How do we beat the boomers?

How do we beat the boomers?

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you live long enough to become the boomer

Not how it works

A economic boomer is once in a 1000 years occurence

Start acting like an adult and you might have a chance

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buy crypto. It was designed By Basedtoshi Nakamato in order to transfer wealth from boomer to zoomer.

But how does that transfer wealth?

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No bulge

boomer assets are stocks, houses and government bonds Buying btc you are practically making their assets worthless, or at least lose value relative to crypto.

It's not the boomers you should be worried about. It's the millenials and gen x who inherit their shit when they die.

By having a special altcoin we accept that isn't jewed that younger generations can get majority and hodl/only accept this special chosen coin for our bussinesses/product/drugs.

How do I beat her with my dick?

Boomers aren't going to leave anything behind for their children. They are driven by convenience.

Isn't it sad that we're now disappointed by that?

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Not gonna make it

Stop posting these useless thot women you fucking virgin.

Nah, maybe our kids will be after the upcoming war with Iran though.

You can start by cleaning your room.

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You will never beat us!

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Boomer assets give you cashflow, money in the form of interest, dividends and rent checks. Crypto gains are based on selling to a bigger fool, until the bubble pops.
This is why boomers win in the end!

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If no-one buys boomers assets from boomers, the assets still give you cashflow.
If no-one buys crypto, crypto owners get 0 profits!

You either die a zoomer, or live long enough to see yourself become the boomer.
also checkem

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Smoke weed
Chill tf out.

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Come to flavor country user.

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