I'm verified at Coinbase, but I'm reading everywhere that people wait weeks after they transfered their money before they receive their funds and some of them get their accounts frozen by coinbase.
Germanbros where do you buy your BTC?
I'm verified at Coinbase, but I'm reading everywhere that people wait weeks after they transfered their money before they receive their funds and some of them get their accounts frozen by coinbase.
Germanbros where do you buy your BTC?
very bearish ahmed
I personally use Bitcoin.de.
But its kinda dependent on the particular seller you are dealing with. My first time I tried buying some BTC it finished in like 12 hours, the other time it took almost 7 days.
kraken and bitcoin.de
Use kraken or bitstamp. How do you plan to deposit your euros ? SEPA transfer or buy credit card ?
You could try to buy offline, but definitly let the money checked at the bank first.
SEPA. My CC limit is too low..
Check out Bison, mobile app powered by Boerse Stuttgart, currently only able to trade BTC, ETH, LTC & XRP but more to come soon...
bitcoin.de and bitpanda. Bitpanda is actually really nice and has added a lot of new cryptos.
Slightly more expensive but just works well most of the time and supports advance payments.
German here, I just go to my local mosque should be one within 5 miles gl
The last time I transferred money to my Coinbase account my funds were there after a day but it was a rather minuscule amount
Fucking CoinMetro my dude, embrace the forehead
bl3p.eu also quite good.
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