Pick one

>1 million dollars
>Billie as you permanent sex slave

Attached: rs_634x1024-190522154219-634-billie-eilish.cm.52219.jpg (634x1024, 63K)

million dollars

1 million dollars

money, why anyone would even, she looks like a man and has eyes of a psycho

For me, it’s Clai-roe

Attached: BA7D27D8-4009-4062-893C-E6A01160C4CF.png (423x750, 462K)

The cash money ofc. That bitch will give it up for a couple of Xanax.

Million bucks
This nigger liver probably already has multiple stds

i know right, don't you just want her to put stuff in your butt

no pussy on this world is worth $100

not into things with dicks tho