Do i buy this shit?

do i buy this shit?

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Buy in a day or two.

why not now?

I dunno man. Might as well get in now.

The growth isn't very natural. So, let the token even itself out a bit more.

If you aren't sure what price it's going to dip, I'd recommend creating buy orders. For example set up four different buy orders, allocating 25% of the money you wish to spend to each, and see how quickly they get filled.

Only if you don't hate money.

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If you don’t have vidt in your portfolio then you’re allergic to money

>the growth isn't natural

Now now, don't mock retarded people on the internet. It's not very cash money of you.

Shut up. The price of a token is obviously going to fall if one day It's sitting at 10c and the next It's 25c.

Stay poor, fag.

You're completely correct and I'm wrong.

it's been at 25 for like 3 days though. Im getting ready to FOMO


TBF, I know the growth of tokens, in the crypto scene, aren't steady compared to actual stocks.

But everyone should have seen the short crash of VID-T coming. It's not a super well-known token, other than on /biz, so It's growth wasn't going to stay at the price it was at. Now there's some more talk and hype about the token, but I think it will crash a tad bit more.

All this is not to say the token will be over $1, eventually.

It's an actual token that only goes up forever. Why, you might ask? Because it's backed by rare pepe collections as assets printed on the blockchain. And they only gain value over time.

Don't do it. I took all my earnings from VID-T and put them in eth. I'm waiting for when the token raises in price again. Who cares if you miss the very bottom and buy at 30c, instead of 25. It's a lot better than losing 50% of you portfolio's total value.

It’s been doing the same thing for a while it seems. Higher lows each time.

i would be very happy with a 5x over the next few months. comfy hold

what are you saying? you don't want to buy it until the price goes up? What if it's a DCB anyway?

I know. I'm still invested in the token.

But I'm not going to keep what I had before in it. The risk isn't worth the reward, imo.

I'm making money in ETH, rn. If the price of VID-T goes up significantly, I'll buy back into it.

The reason why I transferred a lot of my VID-T into eth comes down to 2 reason.

1. I know eth is going up.
2. VID-T is going to fluctuate. And I don't know if It's going to go up or down.

We hit ath almost a week ago, then had a strong correction for 2 days, now we're back on track, on the other hand we got so much exposure in these last 5-7 days it's unbelievable — youtube shills with 100k subscribers, twitter shills, many many articles about our new partnership with a leader in oil industry, reviews on crypto websites, also we were on 1st page of /cc/ for 2 days with about 100 coments in each thread. I'm not gonna tell you that dip is impossible at this point, i don't know, but to me it seems like we can finally break that ATH at any given minute with so much steam behind and considering the fact that weak hands were already shaken out a few days ago

"almost a week ago" was literally yesterday

Well, if you want to be accurate, then yes, but in that sense there is not much difference between 93k (a week ago) and 97(yesterday), we kept getting denied at those levels


quite frankly there is a huge difference, namely one being ath and the other one not

ok, you win

thx bb :*



Not cool

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Look at the depth chart. Once 0.001 is broken this thing is going to fly. Weak hands are panicking back in and learning to hodl. Coins are getting scarce and will be burnt. Shit is a nobrainer.



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floor is 80k, people are selling/swinging at 90-95 and price comes to rest at about 84-86. look at a 3 day chart for 2 minutes faggot. and 90k is unironically not the worst place to get in at kek, we'll most likely break 100k soon, we just need to get past that resistance which has taken a few days. price has kept its eth value though, can't say the same about literally 90%+ of the market