New to biz, just seen the IQ data mining tread

congratulations, you seems really autistic outsmarting normies, but what if you were wrong about Iota?
Would remember that in 2016 there were a lot of user say Eth was a shit, and in 2011 many anons said that bitcoin was not worthing to mine
What if you were wrong about Iota? Let's say in 5 years this things becames the backbone of iot sistem (in 5 years really the iot will be a reality) wouldn't kill yourselvess cause you could buy a suicide stack and you didn't do it?
Let's remember that iota is german, no pajeetry here.
Let's remember that iota works with the most influent compnies of the world
Let's remember corcidice protocolle

So, do you hate Iota just because you are a racist board and you have to keep this ''racist'' alone and you don't want to give up buying the jew coin, or have you really looked at the whitepaper technically and then, have you decided tha it's technically ''shit'' ?
And if it's technically shit I would like to know why, please.

No shill tread,Verification I don't own it

Attached: ff.png (1920x1080, 749K)

the only thing iota is good for is pumping and dumping on plebbitors

could you please provide a technically explaination of why iot is shit?
Aren't you capable ?

Most degenerates who browse this board don’t deserve to make it anyways, iota is as guaranteed to make it at btc

Can you explain in a technical language ...why?
Because in this way I can't understand who is falsh who is not

Translation; Skynet

I'll pass thanks

Stop shitting in the street

What the hell is that image format? What’s with the spacing? Is this some sort of steganography bullshit?

Well do you think it's so hard to build up iot objct which they connect on internet to ssendo your data to the jews?

redditors just assume iota will be used in iot devices cause of the name.
even if it that were true what would be the advantage of using a blockchain in devices.

the scalability that IOTA provides and decentralized ledger (COO will be removed)

No it's not hard, that's the problem.

thee object need to communicate with servers and feeless and scalability, Iota suits perfect the rol

fucking lel

Two options:
1. Iota is a shitcoin and deservedly dies
2. Implanted iota chips are the mark of the beast
Since you’re Hindu i guess you might be comfortable betting on option 2

where do i find a sniffy sniff like this?

>wants to smell a tatted up hooker
>why is he always alone

So comfirmed for skynet

libra is going to be the mark
evidence in plain sight MARK Zuckerberg, c'mon

Name 1 way a blockchain/tangle is needed to solve the problem and why its a better solution than a Database.

needs to be trustless, easy

Gimme the example faggot

Wtf hope this is b8

Tesla, Jaguar, Audi, VW run their iot ledger on a private oracle database. Suddely, for whatever dubious reason, data feeds to tesla are faster than those from foreign companies. Turns out local brands get nepotic advantages.

This possibility alone, regarless of likelihood, justifies a trustless (after coordicide) ledger

Industry standards have to be decentralized, you cannot run the risk of one company gaining an advantage over it’s competition

Kek. Yeah, companies are totally gonna eliminate vectors for competitive advantage.

Companies won't have an iota ora db because they won't use iota.
It's has no persuasive, likely use case.

Do you have any idea what an industry standard is?
Take data taken from cars for example, a Ford may wish communicate with a Volvo for traffic data in return for a small monetary fee (which will be paid in iotas). Do you really think either Ford/Volvo/any car company wants that to be through a database controlled by one company/entity?

>why internet if every company can have their own private intranet lul

Attached: 1560254427751.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

Either user is leaping or full-blown retarded


Theyll pay for that using standard bank to bank payments. Iota provides no advantage.

ok you've convinced me, you're larping. Nobody is actually this retarded

>Iota provides no advantage
Except for a feeless, (theoretically) instantly scalable and (if coordicide works out) completely decentralized transaction settlement system?

Bank-to-bank transfers are, again, centralised as fuck and are not capable of sending microtransactions (1million iotas is about 40 cents right now, 1 Miota could be $1000 and each iota still absolutely tiny)

These small amounts are perfect for Iot - small, constant micro-payments for tiny pieces of data each time they are requested from one machine to another

The machine to machine economy is not a meme, it is an inevitability. IOTA will be the currency of automated systems and devices, if you can't see how big this is you may be blindsided by sour FUDders.

That said, i will be selling my IOTA and fucking off to the furthest place away from where these machine to machine economys will be

>Let's remember that iota is german, no pajeetry here.
the main devs are some russian sperglord with an attitude problem and a norwegian narcissist who is a smug retard