LINK- Only those who bought at 0.17-0.30 cents will make it

I just realized how lucky and blessed we are to have bought link with an average price of around 20-25 cents. We are the only ones who will literally and unironically make it out of all the marines. The avg price of 20 cents shows us that we understood what it was before the mass understood it and our stacksize shows our conviction into our own belief . We have been through literally every kind of fud there could have been since the inception of the project and looking at the baby desperate fud nowadays won’t even faze us. In sats value we are up over 9x and in usd value we are up over 10x. This mean for every bitcoin we invested back then we have 8 extra right now.

Sadly this is not true for the rest of the linkies, they haven’t been through what we have been through and their level of comfiness is by far not even in the same level as us. These fud will be working on them and as a result they will lose some of their stack, and probably sell way too early in the future.

Once again I realize we the og 2017 link marines are the only one who will make it, so fucking comfy. No need to fud nor shill just sit back with our 100k+ stacks and enjoy the ride

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nulinkers can only afford stacks of 200 LINK and that would have gotten over 1000 LINK with the same amount of money a year ago.

My first buy was 39 cents. My average is over 60 now because I just can't stop buying even at these prices.

its crazy to think a suicide bag cost way more then 3 grand now

800 isn't that big of a difference for a high circulating token. You make it sound as if it's like bitcoin

*make it stack, my bad. 1k links is suicide bag

Yup, and also the reason why they will be shaken out so easily by discord trannies.

Yeah these prices are still ridiculously cheap, if you feel like you haven’t accumulated enough , probably should accumulate more. Just don’t let baby fud affect you lol

800? What are you talking about?

I have 50k link. And I'm bummed about it. I feel like I'd kill somebody to have 100k link. But then I feel like if I had 100k link I'd just want like 115k so I'd have the 100k to stake or hodl and the 15k to sell off 1000 link at a time at 20 50 100 200 500 etc

I truly feel lucky for being able to purchase link for 30-40 cents when I did. I was not prepared to buy as much link as I have now during the 2017 run. Thank god for the crash.

I bought 10k link at 15 cents. Wish I had more. Also everyone keeps alternating between calling 10k a "suicide bag" and "minimum to make it" so it's stressful

It's going back to 20 cents and lower. The Accord project is not the only one abandoning LINK.

I bought around 40 cents
Will I make it?

For us who understand it, we will never feel like we have enough linkies, because we can see that this price is a no brainer, especially now after confirmation from the biggest data company in the whole world. The anti shill, anti hype strategy from chainlink has done wonders. We went through periods of 364 days without a single tweet or news from chainlink and now these nulinkers and swinglinker and twitter faggots are expecting a tweet every single day, i really hope another curveball comes along and fuck them all in their faggot boy pussies

I'm still a nulinker compared to ICO and Sibos players but the post mainnet dump and FUD hardened the fuck out of my hands. I panic sold a small amount and instantly regretted it. I realized that selling LINK is never worth it. The FUD over the past few days is nothing to me now.

I just didn't understand the project enough to realize that the mainnet release was perfect. I fell for the ETH fetcher broken product FUD.

citation needed

Bro I have 11k don’t even talk about those feels
t. poorfag

I think its a minimum to make it stack. A suicide stack should still be affordable at these prices, not 20 thousand fucking dollars.

Guys I need closure on this. I am all-in LINK, that means my average LINK price doesn't matter, more like my initial investment divided by LINK tokens. It's as if I bought all my linkies at 50 cents average because I lost money on shitcoins during mania but my actual LINK average is below 30 cents WILL I MAKE IT?????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

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>LINK veritas est Make it Stack
>Nearly 100k

Normans are done.

Fact is a suicide stack has always been 10 k link, because 1000 eoy and it is becoming more unaffordable each passing month. You don’t calculate suicide stack to be more affordable because you were too pussy to invest when it was cheap. You had 2 years and 3 months, don’t even come sprouting your nonsense

Will link actually reach $100 USD any time soon?

