Anyone realize how mature Vitalik is?

>be teen
>research bitcoin, get into coding, start a company
>make hundreds of millions
>continue to work hard on a real product
>keep sanity even whilst being inconceivably rich

if anyone of you made hundreds of millions over the course of a couple years you'd go mental

real dude right here

Attached: 1546629504385.jpg (788x650, 146K)

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Vitalik pls go back and work on your stablecoin


So mature he hides from being served legal papers.

>be autistic
>copy and paste Bitcoin's code
>change the name and the logo
>call everyone that doesn't buy it "bitcoin maximalists"

I know you go to Jow Forums vitalik, deep down you are an immature person like the rest of us

Why is eth not fucking MOONING right now i wanna buy some but fuck its 270

How are those smart contracts on Bitcoin coming along?

How are you unironically replying to bait

Cope faketoshi