What do you mean taxation is theft? You are a part of the social contract! How else will tyrone eat, he has no job...

>what do you mean taxation is theft? You are a part of the social contract! How else will tyrone eat, he has no job. You don't care about anyone else besides yourself

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But who will sell bread if we denationalise bakeries?

some things become monopolies or at best, oligopolies with strong collusion incentives by implication of how they work.

Road systems
Internet infrastructure owners
Water resources (local monopoly)

Pretty much any infrastructure where duplication of effort is very inefficient, or there is resource scarcity. Libertarians and especially ancaps are too stupid to understand this. Just like bureaucracy loving retards are too stupid to understand the inefficiency of muh 435356 programs run by a bloated state apparatus that micromanages everything and gives out 4959354 different special purpose handouts to the poor instead of just firing all those useless paper pushers and reducing the income tax rate on the poor and if the populace wants it, give some minimum level of "here, so you survive, but it won't be comfy" gibs to people who are jobless for whatever reason.

>give some minimum level of "here, so you survive, but it won't be comfy" gibs to people who are jobless for whatever reason.
Maybe in return for them being sterilized unless they prove they have some remarkable skills besides being useless breeders. Earth is overpopulated enough.

Except the state is the biggest monopoly you could possibly have in this regard, with legal authority. Monopolies are a socialist boogeyman. Never happen, never will.

Roads don't just compete with other roads. Roads compete with ALL transport. Rivers, airways, trains, fucking bikes. Decentralization will make prices of all transportation converge.

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>Atheistic dialectics

does anyone know what happens if hypothetically I work and don’t pay back my student loans ?

Every 40 hour week 9.3 hours of wages are stolen from me and largely misappropriated to gibs and blowing up sandnigger children thousands of miles away. Fuck this shit

What do you mean asylum, healthcare, and welfare for illegal immigrants, reparations for slavery, and endless wars for israel aren't the best way the best way to spend taxpayers money? That sounds like wrongthink to me

It make sense in the 1800s when one company made a railroad that didnt connect with another. That was a good time to have government laws about the rails getting built. But now days we need based elon to just finish that underground tunnel LA to Vegas so I can play $5 pai gau on the weekends

>60 IQ memes

>tfw on welfare
>tfw hate taxes still

Let's not forget about the massive student loan scam which is coming out of our pockets, also paying Social Security for boomers that we will never get back

post a photo of your nose

government will garnish your wages. but if you work for cash and never want any sort of banking account then you might be fine

Good idea

Sauce ?

I'm European, shouldn't you actually be asking for the photo of uncut dick? Oh wait, you have (((their))) mark on your body, so you can't.

You’re a fucking retard

use google you stupid fuck

Render unto Caesar.

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>trusts google

This isn't Jow Forums you retard.

It's about making enough money to move to Bulgaria or Ukraine instead of complaining.

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everything is a monopoly with a variable price for the asset which makes it unique (i.e. gives it its monopoly status). the same economic analysis applies to inhibiting the creation of this unique value by stealing it as applies to all other productive behaviour. ultimately, there are far more cartels now than at any point during our dabbling with laissez-faire, because, using the same economic analysis we apply to systems of liberty, it becomes obvious that the interests of the statesman and businessman in a regulatory state align in using the regulations for the own benefits.

Private railways made the UK and US great

Give to Caesar what is Ceasar’s
Give to God what is God’s

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Capitalism has always been shit. Even without Jews it’s still shit because it is only ever about profits. The best system is national socialism because in this system the primary concern is the health, prosperity and evolution of the volk.

If Germans had won we’d be in a world free from all dysgenic Jew pozzed shit and whites wouldn’t be on the extinction list.