Oh look, we are under $9800

Oh look, we are under $9800.

Your little "Golden Bull Run" has stopped. Big surprise.

Maybe this time you will listen to my advice, hmm?

There is no denying or stopping what is happening next.

You are simply destined fail if you do not heed my warning.

Plead all you want and fool yourself into thinking we are bullish now.

But we are not.

We are far from the end of this down trend.

Sentiment may say otherwise but we are heading straight down for much longer.

Do not think even for a second that the rest of this year will be okay.

Because it won't be.

Some of you do not like me because you simply cannot handle the truth.

Realize that you do not know what I know.

But here I am telling you anyways.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

There is no way around it.

That is the bottom.

Do not worry as Bitcoin will not die.

But that is the lowest it will ever be.

Pay attention in the coming weeks and you can multiply your stack.

It is really that simple.

If you don't listen to me you will experience the past 6 months all over again in the span of 1.

I am trying to help you.

So once again:

Do NOT Enter The Market.

Things are not what they seem.

The plan has not changed.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

You can choose to listen to me or you can choose to lose money.

My predictions are never wrong.

I am never wrong.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

Clearly the backlash is because people do not want to go that low.

It is certain.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

This is the final bull trap before it comes crashing down.

From there I will reveal my next prediction.

But for now, plan accordingly.

I am sure many of you won't apologize for when you are wrong.

I am not discouraged.

I will help as many people as I can.

It is the right thing to do.

Again, do not misunderstand.

Bitcoin is not dying.

But it must burn and rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

Many will think they've lost everything.

Seize the opportunity.


Attached: 567988654358675435678.png (602x400, 176K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you sure are dedicated

We're above 9800.

The first few times, this was clever and cool. Now it's just become a shit-tier copy pasta


HAHAHA worse than bobos

Fuck you this actually makes me sell every time.

I love how the number on this copy pasta keeps going up from each subsequent post

>Oh look, we are under $9800.
>Oh look, we are under $12000.
>Oh look, we are under $20000.
>Oh look, we are under $100000.
and so on...
>pic related

Attached: rainbow chart.jpg (1295x782, 94K)

Sorry bobo looks like you’re just a fag loser now

Attached: 0A7253C9-9DD1-434D-B5AF-13A530F9809E.gif (264x242, 1.53M)

Reddit spacing

is he going to change 1500 to 15000 in 202X

Is there any real time charts of BTC in log?

Attached: renkobro_Apr_24_19.png (1271x695, 196K)


guys i just recently bougth bitcoins, this is my first day on Jow Forums

this poster looks very convincing. should i sell??

Attached: download (28).jpg (300x168, 6K)

its above 9800 now

>Is there any real time charts of BTC in log?
this site is useful
allows you to compare multiple metrics

look into MVRV ratio for btc as a good indicator


Attached: bitcoin fair value.jpg (1200x513, 78K)

>is he going to change 1500 to 15000 in 202X
we'll hit 20k by EOY 2019

Attached: 0_kKhMM24wyNLT_v7o.jpg (1600x2407, 596K)

Try posting a brapper next time

>this poster looks very convincing. should i sell??
You got Dubs...you have to sell now!

OP is going to lose all his peanuts at 10k today

Attached: giphy (2).gif (480x270, 927K)

Sorry to tell you but in the last run up from 9k the longs:shorts ratio went from 1.5:1 to 0.6:1
>Bulls are out of gas. Retracement imminent.

Is this just copypasta + reddit spacing?


More proof that it's over: cointelegraph.com/news/cme-bitcoin-futures-briefly-broke-10-000-amidst-a-new-open-interest-all-time-high

Attached: 1433213397362.jpg (291x622, 124K)
