>be teen >research bitcoin, get into coding, start a company >make hundreds of millions >continue to work hard on a real product >keep sanity even whilst being inconceivably rich
if anyone of you made hundreds of millions over the course of a couple years you'd go mental
So mature he hides from being served legal papers.
Nathan Edwards
>be autistic >copy and paste Bitcoin's code >change the name and the logo >call everyone that doesn't buy it "bitcoin maximalists" brave
Jacob Mitchell
I know you go to Jow Forums vitalik, deep down you are an immature person like the rest of us
Brayden Allen
Why is eth not fucking MOONING right now i wanna buy some but fuck its 270
Jeremiah Williams
How are those smart contracts on Bitcoin coming along?
Gabriel Torres
How are you unironically replying to bait
Aaron Sullivan
Cope faketoshi
Alexander Richardson
Bitcoin has had colored coins for like 6 years, are you really this new?
Nicholas Ortiz
Autism generally shields you from normalfag problems like blowing all your money after winning the lottery
Nathan Flores
Vitalik went to the same university I'm going to now (before he dropped out). Here's a Reddit thread about him: reddit.com/r/uwaterloo/comments/7o53zm/have_anyone_met_vitalik_buterin_on_campus_before/. I'm not sure how legit this is, but if he did get 100 in all his courses he's really really fucking smart. I'm relatively smart by normie standards but I get about the average in my program (60-70s), and even the autistic geniuses who have won gold medals at International Math/Informatics Olympiads don't get marks that high (interestingly enough iirc Vitalik did compete in IOI once and got a bronze medal, which is pretty damn impressive if competitive programming wasn't his priority). I was, until a few days ago, all in on Chainlink, mostly for the memes, but if I truly cared about making smart trading decisions I'd be listening to the skelly - he knows his shit.
Asher Rivera
No user, just you.
Aaron Campbell
And from another thread: >I was in his class for CS 145. Only interaction was when I sat behind him on a Greyhound; he immediately switched seats because he thought I was a spy or something lmao
Nicholas Martin
skelly is an absolute genius in certain ways, but valuation of crypto is not one of them.
he has repeatedly stated he doesnt think ETH should be worth what it is not saying the guy is stupid, but he, like most of us, isnt great at predicting crypto prices
Dude just look at him, of course he's one of those guys in school. The guys a turbo autist, if life is an MMORPG all of his traits are in his brain. He literally pumped INT and nothing else.
Owen White
Yes he is unironically inspirational. Anyone saying otherwise is a faggot. Guy is 25 years old. Most 50 year olds would have handled it worse. Remains level headed etc but people still find fault with it
The real redpill is that by the time Vitalik started Ethereum he was already a millionaire (2 mil from sale of his bitcoin magazine, one of the earliest pop-tech resources on bitcoin). 99.99% of niggas here would quit everything and become beach bums for the rest of their lives if you had them two mil