Frens, WW3 soon, how to profit?

It's happening.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Learn to slaughter and cut human meat

Buy Bitcoin, have sex.

It's not fucking "happening" you stupid jackass. How often does this shit happen, all the fucking time. Then all the fucking time stupid little jackasses like yourself say it's "happening" it's not happening nothing will come of this just like everything else, it's just over exaggerated nonsense being spoon fed to you by the media

Go build something

Get a job
>innovate for boomer companies without getting paid

I smell two tasty meat bags

Nothing will ever happen in your lifetime.

I don't give a fuck about avenging shit, leave us out of it please.

Besides those last minutes of his life when the nukes are launched

Nobody is going to war over a fucking drone.

Read this

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No one cares about Bosnia

Not gonna happen user. Literally nothing will happen

the new york times headline....made up fake news. these journalists should be gassed

the US government is controlled by zionist israeli kikes
do not believe their lies

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dumb nigger

if it were happening the headlines would be something completely different

Spend more time on Jow Forums and you’ll learn nothing ever happens

Will this cause oil prices to go up or down? I need to know if I want to save money for the crash or buy now. Thanks in advance

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Gold and oil will prolly blast off if things get nasty

It's not about caring or not, it's about learning from the experience of others.

you are an incredible idiot it was basically a testnet for bigger armed conflicts