in the IQ thread everybody had a score of like 130-140. Im a borderline retarded pleb and lazy as fuck but still semi-successful in life since I apply myself and work on goals. is everyone here really a broke, NEET virgin? or is it just LARPS and Im really surrounded by shitposting brainsurgeons and rocket scientists? not sure whats what anymore with you crazy muhfuggas
Is this board really filled with NEETs?
Other urls found in this thread:
>brain surgeons and rocket scientists
i just ate breakfast wagie
>in the IQ thread everybody had a score of like 130-140
No, they don't.
Probably a solid 80% of anons browsing this board think they're more intelligent than they actually are. It's a result of being a shut in NEET and not seeing the world for what it really is.
I'd say probably 10% of Jow Forums has a well paying job (at least mid five figures), the rest are low-paid wagies or NEETs.
nice larp, you got proofs though?
>thinking any of those numbers were real
everyone on this board is sub 110 IQ just for participating in that
Also online IQ tests are not reliable for accurate scoring. I can’t believe all of you faggots wasted your time on that.
>using proper grammar in an effort to appear intelligent
See Sounds like I struck a nerve, NEET.
yes. but the iq's are larpers
>when everything goes over your head
>the rest are low-paid wagies or NEETs.
Doesn't mean they're not crypto rich
>I was just pretending to be retarded
god I hate this site
>I am le smart le gramer4retards
I did not take part of any IQ thread, am a middle aged wagie that has been working since I was 15. Am 35 now, just starting browsing biz a month ago. I do not make good money, but like the place I work and have definitely become complacent here after working for 12 years. I am about a hundred pounds overweight and am pretty sure I am alot less intelligent than I think I am. Sup dude?
A lot of people here are also mediocre managers/codemonkeys pulling 70-100k. I'm one of them
5% quality people, 95% human garbage
What about economic students?
You're surrounded by the kids that were told in school that they were gifted and had potential, but flamed out in early adulthood and are a disappointment to everyone who believed in them.
>tfw took the day off
did they really think i was going to come in on a friday?
They have a 0.9 correlation to the real life Mensa tests according to Mensa. Why would Mensa delegitimatize themselves by lying?
Not a NEET, grad student getting my STEM PhD here
Jow Forums I would say vastly overstates their IQ and the average is probably like 105 or something (just slightly above average), although prior to the U.S election the avg. was definitely higher. I would say that Jow Forums has a high IQ compared to most boards, you see it in the memes, you see it in the general quality of posts. This board probably does have an IQ around an avg. of 120 or something.
conscientiousness is uncorrelated to iq
(1) hard working and dumb - low paid normie getting by with life
(2) lazy/adhd and dumb - ends up in prison, homeless, in a crack house, or mooching on parents for decades
(3) lazy/adhd and smart - ends up as neet (not on parents' money) or does a job that requires minimal effort to coast through life, but never achieves anything of note. Feels pangs of guilt about it, but that's it.
(4) hard working and smart - these people change the world
Jow Forums is a mix of (2) and (3)
3 wanting to be 4. What do?
how does age factor into this?
>t. 20 year old neet mooching off parents
Develop conscientiousness and discipline. Gradually start depriving yourself of your comforts and indulgences, and spend more time thinking about what you want to be doing. You can't do a 180 overnight but you'll gradually get there.
meth? I wanted to try it but I can't make myself take the effort required to buy it. A catch-22 I guess.
>Gradually start depriving yourself of your comforts and indulgences, and spend more time thinking about what you want to be doing
Started doing this more recently. Have always struggled with my weight and changing the way I look at the issue has helped tremendously. The discipline needed to refrain from impulses is amazing when compared to everything else. I also realize how much time I have squandered working on cruise control for 12 years, only applying myself when needed. Honestly trying to decide whether I should just quit and pursue my own start up or even to just work somewhere with a fresh start...
Think about what will make you happy in 10,20 years, not what makes you happy right now. Think long term.
After figuring what you want start doing shit to achieve your long term goals. You probably have to sacrifice you comfort right now to achieve big things in the future. Discipline and pain tolerance!
20 yr old is fine, 25 yr is red alarm blaring. Neet supported by parents inevitably ends in homelessness when they die of old age.
what if i'm already extremely low on impulsivity but also low on industriousness? how do I develop that?
Practice. Do it again and again and get better at it. You can mentally divide the task to smaller pieces if starting is a problem. It is easier to start a small task than a big one.
2close2home ;-;