Rate my gf /biz

should i breed this aryan goddess and make white babies or nah?

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make her lose like 100lbs and maybe. shes got a chunky face

Damn I wanna shoot it on her face

go back to pol you skinheaded faggot, and take your cow with you

9/10 not aryan goddess but it has a hole, good luck user

she has retarded white trash phenotype. the nose ring and stupid tongue thing don't help. what's the point of breeding low IQ women

shes white..


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why is she not asian? gross

Why are you in such better shape than her?

>in shape

Congratulations on this year's most punchable couple award

Read more better.

She could be your mom.

looks like trailertrash

why the fuck you posting pictures of your fg on biz faggot? also, now I know where you live woodchuck.

Do you see that beer belly?
Dude literally hit the will and not even a father yet. Plus the bitch is below subhuman

only use her as a surrogate. youll never be able to cum if its her body your porking

In my opinion bestiality should not be tolerated.

>hapa kids
no thx

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lose weight in a gym first. you both


You can tell that even though she looks "white" shes got signifigant negroid ancestry, bone structure and skull shape is telling. Definitely not an aryan goddess lmao

dios mio... la goblina...

Do eet.

>be person
>dislike someone else
>impersonate them doing a cringey LARP on Jow Forums
>hope they get doxxed
All the newfags falling for this disappoint me. This is some 2009 shit.

got much warmer replies on /pol, stupid biztards..

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Shyttt lol more like 2007

don't ruin our methods

Jow Forums has lower standards. this is Jow Forums we are all rich.

Tell her not to look or act like a nigress plz. God dammit dignity is rare.

Even you would take this over your ogre

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Marry an Asian

Our taste in women is above reproach. I’ll thank you not even justify this thread by responding to him again.

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nice try bizcels

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lol this at Devil’s Hopyard?

I dont care about anything other than money and nice pussy. Fuck whites, fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck jannies.


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get fucked shitskin lover

you're the girl right? well she's about a 2/10 and you being a 0.5/10 rounded up, i'd say go for it. one of you'll need a gender surgery but that's just the times we live in i guess.

Youre lucky OP. I only attract asians, Latins, and blacks as a white dude. I'm not about to hook up with a whale either. Sucks I can't find a normal white girl but I live in a pretty diverse state.

You’re the Fagott it shouldn’t be breeding!! Look at you! You could pass as her brother