/cng/ - Chainlink node general - A tutorial has begun edition

In /cng/ we discuss node, api's, hardware, cloud computing services, and anything else related to node operations. if you want anything added to the op feel free to call me a faggot and let me know.

>running a node


>Ethereum as a service (EaaS)

>web services
aws.amazon.com/ (free tiers)
cloud.google.com (free for 1y for new users (($300 credit)))

>chainlink adapters

pastebin.com/Q6Wpr4dQ (work in progress)

Attached: 431_oNoV8a8h.jpg (599x798, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>can i start making linkies right now with my neet node?
you must first operate a testnet node for at least 1 week before a review. your node must accept jobs every 10 minutes with no interuptions with a cron job.

>what is a cron job?
cron is a utility in linux for time based schedules. this allows you to do request automation. how do you use it? i dont know. i just know what it is. would love to have a sample cron job to put in a pastebin.

>What tiers should I use with cloud providers?
I don't know. I am learning. Tell me your findings and I'll add them Here is what my rough findings are
Database instance - postgreSQL - amazon db.t3.small ~$30 a month
Node instance - google cloud g1-small
Geth intance - i dunno trying fiews at the moment. let me know

>How do you use chainlink adapters
I dont know. You tell me or when I find out ill add it to here

>why didnt thomas include docker run --restart always into the copy paste run command?
i dont know. here it is, assuming you generated a password file. (if it errors out because name in use do docker rm chainlink or whatever you named it. then run this again)
cd ~/.chainlink-ropsten && docker run --restart always --name chainlink -p 6688:6688 -v ~/.chainlink-ropsten:/chainlink -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink local n -p /chainlink/.password -a /chainlink/.api

>how do i set a static ip for my nodes?
in aws its called an elastic ip. in google cloud its under vpc network --> external ip addresses

christ. do women even understand what doing shit like this does to a man?

>he doesn't know
>he thinks he knows how women operate in an even remote manner

Is there a tutorial on how to start a node up using AWS or any cloud platform?

not that I know of. right now I have to focus on one cloud platform to get the basics of the tutorial going. maybe eventually I'll add aws in there. Sorry I am just one neet

you're looking at about ~$700usd per year which includes:
-two t2.micro EC2 instances (one extra on standby for failover)
-t2.micro postgresql database with multi availability zones
-fiews EaaS (or you could use infura)

awesome. thanks for the info user

700$ to run a node? with net profits it, that should be a minuscule amount to pay.


Could I package a runtime for a chainlink node into a lambda layer and allow anyone to easily use lambdas to fulfill requests? Do you reckon the cold start would be a problem? Will speed be a factor in reputation or will it mostly be on playing nice over time and staking lots?

tutorial faq updated with your info in it.

>(or you could use infura)
Never gonna make it. Infura is shit. Have fun paying high gas fees assuming they aren't having one of their regular unplanned outages.

There's not much point in running a node when there is basically zero smart contract adoption and thus no demand for the data you're providing


In the context of Chainlink nodes. Cron is one of the available types of initiators.
Same as in Linux, Cron is a way to schedule jobs preemptively. Node jobs use JSON formatting and you use the same syntax as Linux on the schedule line.

"initiators": [
"type": "cron",
"params": {
"schedule": "* * * * * *"

This is a real problem imo. I'm thinking about creating my own smart contracts right now but I'm a noob at programming.

as a link holder i find OFFENSIVE this heterosexual picture

how do you make it to where it connects up with a contract to ping the node. thats where i am lost

You mean automatically through a cron initiator or in general?

Was statue user right?

both. im literally retarded with that subject

Follow the guide. It'll have you run a ping that you trigger from a smart contract. Setting up the cron job can be confusing. You have to reference a working transaction and copy the hex code into the job while making sure you don't duplicate the transaction header. This is after you replace the original initiator with a cron initiator.
Everything you need is in the documentation other than copying the hex code into the dataprefix field of the job, which I just told you how to do.
If you can't figure it out from here, you don't deserve to run a node. It'd be a vulnerability to our ecosystem.

Add oracle cloud to the list , 500 in free credits with an email sign up and they’ve recently partnered with Microsoft to offer compatible hybrid workloads between their us datacenters , as if connected.

Useless scam coin is finally crashing HAHAHAHHAHA

all I ever wanted was sauce or her name

all I ever wanted was sauce on her name

> costs of 700,- USD / year
im out.


fuck i guess i have more reading to do. im not going to let something stupid like this stop me from running a node.