Press D to dab on bears

Press D to dab on bears

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This is the most boring bullrun ever. Bitcoin is rocketing up weekly yet no memes or anything


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I'm guessing this is just the start and just the fake-out. I imagine the actual bull run will be so parabolic, fueled by a wave of leveraged longs, that we will go 20k to 100k in like 3 hours


Nice chan id fren

This is how you know we're nowhere close to the top. It's been green nonstop yet the catalog barely has any wojacks. Unironically smart money/early adopters for this wave.




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bad news...

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normies wont be back until 40k at least. guess that puts the next shit show around Q2 2020

>July 2019
Already wrong.

rocketing while being 50% lower than few years ago

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That's just because so many people are believing Asuka poster that they buy in earlier than expected.
The price will decrease to 8k and will be 9.2k on July 18th

>dab on bears
>Scheduled to dip to $9200 no matter what it does this week

the parabolic correction will be glorious

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Thats because it's only just started. The memes will come at 30k.

>20k to 100k in like 3 hours

It would dump just as fast.

Why would it drop from 56k to 87 dollars though

It's a typo, asukafag missed a 0 at the end.

Sauce pls sir ......



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He was posting here two days ago. He said that he'll check back in July

oh my lord Vishnu, look at the toilet on that biche...

Oh shit, link?? I am mean, what a fucking god. I never believed this cap when I first saw it, and I still don't believe any of the predictions after July, but history is proving him right.

I'm at work, pushing a huge nigger into the toilet. I'm not going to search it for you now

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somebody shop "WE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER" on her shirt pls sirs




I've always wondered whether he misplaced a comma or forgot the last zero on 87,00




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He was having a stroke.

I have no ill will against the poor folks who are bearish on bitcoin. At the end of the day we are all just looking to make it.

Instead my cock get instantly hard off the thought of watching all these selfish boomers hold on to their over inflated bags and coping with a quarterly 0,5% dividend, calling our internet bucks a scam until they finally fomo in @ 100k/BTC on the recommendation of their (((financial advisor))). Fuck every single one of them, pumping our monetary system with quantitative easing and our lands with 3rd world niggers. Eternally dabbing on all of them.

Why does the last November not have a year ?

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Here's a double dose of dab for them suicidal bears

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I want to dump on normies so baaad, can't wait LOL

At my university, my doomer professor was very interested in bitcoin in 2017. We had to write papers, hold presentations and create investment strategies for cryptos. After 3 months he came to the conclusion that everything is nonsense, there is no real money inside cryptos, just like forex. It's all just hot air and high hopes of people and their money.
He said money is just a concept we gave value to because we can use it to trade it for other goods. The same counts for every currency, even cryptos. The only reason why bitcoin gained so much in price is just because people believe in bitcoin and put their money into it.

There is absolutely nothing of value in cryptos, demand and offer is the only thing that drives the price. Even cryptos that are backed up by physical goods (i.e. Monero) are completely worthless if nobody buys them.

Stocks on the other hand have actual people behind it and the companies' values, something someone might want to invest into.

Because everyone making memes know it’s going down to sub 6 k levels

Get your pink wojaks ready boyo

This is all true and the reason why 99% of current crypto currencies will fail. However Bitcoin is not an alternative for stocks but an alternative to fiat currency.

He had one correct prediction. If it turns out true, then we are all fucking rich

you were not here for 17k EOD. oh shit it wont stop and just we hit 17K at lunch thread sir?

>if nobody wants something it has no trade value
god dude your professor is a fucking genius

Can't wait to short XBT down to 9.2k

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Why do you all place so much emphasis on a random user's price prediction

Becausr it's funny.


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because his predictions are right

fiat is just paper. is fiat worthless?

>is fiat worthless?
not quite
>gif related

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Well, paper money is federal debt, so it is worth something because it can be used to pay something.

>Stocks on the other hand have actual people behind it and the companies' values, something someone might want to invest into.

>There is absolutely nothing of value in cryptos, demand and offer is the only thing that drives the price
your professor is akin to kevin o'leary
I'm more akin to Pompliano
from his interview it's clear Pompliano read book related
I'd recommend Jow Forumsraelis take a look and read it as well
pearls of wisdom are inside

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>Stocks on the other hand have actual people behind it and the companies' values, something someone might want to invest into.
except you don't own those people, if your stock doesn't pay out dividends it's a worthless ponzi, it's as if you helf a share of your faorite football team that doesn't give you any dividends or any say in what happens, it's just a collectible

Your professor isnt wrong about currency.
But he cant make the leap from currency to everything else. Nothing has value without the subjective perceptions of people.

People are scared it will all collapse in a second. Instead we'll go from strength to strength just as predicted.

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he's an academic, by definition they're limited in what they're allowed to think and say
oftentimes the limitation is entirely self imposed

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>your stock doesn't pay out dividends it's a worthless ponzi
You do get voting rights so that's something to consider.

it's still a useless meme especially when the company keeps 51%