Why are linkies racist incels?

why are linkies racist incels?

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They have jobs

>posting a thread about future billionaires calling them incels
Have sex

Ignore false-flagging competing projects

They're racists because they don't have sex and they don't have sex because they're racists.

This isn't Jow Forums, there are many black entrepreneurs and investors here such as myself

selling ebt for crack isn't being an entrepreneur

why do you shitskins come here and whine knowing it'll always fall on deaf ears? youre only here because we have the best culture amongst ourselves.

fucking kek

It is just a data mine thread user.

kek and true

ay yo be slingin dem shitcorns like dope aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiite

why are retards like you posting here?

Nice try Ratul, it's only 5pm here in Burgerland

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He was obviously talking about your local time, ranjesh

I'm actually in Thailand and not a jeet, but no way to prove it

Go be a nigger somewhere else

take a picture of a tranny walking by your home with a time stamp

Fuck off jewbert

I don't want a tranny to know where I live

Put me in a room with the linklets and I promise you after its all said and done they'll be reformed and on their best behavior. I don't play around when it comes to racists and anti-semites who think they can go around espousing their fucked up views. Consequences are a thing in 2019 you bunch of confederate waiving hicks.

This is a place for mature minds, we don't need your ignorance. I'll have you know I'm a small business owner, a producer, and an event promoter, in addition to lucrative crypto investments. Don't hate on success just because you can't please your woman.

>worried about other anons sex lives
penis....grow one, front-holer

Why are you so insecure shitskin? Do the things these "racist incels" say make you upset? People don't get upset about things unless it pertains to them. Or are you a faggot liberal who cares more about other people's fake manufactured problems than their own?

Yeah huh sure thing Jamal, I'm sure you're one of the 10% that isn't a subhuman. You can thank the White man for raping your great great great grandmother, unironically the only blacks who are sentient because of the White dna they have.

Wtf are you from the future. It's only Thursday here.

Can confirm. I'm a linker and I'm an engineer and I'll be retiring young when it hits 1k EOY.

user, this is not the place for you. This is a Mongolian basket weaving forum, fuck off

just wanted to stop by and say nigger

Remember when they posted a PS of the new zealand shooting video, with "main net" or something like that?

Real classy you shit stains. Money won't give you soul

This ain’t reddit boy, i suggest you turn back

that shit people say to try to make people feel guilty. they should just go to their jobs and shut their mouths. jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs... anything else?

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