This pump is unsubstantiated

This pump is unsubstantiated.

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Substantiated by $100m usdt so fuck off with the FUD



>he thinks markets are rational

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Yeah we’ve only been getting rekt for a year and a half

No it makes sense, this is all preparation before the halving. People know it's going to go up when it halves and people want to get in before it does. The only issue is it drives the period of time it goes up back to an earlier date like we are seeing.

please say "it's a sucker rally", i dare you say it

Its a fuckin suckers rally bitch!!!

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Central Banks are literally fighting over who can devalue their Fiat more, who can lower their interest rates more. Central Bank Fiat is dying. Look at the precious metals market if you don't believe me. BTC is unironically a way to short central banks.

Markets aren't rational but the amount of money people have to waste is. Bullish movement with abmormally low volume indicates an unsustainable pump that will give out soon enough. The only way it sustains is convincing retards to FOMO into buying the top. And that trick can only work so many times.

the jews are pumping this cycle. it's so obvious.

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or you could literally short central bank stock retard

what ticker?

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>This pump is unsubstantiated.
that's what your mom said last night

ok have fun buying my bags at $50k when you fomo in

>Bullish movement with abmormally low volume indicates an unsustainable pump that will give out soon enough

No, it indicates that no one is selling. It's unironically extremely bullish.

it's because of fb using existing crypto tech in their own project instead of making a WoW gold type bs. It proves the tech is strong and trusted and validated by megacorps

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>50k bags
>implying you bought in higher than 50k
>blowing yourself out hard.

>abmormally low volume indicates an unsustainable pump
it means we are cementing a new floor faggot
some people may swing a bit, maybe we see 8k again, fine, but BTC target is way, way, way, way, way higher
be on board for halving, because this time we will see something really wild

how fucking new are you. back to r e ddit