I remember more people saying it was 1k for a suicide stack when it was cheap. Now that the price is up I see more people saying 10k.

soon? no, ever... debatable

I don't have a price prediction but I do think we will break into the top 10 on CMC by EOY 2020

link to archives from 2 years ago or just cope


>bought at 18 cents
>bought at 50 cents
>bought at 1.50
>bought at 1.80

was poor b4, of course by the time i had some more wealth the price was 10x

The meaning of “suicide stack” can be broad if you mean suicide stack as in well at least I have some link when it is 100$ + .. sure you can count 1 k as a suicide stack which back in the days was 200$, you tell me if you think 200$ is risk for a normie, a friday night out is more than 200$ lmao.

10 k link was 2 k usd back then, you had 2 years and 3 months, it showed some conviction in a npc live instead of being a bitch you were at least 1/10th of a man by buying 10 k and holding back then but once again , time proves, not a lot of you mundane pieces of shit indeed were

It's FUD. They're trying to make nulinkers feel like it's pointless to buy in.

I only have 50k. I would suck 1000 dicks to get 50k more.

If you think link is going to 1000 then it seems like 1k is more than enough to be a "suicide stack"

It's always been 1k suicide 10k make it.

Sorry, maybe in your normie wagecuck land a million dollar is enough to make it.

In my books million net worth is still poor.

I have 12k. I wish I had more but whichever it is I'm good. I guess its worthless to debate because its so subjective. A 10k stack right now is peanuts to a rich person but could make a 3rd worlder the richest person in their village.

Lol ok, well it's enough of a windfall not to want to kill yourself which is what I thought suicide bag meant.

>Sorry, maybe in your normie wagecuck land a million dollar is enough to make it.
Kek. Nah I like working. It's more of a hobby than work at that point. I rather not waste away and die in a hole like you.

10 million + is making it you retarded nigger

cheeeeck to check check check check it outt

Dude cool you have a 20k stack at 0.20. Kek that was maybe one of my boys but I have a stack over 100k. Unless you've already made it youd had to have slowly accumulated over the 1.5 year. That's a true link marine not some pussy bitch who got lucky on their 1 time 2k 0.20 cent buy

With your conviction and weakhands of course you like being bossed around like a slaveboy. My conviction turned 40k into 400 k. Fren :)

Not a chance. That would require a marketwide bull run and LINK getting into top 3.

Back in the day I saw suicide stacks amounts ranging from 500, 1k, 5k, 10k. It really depends on the person and how much you can invest and afford to lose. Now that the price is high suicide stack will be different as it depends on the investors finances. I disagree with and agree with


>bending down to another man
>sucking cock
You will NEVER make it

77k stack at .21 cents dec 2017. Held the entire time. Will I make it, fellow marines?

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A large percentage of anons here are bored zoomers that are here to larp and frogpost and don’t actually hold any LINK.

This is the next ANS. 200 LINK is enough to turn your life around


do you even know what that means or are you trying to sound smart?

Yes, you will.

So basically you’re saying it’s peaked and won’t go any further?

I unironically starved for the whole of 2018 for my link stack. All while watching sergey spiral further into his mcdonalds addiction.
I wonder if oatmealbro is still alive

Yeah, it means I broke up with my gf of 7 years in june 2018 because she wanted me to sell my 200 k+ link stack to buy a house and a ring for her and I told her to wait 3 more years but she didn’t want to so we broke up. This is what conviction fucking means, you npc scum.

i bought the first day it was on binance at .25, then bought many, many times since then. average buy is .45, nice comfy stack. just sitting back and waiting for the singularity.

absolutely based. you'll be fine user, women are a commodity and easily replaceable.

I was wrong about you, absolutely based.
I wish I had the money to be like you.

That's $85 per at these prices. You'd better suck a good dick user.

I've been sucking dicks since I was 13. I know what I'm doing.

alright what the FUCK man

i leave for 6 months to just see where shit goes
sure, my eth and btc gained a little, but i check back on LINK...



thats up 300% from 17 cents.
jesus christ...

do i buy now?

Suicide stacks were always 1k. Its enough money that you wont kill yourself for missing the next coin as big as BTC and ETH. 10k is to make it. fudders trying to make nulinkers feel bad.

