Frens, we're entering bubble territory

Do people even buy at this point?
Who in their right mind would buy now?

Attached: 1560515006504.png (276x256, 57K)

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Just put $500 usd in we'll see what happens

I just put in $1k since I was waiting for a bull confirmation. So far I am way ahead desu

Why wouldn't you buy right now? it is basically confirmed to at least retest previous ath.

>waits for bull confirmation 80 days after the bull market starts
someone listened to capslockanon and got just'd. bad bobo

based quads and green id

you already made it user, congrats.

I wish I could enjoy the thought of all the shorts getting just’d, but tether is so fucking sketchy that it’s hard to be that enthusiastic rn...

Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between FUD and FOMO

The bull confirmation certainly wasn't over 3x from the was when it broke 5k and kept climbing

Checked. I assume you mean BTC user, safest play.

I'm balls deep in ETH, much more uncertainty and upside.

no worry fren this move is legit this is merely a coincidence
also pumping right befor the daily close

My only issue with BTC pumping so hard is that we won’t get as high compared to slow organic growth. Unless we will actually see a golden bull run that never dumps happens and btc reaches 100k and stays there

If you didn't buy at $3.5k, you're literally stupid.

I dont want to miss out bros, I fell for the FUD what do I do

wish i bought more, which is equally retarded

I buy some more every pay day no matter the price

When you feel that you've to jump in, do nothing and wait for a retracement, or take alts.
Some of them are almost to pump hard.

Pretty much, you can still catch the wave if you get eth or something.

Thanks fren I hope you make it too
I was all in link but I'll put some in btc

always remember, the majority opinion is wrong, because the majority loses. right now, the majority are like you; "hURR, not buying this. BUBBLE!"

It's been a bubble all along. I was a bear since March 2018, thought the bottom would be 2600 based on Metcalfe's Law. I didn't factor in irrationality.

Just FOMO in like everyone else. We'll all go down together if we get bogged.

which alts? good time to buy doge?

>its a bear market

I cant believe i share this board with absolute fucking skullnumbing retard shitbrains.

BCH, ETH, LTC (slower but will be fat), XRP, XLM

Compared to the levels of bullrun we will reach soon, it is a bear market.

yes i am. im going to try to invest as soon as i can. if only my 401k didnt force me to have a hardship reason to withdraw I would already put another 5 thousand in.

im going to try file for a request and buy more hopefully in a few days.

it would only be risky after the 15k point in my opinion. it will most likely surpass 25k with this latest bump.

>March 2018

Can you read, dumbass?

We've been bull since March 2019, but I anticipated a major correction until it started a climb at 8200. From then, I knew we were bull.

>wish I'd bought at $100
>wish I'd bought at $1000
>wish I'd bought at $3,500
>wish I'd bought at $5,000
>wish I'd bought at $7,250
>wish I'd bought at $8,600
>wish I'd bought at $9,000
>wish I'd bought at $9,500
>wish I'd bought at $10,000
>wish I'd bought at $15,000
>wish I'd bought at $20,000
>wish I'd bought at $35,000
>wish I'd bought at $50,000
>wish I'd bought at $75,000
>wish I'd bought at $90,000

Attached: 1546483088980.jpg (1456x881, 694K)

wish i kept my 120k long at bitmex

I'm fully clownpilled on crypto. It's all about FOMO and excitement. I came in with 138IQ and developed comprehensive trading strategies. Now I realize- fuck it. All I had to do was judge market sentiment and jump right in.

Fintechs will provide the bulk of the pumping this time, you have nothing to worry about.

if you buy in now you can expect at least 20x in this moon mission. You missed $3,500, and now $10,000 is pulling away from the station

Rolling for this

There's pretty much no resistance from here to 20k, the frenzy is just beginning OP

Attached: 7E36D11E-DE42-438D-8989-308BB541C7E8.jpg (882x731, 132K)

it won't stop at 100k

A year before halving has always been upwards you didn't accumulated I get it but you still have time soon you won't but you still have.

This we are in the greatest bullrun in human history soon and after the halving it will only intensify.

>the majority is bearish
you are fucking clueless

just convert your 401k to an IRA sell all your bullshit jew stocks and go all-in on GBTC

>80 days
bull market started December 16, 2018 friendo

are you aware you're referencing lolicon hmanga via that image?

Honeypot successful expect a knock on your door soon

I'll just somersault out of my window and land with a "pomf". Then I'll run with the force of 1,000 suns.

stocks? cryptos? you're going to have to be specific here

wish i'd bought at 0.008 anything else is retarded

Gentlemen, the bullrun is confirmed

now I'm curious, what's the title?
I don't know of any equivalent of for hentai

I invested 190k, but I have my index funds to fall back on even if it crashes and burns. Going to keep it in there for the long run

I was going buy $50 worth at $0.10.


>a measly 1% movement at 100k will be an hourly occurrence

Attached: im totally high school age.png (437x469, 228K)

this nigga right here

Attached: 1558899022820.gif (1000x1000, 1.52M)

>Who in their right mind would buy now?
Momentum traders

I'm going to sell once this shit is all over the news media. I won't make the same mistake like last time.

in retrospect, the collapse of bitconnect was the ideal selling signal.
I had a voice in my mind telling it me it means the flow of new money is collapsing and to sell.
Greed won and I didn't.
I don't see any clear equivalent right now.

She going and she aint stopping or slowing down bois
Start running now and hop on while u can

Attached: 1560710232528.png (639x360, 593K)

>tfw when bought bitcoin at 300 in 2015 and spent it on drugs
>tfw when bought more at 2000 and 8000, sold at 19500, and then bought back in at 14000 because I expected a 30% crash
at least I'm still in the green because of Link and Antshares. I want to thank you Biz.