Chew on that you anti-bsv fags.

Attached: joPGcjv.png (616x631, 992K)

great. colombia. lol.

Lmao I knew we couldn’t be THAT retarded. It wasn’t the Colombia government but the bogota city council, literally the nigger capital of south america

Reminds me of the day they elected Pablo Escobar to congress.

i bought my first bitcoin creg version today did i do good or bad. i paid 214 USD $ American

Soon every key of Cocaine out of Bogata will be on BSV.

I mean.. 1 is better than none. You did good if it's a long term hold.

Is this.... a joke?

has Jow Forums ever been more comprehensibly BTFO than today?

protip: no

That wouldn't be smart of them.

No, it's an IQ test. Good luck, and have an nice day.

lmfao seems legit

Attached: trustmem8.jpg (331x132, 5K)

You mad?

Attached: council_of_bogota.jpg (1000x712, 115K)


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Pablo was and still is well liked. he helped a lot of people out back then. all we really know about him is what the corrupt US cia media machine has told us. all the man did was export plants.

>C-craig and C-Calvin m-must have bribed the oficials of Bogota. Y-yeah, that must be it.

Haha, this man is legitimately retarded.

>all we know about his what the man told us, dude
>except i know more, he helped people! I learned this watching Netflix!
>its just a plant bro
>not like it gets people addicted to the point of killing themselves

kill yourself

I'm glad I grabbed a few at $100. Same with Link the memes are more fun when you have some skin in the game. I think he is genuinely retarded and SV is going to 0 but it is fun. Worst case scenario I'm out $500.

Yes, you were one of the smart ones who realized before it was too late. Good job user, you should feel good about yourself.


Attached: chadtoshi.jpg (216x467, 22K)

lmao didn't even notice that. Here is a better resolution image

The rumors are true - he really is a chad.

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First of many countries to recognize Dr. Wright as THE satoshi!

Do the needful corecucks or you will be late yet again

You forgot the first one

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Mfw broke ass pajeets will be dabbing on dumb cracker asses cuz they trusted the reddit hive mind

>hes a good boy dindu nuffin
lol except murdering judges, firebombing politicians and crashing a civilian airplane.

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