How do I day trade without going broke?

how do I day trade without going broke?

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You don't.

have sex

Pretty easy just do cocaine and have sex with prostitutes

>thinks he can compete with literal daytrading AI developed by literal 200 IQ PhD in math geniuses

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git gud

just do the opposite of whatever is making you go broke

for example you could try buying low and selling high

Rule 1 : If you're in a country that taxes crypo transactions you don't day trade without going broke

Given that you seem pretty dumb I'd guess you're a burger, so just give up the day trading, unless you want to experience anal pleasure in a federal prison.

autism. seriously you have to be in some way mentally ill to succeed in this business. it is unbearable.

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>for example you could try buying low and selling high
Preposterous, how is he going to make money like that?

If you’re a retail investor then you don’t in the long run. However, brainlets on this board will convince you that you have a chance.

how make money from fuck prostitute?2

Shit post, trade, shill post, trade
jack off, trade, clean up, trade
Pass out, trade, wake up, trade
Gaming, trade, gaming, trade

Now I done grew up round some people living their life full throttle
Boomer daddy held that golden kodak right down to the bottom
Some people like the way it feels
Some people wanna kill their sorrows
Some people wanna buy a qt asian girl that was my problem
I was in a dark room vapor tunes, looking to make a vow soon
That I'mma buy some alt coins , fillin'up my bag I see the price move
Changing by the minute and the fashwaves on repeat
Bought a dip, then another dip, then based poster says to me

brainlet why you split your stack between 8 or 9 coins?
I'mma show you how to wet these ladies loins
First you get a stack made of linkies, then you pump it
stack made of linkies, then you pump it
I post a few memes, then I watch 'em all flock
All the frens wanna buy big yachts
I got a stack made of linkies, and they buy it
stack made of Linkies and imma dump it

...And that's how its done kid.

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You become me but unluckily for you that is not possible, tough luck!

In forex it's possible because the volume is so large that the algorithms don't move the price, the market is less efficient because the vast majority of forex trading is utility based and not speculative. Conversely crypto is the exact opposite so day trading in crypto is ASKING to get raped.

sell low buy high

Imagine the cry of algo-asians when chad whale comes in

what about swing trading?


The most important think to remember is, that TA doesn't work. If it worked, someone could simply write a script which uses meme lines, fibonacci retracements, eliot waves and so on, and become filthy rich within months.

Don’t day trade, trade 3-7 day intervals much less risk with lots of rewards, example you waited 3-5 days for btc to dump from 9k to 7.5k and then went in x10 lev you’d be laughing now, trying to trade by the day is asking for rape t

The only TA that works is horizontal support and resistance that’s it everything else is a dumb meme line

Burger here, explain?

Every trade you do you need to declare and pay 33% on profits and declare losses, so if you make 100 trades a week you’ll need to account your taxes for each and every trade if u wanna cash out without moving countries

How will they know you are day trading?

Well if you want to cash out unless you use local bitcoins to cash out but transferring any amount to a bank account like hundreds or so without any location will raise bank alarms and they will report you to the IRS especially if you use coinbase

Like if you’re constantly cashing out 100-1000 dollars every week or two from a crypto site like coinbase you will be reported to the IRS at some point

Yeah but how will they know your gains came from daytrading instead of just capital gains from hodling over the years?

That's retarded, if I'm gonna cash it out its goiong to be like 100k once a year and pay the capital gains


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only horizontal? No diagonal

Because every move you make is kept track of and they can see that. You realize you're on the internet right now? This isn't some back alley dick suck cash deal like you're used to.

I'm a newfag but even I can tell that when shit goes parabolic diagonal means shit

How about cashing out via Bitcoin ATM

Well guess what retard you’re going to have to prove where you got that 100k and if they see 1000+ trades then they’ll ass fuck you don’t even try outsmart the IRS , even check out stories of cunts trading in 2017 didn’t declare lost it all in 2018 and are now in debt because of undeclared gains god are you new

Paper trial, easily leads back to you. There is absolutely nothing anonymous about the internet, it's only who's privy to the information. The powers that be are privy to all information. They know what you jack off to, when you sleep and when you wake up, and they sure as shit know how much money you have, where you keep it and what you do with it. Their entire strategy revolves around knowing everything about everyone, you could never cheat them with memecoins that they probably invented.

Tbh trend lines do work with horizontal areas and volume but everything else is hocus pocus and there’s no need for it

Nobody knows anything mate. The world is huge.

Tell me what your plan would be when IRS ask for proof of your trades and holdings to earn 100k? You going to lie and forge trades? Yeah good luck

Jesus I hope this is bait. They're watching you right now.

Fuck someone needs to vocaroo this

What if I cash out in a different country?

You’re fine then but won’t be able to go back to the States unless you money launder, Germany is 0 tax if you hold an assets for more than 1 year so if you make 100k+ can hold it in btc for a year move to Germany get citizenship and then start cashing out , many other scenarios but you the drift but chance you may not be able to go back to the States without paying up / facing charges, yes i know it’s a fucking scam fuck tax

I have dual citenship.

I know it’s reddit but there’s plenty of stories like this

Where about? Check if that country has better tax laws and cash out there, if it is better you’re lucky mate can probably work around it


that is fucking not true the whole "1 year hodl" in germany is a meme.
you either pay 25% taxes on captial gains or even income taxes.

there is no tax free gain in germany except:
800€ which is tax free for everyone in one year
gains from real estate are tax free after 10 years

I've just released a trading platform based on Bitcoin and I organize a trading competition to test it. Each participant starts with a capital of 1BTC.

To get it, you just need to register (1000 traders max). No deposit or KYC required.

At the end of the competition, 30 June 2019 - 23:59:59 UTC, all profits (Final balance in BTC - 1BTC) made will be recorded as part of the exchange's debt and paid each month with 50% of the monthly fees collected from July 2019 onwards.

If you have less than a BTC in your balance at the end of the competition then nothing happens.

If you are profitable at the end of the competition, you'll receive each month a percentage of your profits made during the competition.

No deposit or KYC will be required to withdraw your profits.

May the best traders win.


Without stop losses you're absolutely guaranteed to lose a lot in a short time

Can you set a stop loss for a lower price and a sell limt for an upper price simultaneously on binance?

only with some modifications, cryptotradersTV offer it for tier3 subscriber on

Is this legit? or is it a literal scam for you pajeets to get access to my info.

it is legit

Have enough saved up to allow for tolerance on price swings of bigger, more liquid stocks. After that, patience and knowing when not to make completely retarded bets.

Buy V-ID
wait two years
Sell V-ID

golden cross isnt a meme