Pick one

>1 million dollars
>Billie as you permanent sex slave

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million dollars

1 million dollars

money, why anyone would even, she looks like a man and has eyes of a psycho

For me, it’s Clai-roe

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The cash money ofc. That bitch will give it up for a couple of Xanax.

Million bucks
This nigger liver probably already has multiple stds

i know right, don't you just want her to put stuff in your butt

no pussy on this world is worth $100

not into things with dicks tho

>trading any amount of money for a 5/10 at best
>probably a coal burner
>epitome of le edge
Are you fried?

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Billie is cheap whore lookswise
1 million easy
She's only so status-ified because she made songs that younger zoomers now find popular

ill take the bitch since my link stack will fetch me much more than one million in the near future

you idiots
she is easily worth more than 1mil. ill take the rich autist.

why don't you just have a boy grow out his hair and dress him up with your million dollars, you Liberace faggot queer it'll be the same fucking thing, kys

1 million
very easy choice

>not chosing billie and selling the tape for 10 million

Never gonna make it

I'll take Billie.

I'll be a millionaire if bitcoin goes to 100k but that doesn't guarantee me a girl unless I pay for it.

I'll take the millions dollars, it's much more versatile.
The woman is definitely hot, but she is also quite disgusting.

i don't even know who that is

Holy fuck you guys are thinking small
>permanent sex slave
>rent out slave for 40k a week to some depraved rich fuck
you break even with the 1m deal after just under half a year and get more passive income after that

I just realized billy is an emcel

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You wanna know how I know you are a pathetic teen faggot OP?

I choose Billy, I'm gonna get my million dollars with link anyway.

At least post a hot Asian. This cunt is fugly