

Attached: 1535719289736.jpg (250x242, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

stop posting memes and go build something

ew. Mobius is way better.

>4th industrial revolution

Hahahaha killled it. For those of us that bought at 20 cents we sitting pretty. No dip can phase us. Although I should have transferred my whole stack to btc but whatevs.

not even altcoins.jpg...

>go build something
lol is this the new "have sex"?

Attached: 1560989212800.jpg (500x323, 33K)

pee pee poo poo

Attached: 1537401085885.png (500x622, 139K)

go build something.

I just got into crypto a couple weeks ago & I'm astounded by how dumb this board is. You guys don't see that lurkers have been pumping & dumping the shit out of LINK because they know there's this weird cult following that will always keep it afloat?

have sex.

haha yes im gay and i hold chainlink

Attached: 1498191621641.jpg (300x300, 7K)

>go build something.
>have sex.

Attached: 1561000453267.gif (480x344, 3.5M)

go sex build

Fuck off back to you know where....

>t. Neo's older and more violent brother

Attached: The Thing.jpg (1000x1500, 189K)

I was about to get LINKed and now I won't be able to use Binance in September wat do

ITS happening

check the update date

It’s on Good wallet too.

based pee pee poo poo poster

learn to sex

I'm not here to make money off of crypto. I am hanging around this cesspool of degenerates just so I can laugh at you morons when link crashes and burns and you lose it all.