How much will bitcoin move up if the US actually strikes Iran?

How much will bitcoin move up if the US actually strikes Iran?

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rich Iranians are already trying to shovel their money into bitcoin.

bitcoin (and crypto) is literally the only asset in the world that cannot be confiscated from a sufficiently smart player. its literally its biggest strength. after ww3, when people realize only those who had crypto kept their wealth, over 50% of the wealth in the world will be stored in crypto.

oil prices will soar, economies will dip hard, currencies even harder, bitcoin will moon, 100k EoY

dump the us dollar

Smart user.

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Any Iranian anons on this board what's the situation like over there?

They're mostly depending on "citizens" over gladly becoming spies.

>t. live near too many Iranians in a suburb in MA
Why are they even here

Except banks and governments can cuck exchanges and thus the customer real hard.
Even if your coins is worth billions, it's pointless if you can't convert it into actual products

yea.. because transacting things before banks existed was something impossible right?

ww3 kills the internet so crypto is useless

unironically bullish for skycoin

>why are they even here
Would you live in Iran if you could come to America?

They'll buy gold and things to barter with over BTC. Simple people, not being mean when I say that.

yes, crypto can be SUSPENDED but cannot be CONFISCATED

if the us govt wanted to shut down bitcoin tomorrow, they'd just need to build a mining farm worth like 100 billion dollars and 50% attack the network.

but they couldn't reverse transactions that already happened. they couldn't destroy every copy of the public ledger (anyone can back it up on a single usb drive)

once tyrants are gone, be it in 6 months or 6 years, people just rollback the chain before the 50% attack happened and start transacting again.

bitcoin can become untranslatable (therefore practically worth "0"), but only temporarily, because your private keys cannot be seized, and the public ledger cannot be destroyed.

>Criminalize internet transaction from/to the "enemy" of the week
And you're broke.
And you actually think a digital code is comparable to physical goods trades?

Based. USD bagholders will regret.

problem is not CONFISCATION but if the government bans it you have a problem CASHING OUT TO FIAT. Especially with all the KYC and AML in place you'll have a ton of "fun".

This is the part 95% of people in crypto don't understand.

i can't help but see the vagina in the iranian flag, all because of that one japanese user

you do realize people will just start accepting crypto as payment?

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You are retarded p2p markets like openbazaar exist. Also ziu could just send it wallet to wallet you know? None of these things require a bank.

Depends on what the situation on the ground is in Qatar and Bahrain.

And no serious business accept this shit yet.
But hey, go ahead, pay a fourth-man to buy your groceries for you so you won't starve.

Back down to 1k
Screen cap this digits, it’s gonna happen this summer

you're retarded. if bitcoin gets banned that's temporal. as i said it can even be suspended globally by 50% attacking it.

the point is that AFTER the tyrants are gone, after crypto is 'unbanned' you have exactly as much as u had before the ban.

this is not valid for any other asset. if a global communist govt arises and confistcates your property, your house, you'll never have it all back in the state you had it even after it's gone

>thinks there will be internet after WW3
user, i....

well if there will be people, there will eventually be internet as well. you can literally keep your 12 word seed in your head with all your funds in the meantime

Burger wouldnt even dare to attack Iran.

>no serious business accept this shit yet
And certainly that means none ever will no matter what...

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Ah yes, a national/global ban/criminalization surely will encourage businesses to enter a now illegal market so far based on speculation!
You're a genius!

hyperinflation absolutely will. noone will give a flying shit about govt ban

>a now illegal market
>transferring bitcorns is now illegal
You say dumber shit every time you post.

Except that's literally what the USA is pushing for. For now, they pretend it's about taxation legislations, but in reality they fear that other nations might thrive on it and thus defuse the threat by basically destroying the country. Venezuela is a shithole, but they got in on it fast as far as governments does. What happens? Uncle sam fucks them up. Imagine if BTC or ETH suddenly became a key of chinese, russian or iranian economy plan.

Wow, someone who actually knows something on biz. This is accurate

I actually disagree, another large middle eastern conflict would buy another decade at least of life support for the US economy

>imagine not being able to make the next mental leap
I know which website you learnt about Bit Cones from, and it wasn't 4chins

Doubt China will use BTC or ETH; knowing China, they'd make their own currency that their state can control.

I don't know enough about Iran/Russia.

Microsoft, overstock, expedia, states to pay taxes...

At&t etc.

Russia will use Universa, unsure what Chana will use.

Yeah, but that was an example using known coins. America will not tolerate anyone or anything to stand in the way of their dollar being the dominant force.

That is not accurate.
Rich middle-easterners do own crypto, but that is just a laughable amount of their portfolio - their idea of stable money is called gold bars.=

Crypto value plummets to zero if we get another world war.

10% oil increase, tops. Asia and most of the Americas mostly unaffected by it.

The real thing that you should ask yourself is: are more people using BTC as currency or all that we got going is speculation here?

This user understands part of the problem.
The massive energy directed to keep BTC running will be rerouted to military applications. When (if) things become stable again the majority of the people will want out, understanding that le "government proof" magical coin meme is just this, a meme.

>smart people
Fixed that for you.

>people just rollback the chain
No, people that believe in crypto will move to a better crypto project and stick with it. Most speculators would not return in such a scenario, because (sadly) most of the people here do not embrace crypto ideals and are too scared of the government to bet against them.

Digital currency is superior to physical currency in peace times, you can't argue against it.
The problem is that the whole infrastructure needed to run it is the very same infrastructure that will be targeted during a serious war.

You are not very smart, it is a fucking currency, you don't need to cash out, you need people to accept it as currency - which is not gaining much real traction in the last years.

Iraq 2.0 would bankrupt the USA so bad that it might actually be good for the country in the longterm - we are talking debt so hard tha the feds would start auctioning overseas bases just to keep the lights on.

China government will collapse like the URSS in less than two decades. The question is what will emerge.