Thank god, we can move on with our lives req'd squad.

Unironically going all in on the one true king. I'M SORRY I WASN'T FAITHFUL BTC.

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what happened? they get delisted or something?

he sold. it’s an absolute shitcoin

It just dumped to ATL and looks like it's going further.

All partner projects are dead except Gilded.

Xero integration just got BTFO by another crypto project that actually has a working partnership with them.

It's fucking dead.

I unironically might buy if it dumps another 25%.

There's no news of this coin being over, and they have been releasing more news this week than seemingly ever before, but okay user, go ahead and sell. If anything now's the time to buy

Ive been golding this coin for a long ass time. Every time they release news it goes down. When mainnet wat out it went down. These past few days wirh all the updates it goes down.
I bought at 50 40 30 15 14 12 6 4 and 2 cents but finally sold at $.025. Feels so much better fuck req

Same REQ brother. Lost about 1.2K on this by holding down to nothing. Made double that back last week from new projects.

Yup. Been slowly making it back after selling. Only have to make back 4k to break even. Feels bad knowing i missed out on so much shit because REQ FUCKING SUCKS DICK

holy shit i've seen this exact comment so many time, only other one was "bullrun would save us" but that's now not being said

>and they have been releasing more news this week than seemingly ever before
REQ is worthless because of its tokenomics.
No amount of news can save it.
Eventually, the hype ends and projects start to fall to their fundamentals.
For REQ, the hype went away a long time ago.

REQ was legit the only token that never had crazy price movements, and I’m convinced is cursed. Sell now before they infect your precious linkies

remember the meme about req burning random tokens from random addresses?

those were the days

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btw im going to start accumulating req if it goes below 3m mozzarella cap. up to 20% of req supply. decent risk/reward at that price.

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Im convinced req wont even move with a coordinated pump n dump its so dead

Except stinky, it just keeps getting better. It’s crazy to think Req and Link were at the same price at the same time at one point

yeah its not gonna move until organic demand, I think. I think, even if it gets "le partnerships", it's just going to stand still or bleed. it has the same curse as iexec but worse due to mozzarellagate and very broken roadmap promises.
gilded is currently their biggest chance to get some relevance... assuming they ever finish v2.

Can someone explain to a newfag what this mozzarella shit is that I keep seeing associated with REQ? Thanks

the team treated the plebbit mods to a fancy mozzarella bar dinner with ICO funds while the price was tanking. and they all seemed smug about it, posting pictures of their splurging. shoulda known that was the beginning of the end of this dead token.

as if risk/reward assessments have ever applied to this shit token. believe me, there’s only risk. there’s no reason for this piece of shit to go up with this shit volume and completely inept team

REQ will become one of Ethereum's most used daaps.

the restaurant was actually pretty inexpensive, $10 meals, but it was pretty obvious the team was clueless for 1. inviting the mods 2. letting them make a tonedeaf blog post about it

What a bunch of faggots. So glad I dumped my REQ, even if it cost me about 3k.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, fren

pipe dream. team proven to suck at communication and managing their partners.

btw STFU Abstract Tornado

>btw STFU Abstract Tornado
he is going to find the wannu piecu