When will you realize?

Btc is only pumping because they need to buy BTC in order to buy LINK.

Next, you will see LINK moon within 48 hours.

Cap this

Attached: ABD10ADF-ACF4-4FD8-B476-22F5D79C7E01.png (1830x1858, 728K)

You better be right


True info. Cannot deny it. Lines up with everything that has been going on for the last 3 weeks. Weird timeline to be on indeed.

i think the only way left to dump link is to pump btc

This would make some sense. Especially since this is happening before the Cloud Expo. ((They)) can't buy $1 LINK anymore, but can drive up BTC to buy it like if it was $1 LINK.

ive felt this way for months, theres an inverse to the link and btc pump. all in link rn anyways

100k link. NO btc NO Eth, am i fucked? i had 30k to put in at the bottom and failed to do so.

Jow Forums really is a collection of the dumbest people in crypto sphere. This theory of yours is completely retarded and carries no weight. Its illogical too

Also people selling their link have to buy btc to take profit...the whole reason btc is pumping the last couple weeks

Attached: NH0QaAGo_400x400.jpg (400x400, 32K)

Attached: 8E410295-FBA9-47CA-B9A5-CBAE7AC89319.jpg (720x439, 47K)

ok just don't post in within the next 8 hours

Waiting for my btc to transferr to the link exchange

Why is there no hype for the Chainlink presentation at Oracle on Monday? Why is there no rumor buying going on? If anything it's almost as if whales are selling the rumor. I just hope they buy the news then.

I don't recall there ever being a time that Link dumped in the leadup to a major conference.

Down 1.7% during major BTC pump. Pay attention.

So it's BTC bullshit causing this dump, and when BTC settles down Link will correct up like a spring again?

Becaus first of all it’s on Tuesday retard

2nd of all it probably won’t be that big of a deal. Partnership news will likely come afterwards

The market is irrational, this world makes no sense, that is why you are losing money. I will make a new thread in 43 hours , just cap this.

Still can't believe we're in the timeline where Link has legitimately decoupled from btc
feels good bros
stay strong and hold

I've always bought link with eth, am I doing it wrong?

Hey user from the present, im user of the future and I have some bad news for you! We must stop chainlink!

Basically see this
I wouldn’t even call this a “dump.”

>nothing big will come from Oracles convention

Imagine being this retarded. I bet you wont sell before the convention though. You just want others too. KYS.

No only lowest tier tardos trade on BTC. Even if you wanted to swing into BTC pumps your fiat should go into ETH>ALT>BTC


Didn’t say I swing.

My LINKies are tucked away in cold storage.