XRP General

Lads, are you still holding any of this?
I bought in after the crash at it hasn't moved significantly since.

Tell me about your bags.

Attached: ripple-shutterstock1-1.jpg (250x250, 17K)

kill yourself retard

that shit will never go past 45cents

0.5 soon

In case you haven't noticed, the market has been pretty much dead since you bought in. Only now are we starting to see signs of life again.
No one here like XRP. Make your own decisions and do your own research.

I don't do research, I just browse biz and put money in to whichever crypto has the best memes.
Ergo I'm overwhelmingly in on Link and so am having a good time.
If the Ripple memes get good I'll know it's time to switch.

I liquidated my BNB position to go all in because I think it’s due. When it tops, take profit. Have a target.

Well it can't possibly dump more!

... can it?

>that shit will never go past 45cents
see you at $1 in a couple of months
i'm not even joking

70,000 XRP @ $0.26 buy-in.

I'd like it to stay low for another month so I can buy more.

Attached: bish i got dat xrp.png (1572x651, 1.7M)

6k here am I gonna make it?

>When it tops, take profit. Have a target.
What's your target? I'm thinking it could run up to 1.80 - that's the 50% retracement level from the all time high of about $3.60

Attached: i got dat xrp.png (1035x620, 466K)

I think BTC will have to lead that kind of action. Depends on how fast it goes up and if it can sustain its run. We aren’t at a place where we can talk about alt prices without talking about BTC first.

I don’t like to throw numbers out or share targets on the off chance I’m completely right.

I’d hate to end up innone if those there memes.


Attached: 1A9FC304-5518-4A2A-B841-EF812030BF91.jpg (638x1136, 524K)

4k stack with strong hands my guys

XRP haters will fomo hard once the price is above $1.5

ripple is the only technology in proper use right now

XRP will make is millionaires

here's a good meme for you

Attached: good meme.png (1064x636, 234K)

wrong reply lol

are you my clone? i hope when xrp moons we meet and touch lamb dicks together

I bought QNT instead.

I personally intend on holding for a while. it will pump hard eventually once utility kicks in.

>it will pump hard eventually once utility kicks in.
shit's gonna be crazy

Attached: dat XRP.png (715x1000, 668K)