I came up with a brilliant way to solve the scaling problem with Bitcoin even with only 1mb blocks, it's really simple:
What we need to do is book our transactions in advance, for example if you need to buy groceries next month you book your transaction for a month in advance that way you will ensure that you will have the lowest transaction fees. For people that need to make emergency purchases like insulin they can just pay a fine ($100-200 would be reasonable) to the person who booked their transaction for that block, that way people are encourage to book their transactions as they could make money from it.
Also another way that will help is if you bundle all your transactions into one transaction, for example if a company expects to buy $200,000 worth of construction materials from another company in a year they can just send $200,000 worth of Bitcoin to them at the start of the year and have that amount be in credit for future purchases
I’m sorry but this is kind of stupid. No company is going to hand away their liquidity to prepay future bills.
Michael Brooks
This still doesnt solve scaling. Once more than 7tps are being added to the mempool someone is going to get left out. This is undeniable fact. I dont care how patient you are or how hard you lowball your fees. We just havent hit a sustained 7tps yet which is why BTC is able to get away with it. I really do think larger blocks would have been better. We could do both larger blocks and lightning network; they aren't mutually exclusive.
Owen Cook
I dont want to spend my btc, I want to store my value in it. Nobody goes grocery shopping with gold coins either.
Christopher Hall
But companies are going to receive pre-payment from other companies as well so it's a zero sum game
Well the waiting time for transactions might get long but when it does that's a positive sign that adoption is taking off
Juan Taylor
You're right and thank you for helping to not fill up the mempool but some people are still going to try to spend Bitcoin even if they should be hodling so we need to figure out a way to optimise that, if that can't be done that it would be best to slowly reduce the blocksize to discourage spending and promote hodling
your chart ends where I bought and at which time you probably sold lmao.
Daniel Harris
can the devs at some point hard fork bitcoin to halt block halving?
Kevin Taylor
except gold has actual real world applications in electronics and aerospace.
Austin Green
There is no scaling problem. Poorfags can just use whatever fiat scam is available to them. Or one of 1000s of shitcoin networks.
Lucas Mitchell
The chart shows that it actually matters more than anything else WHEN you get in and WHEN you cash out, meaning it's not a store of value.
Thank you so much for literally proving my point with your comment. BTC is an extremely volatile speculative vehicle, NOT a store of value by any measure.
>they can just pay a fine ($100-200 would be reasonable) to the person who booked their transaction for that block user, are you fucking retarded?
Oliver Jenkins
No one said it's a stablecoin retard. Zoom out.
Eli Howard
Enjoy $0 btc
Nolan Gutierrez
>What is Bitcoin(sv)?
Xavier Russell
What do you think "store of value" means brainlet? It doesn't mean lose 90% of your value today and gain 40% of your value tomorrow.
It means relative purchasing power persists over time. BTC is the total opposite of that.
I hate retards.
Aaron Sanders
>What we need to do is book our transactions in advance, for example OR we change 1 line of code and allow more transactions.
this image is almost 4 MB, check how long it takes you to download it and think about how many years into the future it would be before constant 4 MB blocks were even a thing
But 4MB decreases decentralization! Bigger blocks = more centralized miners. My Raspberry Pi should be able to participate in the network!
Leo Thomas
you fucking moron arr so stupid you deserve to stay poor.
its store of value not store of inflation adjusted usd value. fucking inflation numbers are the biggest scam in history to devalue every single productive human on this planet. fiat no longer is a means of exchange but of subtile slavery. >t. unda 2 percent teehee
Easton Brown
BTC doesn't need to scale. People that can't afford the decentralization of Bitcoin will use LN or shitcoins
Nathan Smith
or you just buy the real bitcoin (BSV)
Brayden Johnson
>we change 1 line of code doable only on centralized shitcoins