What if I told you

that my coinbase larp served its purpose and now it's really starting after we got rid off these weak handed mongoloids, ah?
>unironically insider here

Attached: 34623462.jpg (500x400, 13K)

Gay as fuck op


Attached: 1560361136847.png (1516x830, 1.53M)


Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-17 um 19.45.31.jpg (671x817, 242K)

>wrong filename


based af

Attached: 1546420572330.png (334x506, 254K)

Coinbase is a scam bro

literally no one fell for this

Attached: 1541428666119.jpg (320x320, 44K)

so is fiat

I just looked opened my Coinbase app and there is no LINK. Can you share this article? I can't find it.

true. but some skipped gym or went earlier from work. not to mention the retards who bought on top. true linkies will appreciate my effort as some new golden bagholders were recruited to keep the price sort of stable.

lemme guess. you have no pro account? pro account users have special access. seems like you have been categorized as a faggot by jewbase.

is the next week hinted by patrick the listing?

the listing on coinbase is a sure thing to happend and expect a minimum pump of 50% just because of this.

Oh fuck no i don't. I will wait until it's on regular Coinbase to buy then thanks.

even amongst the normies you are considered as a faggot. one that loves assholefuck- and suckery. they just use other words for this.

I am, unironically, a faggot.

soon pic related

Attached: PINKGAS.png (1200x1067, 24K)

if you are the same user that has been posting that .jpg you are like 0% on your predictions retard

so is fiat

yes I am that retard. my average price for link is around 20 cent. I feel now even more retarded considering to have more than 350K link. it boosts my feeling of retardism to a next level. now I imagine that many idiots will buy in at $2 and call those who buy in at $5 retards. and this will continue.
>since google integration with have 10K+ new wallets