Attached: 1559074854306.jpg (600x606, 171K)

shit, un-cancel christmas.

fuck off stinky

>still under $1.80
Yeah ok

Nice little bump there -- thought you were joking at first.

yas yaas

>down more than -80% from the ATH
>Barely trading above ICO price
>Team no longer work on the project
..yeah, "mooning hard" is a bit of an overkill



Pick one

down 10% from ath
ico was $0.15
We not mooning hard, but please fud with more effort.

More like 20%+ down in sats from ath

Pumps to 1.77

INSTANT dump to 1.74

Looks like whoever is selling is doing so via a bot.

On the usdt pair, there was a sell order of a few thousand linkies that was repeatedly moving down a fraction of a cent every couple seconds or so.

Looks like it got bought, though.

>Looks like it got bought, though
Looks like there's another one. A couple orders totalling about 6-7k link moving down a few fractions of a cent every couple moments.

Attached: Linkie.png (645x729, 129K)

Aaaaaaaaaaand it's dumping again.

Its not faggot nigger bitch

Unironic keks

Attached: 1560375982106.png (1286x694, 936K)

What the fuck does "hard" mean to you? Good god.

Not yet, you dipshit. I told you to post that next month.

Consider your Bogcoin advance forfeit.


>He's going to die
>Literally leaving 10K STINKS to his family
The Delusion

Who gives a fuck we still $1.75 do you niggers remember we were 60 cents or lower for over a year. Kys

The only time I'll be sad I didn't sell my link stack is if we go back to .40 cents. If it goes to .80 cents maybe I'll buy some more

12k linklet here

they don't remember because they weren't here for it