It’s over

It’s over.

I am economically destroyed.

Attached: E974587F-A7DB-4906-9996-326836B1D855.jpg (160x172, 9K)

It's done.

I am fiscally devastated.

Attached: 4F32CCE9-1245-46B0-AD3C-4F885280AE25.jpg (720x715, 55K)

It's finished.

I am monetarily heemed.

me hav no mone

I thought you guys were going to 1000 sats?
>Checks chart

why are you guys so dramatic? nearly every coin was deep in the red during btc's recent launch. are you all teenage girls? act like's pathetic.

It's ended.

I am financially insolvent.

It has concluded. I am economically obliterated.

se acabó.

Estoy destruido financieramente.

My finances,

In tatters

it is depleted.

i am monetarily BTFO

Attached: 1559785250400.gif (250x376, 897K)

Hope u guys bought the dip.. it'll never be under .021 cents again.


what was, is no more.

net worth curve eternally inverted

It's come to an end.

I am financially molested.

I am Satoshically sabotaged

I just bought LINK :)

I am CZ scammed

CZ foreshadowing

Attached: C1AB9DF3-01ED-449B-A915-6955896CD1F2.jpg (1125x1205, 193K)

Dubs and I go all in ONE with my last $7000

Attached: bighat.jpg (334x506, 28K)

No fuck I was just kidding GODDAMNIT.

Dubs and you have to follow through


do it faggot

we are waiting

Hahaha now u have to go all in for 7k or reply to this post to else ur mother will die in her sleep tonite.

Matter of fact, whoever is reading this has to reply to this post or ur mother will die in her sleep tonite. "all in for 7k" dude's fate gets sealed another 2x for every reply that ends in repeating integers in any form or fashion

you tempted Kek and were rewarded. Do not doubt.

Let’s see it


lol, where's that pajeet that put 10 BTC into this?



jokes on you if my mom dies I get 100k in inheritance

Attached: Screenshot_20190618-131310_Binance.jpg (1080x2220, 221K)

Time for the screencap faggot

it is finished
i am fiscally defenestrated

Attached: 5e6d19ff4216e3d5cb92a0db47d5790e.gif (300x250, 304K)

Do it faggot

Game Over Man, GAME OVER!

>Keep it at 0.02
>suck all the satoshis you can out of it
>Get Chink’d