My mom is kicking me out of the fucking house

She wants 500$ a month in rent and I have 10,000 LINK and negative 220$ in my checking account. I showed the dumb bitch where Link's price is right now and she knew where it was before. She's at her wits end with me and I told her to just give it 3 more months, but she isnt having it. She took away my XBOX too and I'm in South Dakota where there is nothing else to do but play Halo 3. Shes telling me to go work in an oil field but I dont want to be killed when we are so close to the singularity. Any South Dakota LinkMarines I can stay with for the summer? I'll give you 500 link. Or should I just hit the fat bitch over the head with a frying pan?

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I open the fridge. The smell of big macs slowly crawls up to my nostrils. I freeze up. Terrifying thoughts begin to emerge from my subconsciousness as the happy meal engulfs me. I cannot take it anymore. The flashbacks make me have a seizure. I fall towards the floor but remain unscrached as I hit a soft cheesy texture instead. Entire room is now filled with this moist deep fried culinary disaster. I begin to suffocate and in desperation utter my last words "1000 suicides EOY".

500k is a lot to pay for somewhere to crash

I’m from South Dakota you can stay with me if your boi pucci is tight

That id tho

Just say you're going to look for a job starting tomorrow then drive to the park and relax all day each day for the next few weeks saying you're out looking for work. Eventually she will give up.

What town?

Lol tard. Your mother is correct

I open the fridge. The smell of big macs slowly crawls up to my nostrils. I freeze up. Terrifying thoughts begin to emerge from my subconsciousness as the happy meal engulfs me. I cannot take it anymore. The flashbacks make me have a seizure. I fall towards the floor but remain unscrached as I hit a soft cheesy texture instead. Entire room is now filled with this moist deep fried culinary disaster. I begin to suffocate and in desperation utter my last words "1000 suicides EOY".

And what is your rank? If I am a higher rank than you then you can't take advantage me me like that.



77,777.7777 links

What is it that kills so many people on oil rigs?

DUDE! Im in Lake Andes

You again? Just go work in the oil fields you poofter, if it doesn't put some hair on your chest you'll at least make more money to invest in your scam of choice.

I cant believe we are like 8 miles from each other.

Meet me at Two Spurs right now. Ive never met another linkmarine.

>id: jewry


Ladies and gentlemen, this is your prototypical chain link holder. Lmfao

Do you live alone or with your mom too?

Join the military you dumbass. If you can't get a basic retail job then you are fucked unless you enlist. Lawnmowing painting construction do something bruh

why the fuck would i possibly go get blown up for israel when i have a semi comfy link stack? are you black or just stupid?

lol biz at it again

>exploiting his family
>calls others niggers

I live in Mitchell, talk to me

only an hour away. how old are you and whats your living situation and how many link you havE?

I am a marine and you don't need to know my stack. 27, one bedroom apartment and will take linkies


desu im shocked there are more than 2 south dakota link marines period. and there is 3 in this thread since i made it an hour ago. I wonder how many south dakota link marines there are.

I was only asking how many you have because I wanted to make sure you werent bulshitting me becuase if u had like 50k then you wouldnt want to have me stay for a measly 500 which is the only amount im willing to part with. I mean its south dakota. Im not black so it isnt like im going to stick a gun in your head.

You are such a faggot. Nice fucking photo of your house.

You're honestly kinda schizo and wouldn't want an epic bro hitting with with my kitchen utensils

We can meet up tho bc we are epic

How do we do this? Wanna just give me your cell?

Sure I'll give u a burner


Imagine not seeing this post every week on Jow Forums

Be wary of OP. That's pasta

LINKies should be gassed.

So are you guys really gonna take OPs boipussy? Or should I fly down there and do it myself?

beware of him, his ID is jew
he will steal your linkies when you sleep
tread lightly

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Kek knows, can't fool this goy.


Exactly. I've seen this at least twice now, op is probably a datamining serial killer kike

Get out of here you fucking leaf.

we all drank our urine for 9 months straight, in the womb. Amniotic fluid is urine. For the first 3 months it’s mainly your mom’s pee. And for the remaining 6 months it’s mainly yours. There’s no umbilical cord attached to your genitals. The umbilical cord is attached to your intestines. And that should be another proof to people that urine is not a waste product, waste goes through your intestines. That’s what that excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, just about, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine? Urine is actually the ultimate, perfect, water, liquid. It’s what we grow in. And we would not have grown without it. And when you’re in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You actually are continually sucking your own urine down your mouth. And that is more proof that it’s not a waste product.[2011] Andrew Norton Webber interview (Urine therapy, distilled water) by Chrissy McMahon

Oil work is tough but pays well and you know you should suck it up and get a job OP, don't sell your linkies for mommy money. Shit, you pay your mom and double your stack in a few months

Stab the bitch in her fucking neck

Kek Praise you

Not a damn thing. On a completed well right now pulling crude.

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>3 more months.
lmao another NEET getting justed by life. I love it.

what state? Can i come work for you?

Texas, eagleford area. And nah, gotta get two more trucks for my brothers before I start working on getting drivers.

Seriously though. Dakota's can be tough, but join a cement or frac crew if you have zero exp. You'll get a cdl, and generally enough hours to clear 80-100k a year. Just be ready to work.

One year, all to link/btc, retire.


By the time i do all that bullshit Link will be at 1000$ and then I can buy the oil field your working on.

Also...I dress up in my younger sisters clothes once every 2-3 months. I dont think Im cut out for working on some oil well

OP, just cash out 10% and live comfortably for a couple for months. Seriously.

my mom is a fucking bitch she babied me growing up. she never wanted to me to work on the nearby farm even though i love gardening and now the fucking cocksucking whore wants to me to work on a fucking oil well like bruce willis on that asteroid. fuck everything. fucking indians are all over this fucking state too I cant even camp out somewhere waiting for the singularity without worrying about getting bow and arrowed by some prairie nigger. Fucking how the fuck didnt the colonists just wipe out every fucking indian why did they let some live

Meh, you could be the camp bitch. No point being one foot in one foot out. Suck some dicks, give up that boipussy, prolly do alright for yourself. Month on location, standards drop quick.

Are you on the oil well for extended periods of time? How many men do you think your wife has let fuck her while you are away?

With $500 a month you can probably rent a house or nice apartment in South Dakota. I say move out of your moms place immediately pay $100 for a shit hole.

Killing her is an option too cause honestly who gives a fuck what happens in South Dakota.

The hour of reckoning has come to the NEET.

Not so comfy anymore, aren't we? Get a job, you bum!

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This is the average link holder ladies and gentlemen

Not married, and home nightly. Not a roughneck. I can tell you though, the best salesmen in the field are pretty blondes willing to go under the company man's desk. Are you a natural blonde?

It's funny because as a Link holder I know 99% of these people will sell before their stack even gets to six figures dollar-wise. It doesn't matter if you identified the trigger for the Fourth Industrial revolution and invested all you had in it if you don't have your shit together and circumstances you've created force you to sell early.

The best investments are those that you can afford to let mature because you won't need the money NOW.

I'm laughing my ass off at the NEET investors every time they post. So rich!

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Holy shit. You need to be put in a straight jacket

I’m American you fuck nugget.