Tfw diagnosed with terminal cancer

>tfw diagnosed with terminal cancer

Anyone want my shitcoins? No gf, no wife, no kids, no friends, family doesn't talk to me. Have some LINK and ETH, hate to see them go to waste. can't really leave them for my dogg either.

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spend it on yourself

take your money and do crazy stuff why the fuck would you give it to niggers on Jow Forums?


why don't you sell them and do something nice


Treat yourself or donate them to a good cause

Godspeed user

I'm sorry with your shit luck fren

I'll take your bags though


I can't in good conscience take your coins fren. Please take one last vacation and do something nice for yourself before you're gone.

Godspeed user.

any BTC is good OP


hope you get better

Fast. Cut out all carbs and sugar from your diet. Eat lots of hot peppers for capsaicin and start taking sublingual CBD oil.

God bless you user.

don't give them to anyone on this gay ass board, more than likely it'll be some pajeet

either sell them and use the money for something you want to do or eat the paper wallet before you die

see you next time OP

Godspeed user. You’re about to confront the scariest thing possible but I want you to remember one (1) thing:

Everything that has ever existed has always existed and will always exist.

Spend it on yourself user. Enjoy life while you can.

I wouldn't say no to linkies


have fun in afterlife tho and good luck




Eth 0x430d0b0c81e0058d686de6136c0ed4afbaa04048

Lost my mom due to the same circumstances lately user. Hope you'll be fine. Never give up

Sorry bro, you should either take some of it out and enjoy yourself with those you love or save it and put your private keys and how to access and go all in on btc/eth/link and have it for your family to share but instruct them to not sell until 2020 or so

Eth address if u want too but I suggest above, if you do send any and survive leave a comment on etherscan and I’ll happily send back

Fasting cures cancer.

had cancer myself op, stage 3, wasnt fun.Sorry to here.Im in a mess and if you want to send some id be very happy for it.Good luck.


I want them. But honestly you should probably give them to anyone who's going to take care of your doggo.

Do this user. I wish you well.

oh shit op
I've been sick for 2 month now doc don't know what it is, going to get an MRI next week i'm freaking out

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^^eth address btw

By family I mean any friends or anything unless you consider us bizbros family (we are all in this together) , if you really can’t think of anyone fuck it and go do some crazy shit , as what mark says in trainspotting choose life

I hope you are trolling, don't die user.

But if you aren't:
ETH: 0xc646b63463C0e5dA44853272814550b0244194aB

BTC: 1LvRSFLcpzACRsk8nbTGx5CjCnsLoaz762

Fuck everyone else and go on a vacation. You need to see life for what it is - spend every penny

I've been dry coughing for five years straight (cant sleep during winter) and Im completely numb in an area the size of a tennisball on the middle of my spine for same amount if time. Am I dying?

Also this, try every fucking cancer curing shit you can find while also go out and fucking live lift fren, hope you make it

op please stop making these threads it makes me lose all hope in biz

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Maybe you should ask a doctor?

take some magic mushrooms...


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This faggot is correct.
Remove/drastically reduce sugar from diet. Intermittent fasting (12 hours on, 12 off to start) to regulate hormones and bring balance back to your body. Eat spicy foods with habanero, jalapeno. Injest turmeric and ginger, fresh preferably, or in bioavailable pill form. Eat healthy, high fat foods with oils of coconut, avocado, flax, black cumin oil especially. A positive outlook and determination to win helps, too. Godspeed user.