamoto', is world
recognized as the creator of Bitcoin, an electronic currency that presents novel
features and is highlighted globally for its ease of exchange. Also,
Dr. Wright is a global leader in strategic security development,
especially in preventing unauthorized access in Australian organisations and
International both private and government sector.
Dr. Wright has obtained the following certifications from the computer industry: GSE
CISSP, CISA, CISM, CCE, GCFA, GLEG, Gray GSPA. Has numerous titles
advanced academics in various fields, including a doctorate in philosophy
(PhD) in Computer Science and Economics, Charles Sturt University, a
Doctorate in Bachelor's degree in Theology from United Theological College awarded in
2003, a master's degree in statistics and a master's degree as legal assistant in commercial law
Dr. Wright is currently a candidate for two other doctorates:
Law at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom and Applied Mathematics at
the CNAM in Paris, France.

>brown id contains SV
vishnu's blessings upon me sirs

>CSW this desperate for recognition
>s-see I'm really Satoshi, some beaners said so!
>blows up on reporters when they imply he isn't Satoshi, obvious insecurity
>"I remember reading [the whitepaper.] P-probably, when I wrote it."
>Craig doesn't want anyone's recognition! He intentionally isn't proving himself!!
Remember when CSW went on BBC to "reveal himself" as Satoshi, and said he had no interest in press or recognition, and he would never appear in the media again? I remember.

Attached: 1477525973961.jpg (398x370, 17K)

>Doctorate in bachelor’s degree
Wow much impressive educate sir

Satoshi looks drunk, and worn the fuck out. Trump must have ran him ragged

brown confirmed as sajay vishnu coin

Stop trying to move the goalpost, featherweight.

Absolutely based

>the Core cartel

Attached: core_cartel.png (1050x549, 995K)

Check the history of the twitter from OPs pic. It started activity almost exactly 1 month before the BSV fork and up until the fork-day he retweeted fucking TRON shill tweets exclusively all day. On fork day he started shilling BSV exclusively with hundreds of tweets.
There is no way that account is a person or a genuine ex-BCH ex-BTC big blocker.


Wait, so he just dis a name change in colombia? Whats jext? hes gonna change his psn tag name to satojhnakamott?

>move the goalpost
I don’t think you know what that means. You should look up scientific literature in every single country around the world and see what punctuation they use to separate integers and decimals. Also try it out with math papers.

guys... I'm feeling a little...STIFF

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I just created a twitter account 2 weeks ago to talk to people about crypto. It's not out of the ordinary for that to happen

Nobody is all in TRON then goes all in BSV on fork day. All day-1 BSVers were BCH before that

Its his advantage not to appease the retards.
Lets not forget this man has read "the art of war"
Its better this way because he has the element of surprise and we cant see everything he has inside his sleeve.
Just sit back and watch.
If You have bsv just sit tight and get comfy!
BTC KEKS will get increasingly more nervous and unhinged as time goes by.

Attached: 1556759345939.jpg (409x409, 102K)

stage 0,
even if Wright was Satoshi, he's still a pathological fraud selling Just Another Crypto.

Maybe that person is just following shills since TRON is shilled hard and BSV started being shilled hard a month ago. The use case of BSV and metanet is promising enough for me to want to buy in despite any shilling

>he doesnt prove want he claims because art of war
>proof would ruin element of surprise

Quintessentially vishnu

Based been waiting for this meme, you made it better than I imagined it could be

Exactly, so many benefits to not signing instantly. Plus if I told someone here "send me a timestamp with your face to prove you're not a bot" they'd say fuck off

Bullshit. He started shilling BSV the minute it forked. Its a bot.

I can taste your jealousy user. why don't you just let roger ver assfuck you then... mmmkay sweetie.

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Coingeek official BRAINLET


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Attached: 1560625756926.jpg (334x506, 39K)

I know its real. Doesn't change the fact BSV jas a humongous paid shill and bot army.
Don't sweat it sweetie I hold more BSV than you and still acknowledge this thruth. Deepstate projects bring the biggest gains

this. the pajeets and non-white BSVschitzos will unironically kill themselves. it will be like bitconnect all over again

This is probably the most obtuse and convoluted cope I've seen thus far. Congrats!

Craig is a CIA asset. Thats why he will win or at the very least bring huge gains

pajeet my son, take a rest. the columbians are the new street shitters

Attached: DQekgMjVAAASDvP.jpg (900x900, 138K)

>thinks not signing is most straightforward proof ever
>complains about 'convoluted copes'

I would argue NSA myself, considering his history

He's an NSA asset, not CIA. The two agencies are enemies.

Attached: NSA_bitcoin_foia.jpg (1836x2420, 764K)

He's an LGBT asset in the first place.

Attached: 1540797745335s.jpg (250x250, 11K)

What went wrong?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-20 at 21.26.43.png (593x96, 24K)

for vishnu !!
what is hapening sir?!?


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The third paragraph in that link tells you what is going to happen to BTC. The time traveller was right 100k this year and 1 mil by 2020. BAKKT and institutional holdings are going to get retail to drive this to the moon. This applies equally well to all forks. They desperately need to get more economy on these blockchains in order to survive.

La gran descobierta criptografica de SANTORO MATAMOROS