He coulda bought the coin that will change the world

>he coulda bought the coin that will change the world
>he bought stinky linky instead

never change bizlets

Attached: monero9344.png (499x500, 58K)

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Isn’t that the coin that is not provably inflation proof? Pass me up with that shit

I bought both, and I'm still looking fro another moonshot to buy.

>Isn’t that the coin that is not provably inflation proof?
Unironically 5k by 2022

Attached: olxfvuj5cx321.png (864x504, 73K)

has less inflation that bitcoin

XMR will go to 150 usd this month, mark my words

pic related

Attached: download.png (1483x949, 79K)

if you're talking about the
>oh we cant verify there aren't 1 billion coins because its private lul
you're wrong
it is 100% verifiable that this is not happening, its just proved through math...u know like all blockchains....

TFW feeling comfy as Monero owner

Attached: 1557129971877s.jpg (250x250, 6K)

i sold 420 XMR in 2016 to buy 10 rocks of crack. i have 10 left. please send fucking help immediately.

If you bought 10 rocks of crack and have ten left you should probably smoke one or all of them.

Pedersen commitments ensure that the inputs and outputs of each RingCT transaction are balanced, ensuring that the only way new moneroj enter the ecosystem is through the auditable transparent coinbase process.

Is it possible to cash out with xmr ? It is the only option to hodl forever?

wait for .1

I'm not concerned with the value I'm more concerned that everything that touches xmr will be blacklisted

XMR will make probably 8x this year (in sats). It is not that XMR never go up as people say.. it's more like it never went down. Probably because nobody is willing to sell, or because selling pressure isnt as strong as other coins ( ASIC resistant). Pic related

Attached: download (1).png (1483x949, 95K)

Are you retarded? You can trade it on kraken for fiat. It's not unlawful or anything.


That would be new territory in sats but we'll see. I'm more excited for how Monero performs after the RandomX fork. RandomX should make all manners of CPU mining more profitable and the thought of a world of interconnected IoT devices mining Monero during idle CPU cycles and securing its network makes me feel bullish. Imagine your fucking toaster mining Monero.


I have been mining for about 1.5 years now with GPU's and while i'm sad to see that my GPU's will be less effective in the future, i'm still accepting of it because it keeps ASICS away. Satoshi's first idea of POW was "1 CPU 1 vote" to begin with anyway
many of miners like me will be mad they cant mine anymore but its the best thing for the long term survivability of the coin imo

In which case I have some reading to do. Thank you user

XMR and LINK are not enemies

So you didn’t smoke any of the crack?

Yeah exactly. I've mined off and on for the past few years with GPUs and it is sort of sad to see that chapter go, but there is some promising work with RandomX and CUDA being done so it's possible Nvidia GPUs will actually be somewhat decent at mining it after the fork.

Yes how dumb are they!!! XMRs now on its first green day in about a year

he has 10 XMR left

Monero will be banned.
I wasn't so sure up until recently but with the gov massively forcing KYC/AML on crypto exchanges and custodial wallets it's absolutely guaranteed that full privacy cryptos like XMR will be barred entirely to interact with fiat and the retail world.
And it's still only the first wave of crypto regulations, the more time passes the more they will oppress and intimidate crypto owners, especially the ones owning the """riskiest""" assets.

>muh it can't be banned because it's decentralized and anonymous
Indeed the protocol itself can't be censored but the legal framework can easily scare anyone to even touch it with a 10ft pole.

I still keep some XMR because you can never be 100% sure but they will try to shut it down way harder than anything they ever did with BTC.

$150 easy

actually the newest FinCEN guidance on this is pretty positive for Monero


I hear your concerns but like says, we just don't live in a society where the legal framework is in place yet to ban or censor a cryptocurrency on the basis that the bank/government have an obligation to know the "customer of your customer." In this sense, Monero is no different from fiat cash.

checking in

Attached: xmrgirl.jpg (560x577, 136K)

>are you retarded?
Maybe. Mostly I'm just new and lazy

real anons hodl Moneros

The Alliance Forged Between The Emperor and Monero shall conquer the Galaxy.

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