Who else shorted 100x at $10,250?

So fucking comfy right now bros.

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Shorted at 9750 last night. Expected it to crash while I slept. Not thrilled but I think I'll still end up profiting

I unironically shorted 50x at 10250$ my bear friend

All bears should unironically be round up and be decapited.

I dont short or long. Im holding 32 bitcoin because Im not retarded and have been accumulating since 2011

Based. Lets make it together fren

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i'm up pretty good but i don't have enough btc yet for a real moon mission
i'm hodl

Based. If it goes down, woo bitcoin is on sale! If it goes up, woo $32 for every single dollar it goes up

deluded bobo op is posting this straight from the bridge


Hold tight sweetheart. $50 to go before you get absolutely JUST’d

Yeah I closed mine




bobo sorry for your loss

youre already dead

REKT lol

Will these faggots who think they’re so smart ever learn ?

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking bobo gamblers really hope you kill yourselves

If I were larping I'd lie and say I bought in at $3 instead of $500+

liquidated, faggot.

I just got liquidated bobo you told me we were going back to 3k

This thread didn’t age well after 10 minutes


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Ooooooooo boy this did not age well.

RIP your coulda shoulda been link suicide stank



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10500 every high margin shorter been liquidated by now


We broke 10k hard and you think it's going down? We're gonna break 20k in a few months and you're gonna have to kill yourself to pay the debts.

lmfao hope you went to bed for the night

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This did not age well. Kys Bobo


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do people still do this shit in this fucked up market?
long or short you're just asking to get liquidated by whales or exchanges


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RIP in peace OP

does she fuck the dog?

>bobo posting right now

You deserve to be poor

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Hahaha. Shoulda bought UND's uptrend.

margin trading is for degenerate gamblers. one gigantic candle gets you liquidated. you might win but so do dumb fucks in vegas. vast majority go broke. how lucky are you feeling currently?

>1 post by this ID
is OP ded?

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Well do ya, punk?

can someone explain this short/long/liquidated shit to me? I'm a burger so I can't legally use bitmex anyway. I just wanna know what you guys are always talking about.

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Margin trading is fine, unless you're a retard and use high leverage.

Trading on borrowed cash. If you ever feel like losing all your money, you can do 5x trading on Kraken. It's the only one I'm aware of that burgers can use.

basically betting whether the price will dump or pump.

absolute degenerate behaviour

lmao how did that work out for you? kys yet?

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How does shorting work?

Newbie here, I never margin traded before. I need help with two questions.

I'm not a crazy trader who gamble 100x all in. What's the recommended margin trading leverage for a reasonable margin trader like me?
2x, 5x, 10x, 25x

How much of my portfolio should I margin trade?

have fun getting liquidated, it'll be an expensive lesson ;)

5x is safe, 10x is risky but reasonable.

Any higher and you are literally gambling. One single whale order can rape you, even if you were right with your prediction in the next hour.

Don't margin trade. Life savings into bitcoin and holding for 5-10 years is ideal

Ouch. Hard ouch.

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>One single whale order can rape you, even if you were right with your prediction in the next hour.
Turn on cross margin then

>What's the recommended margin trading leverage for a reasonable margin trader like me?

No one has explained how leveraged trading works. Help a brainlet today, do a good deed.

top kek

>so comfy right now

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RIP faggot

I shorted from 10,700
x50 leveraged
I made over 20k in gains.
Fuck your faggot bull run.

>Picking up pennies in front of a steamroller

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You just know


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What happens when a short is liquidated is that money added to the price rise of BTC?

But Jews are smart



opfw he checks le charts 10 minutes later

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>shorting a bull run with high leverage

never ever trade in margin if you are a newbie

You’ll be liqudated in 2 hours

2 hours? it's already over 10750 right now kek



rip in pepperonis

Godspeed, sweet prince.

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When people post "have sex", what do they really mean? I've been seeing this posted across every board in different variations or evolutions. Is it meant to be taken literally? Is it meant as an insult? Is it a response used to try to distract in a discussion from the actual discussion? I imagine most posters are male. For a poster to tell another poster to have sex, it implies said poster is not getting sex, or not getting enough sex- and that it should be their primary focus, either to ail them of their implied defect, or to gain the upper hand in an exchange of words. It seems like a coordinated attack on a board full of NEET virgins that is gaining traction and spreading. Is it possible there is something more actually going on? What is it about these two little words that have so much efficiency in trolling? It can be used to insinuate a lot, with so little effort. The best part is, it's completely open to interpretation. It allows a myriad of reasons of defectiveness and creates a situation of defensiveness for the person on the receiving end. If they attempt to defend themselves, it only comes across as giving credibility towards the person saying "have sex". Think about it. A lot of people on these boards are overcompensating...fit with muscles, fa with clothes, biz with money, etc. Saying "have sex" seems to be a way to cut through the bs, and make the person look like they're trying too hard. Even if you try to ignore it, it warps the perception of others, or at least makes them think about why you're not having sex. You could literally be having sex while posting, and someone could say "have sex" and no one would ever know that you were actually having sex the whole time. When is coinbase going to add chainlink?


all in
you unironically literally fundamentally only live once

Wow, this post did not age well.

I have only 0.2 btc, should I buy more ?
Poor fag btw.

Don't you guys fibonnaci?

>0.2 btc
yeah no shit sherlock lmao

This was so obvious. Crypto always passes a psychological milestone then dumps then pumps a little later.

Dont go on bing.com and search "glory quest" with safe search off. And never search for "stray-x". Stay safe.

>1 post by this ID
Those "I shorted bitcoin in huge bull run" are larp threads

high margin is not inherently bad it protects your account if used properly just never use cross if you are a noob

and how do you hedge yor cold stores in a bear market?

thats a happy boy

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How do you not realize it will go close to 11k and then crash for 60%? Why would you short att 10250 already. Never gonna make it.