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Nice time stamp
Based Tether. The singularity is near. We are all gonna make it, except fucking bears and nocoiners
they don't let this run slow down the boys are busy
It's real son
crypto is just like the fucking stock market now
just being propped up with fake money
they already printed 100M 5 days ago too
you think the stock market is propped up by real money?
no that's literally what I said
crypto was supposed to be different
who cares if it's fiat tether or goybux it's all the same
I hope I can cash out enough to retire before this house of cards comes falling down. This whole market is a scam
too bad you can't ever cash out
when the time comes you won't need to
I can buy gold with either so more is better
> cash out into USD before tether collapse
> USD collapse too
>Price goes up
Based tether
>price goes down
Ahhhhhh it’s all tethers fault
>bobos right now (pic related)
I tried warning them...they didn't listen
>And you could have it all
>My empire of dirt
>I will let you down
>I will make you hurt
its actually the opposite
its suppressed
We can literally print fake money to pump our magic internet shitcoins.
What a time to be alive
>multiple """stable coins""" inflating the market with hundreds of millions of made up dollars pulled out of their ass
>the market is being suppressed
i don't get it. what did user mean by this?
hahaha well that was fast
Someone said goybux. These Jewish words being used is unacceptable because the implication is that Jews are money grubbing peoples. Please have some respect and stop with the anti-semitic shit
It's real faggots
Tether is unironically printing free money without the effects of inflation and then buying bitcoin with that free money. We are unironically going to make it.
Is there a chart showing correlation between Tether emission and BTC pumps?
Based and profit pilled
Fuck off kike
Moves in Tether's market cap leads moves in BTC's price by roughly 33days.
They just fucking print money out of thin air, what the fuuuuuck
Where the fuck is regulation on this??
can you link me this graph plz ?
Imagine thinking we’re not about to get fukt
best ta i ever seen
regulation lol just explain the stupid cucks that sell btc for tether they are retarded!
Search "R.I.P. TA" on TV.
ok, this is an epic purple pill.
It's technically fundamental analysis but yeah, eerie.
The three letter agencies are getting very interested in Tether and Bitfinex's activity. USDT threatens to undermine the power of the dollar and the US government by proxy. It's so useful because it obviates the need for USD on exchanges - without it, they'd effectively be bound by US law; think of the consequences of this mechanism being applied elsewhere. Also, keep your eye on the news because if Tether/Bitfinex gets rumbled by the big boys, we'll be at
Shut your bitch FUD shut bobo. You dont know shit.
People complain about this but its unironically how all of the worlds currencies work
This is literally the definition of counterfitting, kek
And I support it, still less counterfitting than the actual government does
technically there are bollingers on it
OK, wiseguy, but those have nothing to do with the analysis here. I just never switch them off desu.
$20k by July
Asuka BTFO!
Reminder that all fiat currencies do the same thing
it's the opposite
people are, by proxy of tether, getting rid of their fiat money investments
at least tether pumps our bags,
governments only pump their own bags
tether > FIAT
Based and truth pilled.