Welcome to the marines. What's your rank?

kek, lots of brainlets in this thread. Link is vaporware


Checked and yes sir.

T. Major

I bought 40k with an average price of 25 cents. Today I spent $900 to buy 700 Link.. what the fuck

oldLINKer here. I can confirm that 1k is a suicide stack and 10k is the minimum make it stack. Bumping with oldfag OC

Attached: sergey wisdom.png (1066x452, 821K)

tfw 320 at $1,80
Can I still make it frens?

hahaha you are one pathetic loser my friend, imagine only having 11K link, absolutely disgustingly poor

t. 12K chad


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>I wonder if oatmealbro is still alive
user, I...

watching all you pussy stinky linkers freak out over the minimal gains while Quant has literally x 2,000% since i got it is so fucking fun lol

I own link too... but, quant is a scam

i've held 10k for a year, could have bought a lot more and don't closely follow the price. comfy, not fucking selling.

Your brain is vapour ware fag

October 2017 link became my life. Sergey my God.

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LINKies are just coping because they missed BTC / ETH or both and now they think LINK is FINALLY their chance to make it when in reality it'll probably never even break $5. Just accept you missed the life changing gains of BTC and ETH and move on with your lives lol. Shit doesn't just pump 1000x+ anymore, Vitalik was right about that, anything else is just pure COPE.

Sargent Major I believe. Got a bit over 10k

>30x my initial investment
sick, thanks for reassuring me bro, almost considered market selling my whole stack

can i see some comfy as fuck genesis link address please.

It's 5x as much retard.

Is $200k that much less than $1m?

The only way for the rest of us to make it is if someone with a 1,00 chainlink suicide stack sorta makes it himself.

You can't make it with 50k if someone with 10k isnt making it also.

bought at that price but only like 300-400 coins. JUST

I see that as the absolute max. But you won't sell at $5 anyway because you'll get greedy. Just like people did in 2018. It always ends the same. You have made exactly zero gains until you actually sell.

did you remember to dilate your fake vagina today?

don't be a dumb faggot
you exclaim to know what LINKs value is, 10k LINK is $100 million dollars by 2025.

I have set sell points, starting at $3, then 5, then 10, 25, etc depending on if we go parabolic
My issue is not that I'm greedy but rather too cautious. I sold about 400btc in 2016 when it was ~$650/coin, and I had no need to sell all of it then. I could have easily kept half in cold storage I was just worried it was a bubble :/

I used to have 25 k link but I got arrested and had to sell 15 k for bills and lawyers.. when link was at .50 cents
Now I have 10.5k NOT SELLING

I bought at .20 cents after the binance listing.
Also I got my gf to buy 1k link during that time for .20 so she's quite comfy
And I got my bro to buy BTC in rhe old days and he got half of it hacked from an exchange so I gave him 500 link back when it was cheap.
I should of held my stinkies bros :(

>tfw I will forever be known as a nulinker for buying at 1.20
Better than buying at over $2 I guess. I got my 9K stack though

u dumb

Except bitcoin is headed back up are you living under a rock?


Even my mom has 5k Link. You had 2 years.

Jow Forumsing that photo of pepe setting next to an infographic "100 in bitcoin in 2011, 100 in ethereum in 2016, 100 in chainlink in 2019...."

>t. held bitcoin from 20k all the way to 3k

I bought in at 5K and moved it all into Link, nice try though. I see you're the boomer constantly FUDing BTC while everyone around you is making shitloads of money.

t. up 70% so far

So you're a newfag then? The point was you haven't made any money until you sell. Ask the people who held through 2017-2018 all the way to the bottom.

You aren't going to get me to sell off before the train leaves nice try though. The goal is in years from now and I will sell off incrementally into pumps as I have been doing while not touching a large percentage of it.

Feel free to project onto others though.

I'm up 500% in link

Nice, but what was the point of telling me this?

Yeah well I don't know why I'm even trying to help a retard like you, you certainly don't deserve it. Just wasting my time. I guess you'll have to learn from your own mistakes then Mr Newfag.