It’s called winning sons

It’s called winning sons

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what is this

>he doesn’t know

cherry_hotwife cucked her husband and shilled chainlink at the same time on twitter

A partnership.

Why is the price crashing then?


Do you even know what crashing means?

the same webpage also lists swift as a partner.
ssshhhh don't tell anyone.

Because it’s not easily purchased by normies.

cherry_hotwife is Adelyn.

shit bros it's real.

SWIFT confirmed. $10,000 EOY confirmed

It’s just a nothing bulger, in my pants

lol theyre going to be forced to take this down by monday

You'll be forced to take yourself down EOY

I love it. I hope the user last night who was having a meltdown seething calling everyone liars is tying his noose.

If you are not all in then fren i have no idea what to say to you

all non linkers will be cucked by their wives while they wage slave at work. All linkers will be available for bang bang. 42. cherry_hotwife cucked sergey

lmao they're this desperate already? Look at our top tier companies we work with! Companies "like" google. buncha faggots, i hope the fat scammer Sergay is forced to spend years behind bars for this.

brah why the hell would yall hold this crap if btc is about to wick to 15k

>prefers 15% pump over 5000% pump

they're not providing google with anything
they're using googles API

Too risky. Look at the Google news, a lot of people got burnt.

What's more likely to double? LINK or BTC?

>Mfw I'm future rich because normies don't believe and are too lazy to buy on binance

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>literally google

Because it's all bullshit?? Google could buy up all LINK on the order books with what they spend daily on employee lunches, but they don't.

fudders: "thats not real. who is google anyway? just because it says google doesnt mean its the actual google using them. plus the internet is a scam!"

this literally means SWIFT is a confirmed partners, not that there was already 100's of clues but this seals the deal even more. whats left is them actually announcing it. anyone excited for that sibos? theme is "hyper connection" ;)

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normies don't even know about chainlink let alone how to buy it

Googles gonna get some of those 650,000,000
token for free.

thread theme

Googol is a 1 followed with 100 zeros

Nice. Giving away millions of my shitcoin will work wonders for profit. I mean nano did the same thing and look how well that worked out for them.

I told people at work so we can all fuck the company when we all quit

It's called scamming. You convince some idiot at google to write about your shitty vaporware, then you lie everywhere about how it's a "partnership".

Remember how IOTA had a "partnership" with Microsoft? It was a scam and a lie. So is this.

I know for a fact because BigQuery literally cannot integrate Chainlink. It's a different product. Chainlink can use BigQuery, not the other way around.

Learn some programming brainlets... or keep getting deceived by master con artists like Chainlink

Attached: cope.jpg (529x444, 40K)

This is a fucking jam. I feel like I'm my way to the second mosque.

Its all been in hiden in plain sight :

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We have known this since 2017. What is with you guys?

no joke i was just listening to alan


imagine trying to fud google LMFAO

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Right, I wouldn't sell my Link for btc even if I knew btc was going to 50k.
Brainlets see big numbers and think "wow 15k!!" with absolutely no thought regarding ROI

Anybody can develop an specialised API for App Engine. In my consulting company we also develop APIs for our Rancher platforms connected to Google Cloud.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 8.36.08 PM.png (1904x498, 151K)

>Anybody can develop an specialised API
Not just "anyone" developed an API for chainlink, a team at google did, dum dum

> SWIFT in 2019

fuckin allstar partnership levels

pic related from a google search

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 8.41.32 PM.png (1434x888, 129K)

is this a forked paul walker meme or a real thing?

Zepellin got KEKED

Attached: 06-22-19 at 02.41 AM.jpg (1343x762, 199K)

lITeRaLlY wHo


and yet we are bleeding out after barely kissing $2

not sure why you fags are so excited we should be at $10 easily off this news. something is up

well there's no doubt that having a few guys at Google try your product is cool, in no way is it a partnership or integration with Google the company, or a product of Google.

A real partnership would Google the company actually using it or actually announcing a partnership.

The fact that Link added that Google snippet to their website is pretty cringy, it's stretching the truth to try to scam investors.

same thing with Swift btw, they are not partnered with Swift at all, yet they feature it on their site like a partner. They really deserve to be jailed for this kind of deceiving marketing of unregistered securities.

Google developer blog posts actually contain direct mention of experimenting with chainlink. The blog posts are from about 10 days ago, but I think user has only discovered them now

Those digits. Checkeddddd

youre kinda right, a better way to describe all this is full integration. thats beyond a partnership. keep coping tho

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You've been in several other threads today typing with the exact same spacing and desperate cope logic.
You fucked up.
You sold at 90c.
It was bound to happen. You tied your own noose - feel free to hang yourself with it if you're *still* too thick to try and get back in before you lose out even more.

Accumulation is still needed at all costs. Some are desperate I imagine to accumulate more and will spend as much money as needed to keep price down to keep scooping up cheap Link from dumbass weak-handed short-sighted swinglinkers. Some day very soon it will be impossible to buy Link for under $2.... and then $3... $5... and so on. This is the only explanation as to why this is not $10 right now.

>They are working with money movers SWIFT as well as database company Oracle
Absolutely based. I went for a run on the SF pier today for the first time since moving here (inb4 I get called a liberal faggot, I had to move here for my gf's job) and I jogged by the Giant's stadium Oracle Park. I don't believe in coincidences, the stars are truly aligning boyos

gutta burn those big mac calories somehow

Was walking past there on monday. Many fine brappers jogging along the embarcadero in this fine sunny weather

It's 100% real. Everyone is going to get into this

Where's the proof though?

List of things that are NOT proof:
>blog posts
>"news articles" referring to blog posts
>mob mentality

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It’s literally on the chainlink website you peabrain

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Cringe plebbit meme

obviously not proof. thought it was too obvious but guess there are people like you too huh? "scammer site says they are partnered with google so its true".

you're the dog in your image btw

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No, in a way technically, GOOGLE is using THEIR API