Is this ratio the true HODL trinity or am I a brainlet?

is this ratio the true HODL trinity or am I a brainlet?

>33% BTC
>33% ETH
>33% LINK

Attached: trinity.png (840x1561, 1.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:


No, eth is a shit hold with the POS coming up

Switch your xmr for eth and you are GOLDEN

Attached: 33BA00A4-3B15-43F4-B910-B65F23F22C74.gif (320x180, 806K)

Unironically yes, BTC and ETH moon together and link is decoupled from BTC at this point and will slowly gain.

42, you must go all in link if you truly want to make it. Go past your limitations son.

btc is a meme, might as well replace it with xmr for actual privacy

100% LINK, you can alternate using BTC and ETH to get more LINK

>is this ratio the true HODL trinity or am I a brainlet?

>33% BTC
>33% ETH
>33% LINK

It is my friend, it certainly is

Attached: ngijfdhisfdhgidsfn.png (1765x966, 1.61M)

>42, you must go all in link if you truly want to make it. Go past your limitations son.
thank you for your consideration but I have a lot of LP shares
and between my parents, my brother, and my mentor/colleague at work we have 6 figures of link

my personal spread is the trinity though

mfw Ive already begun being paid in cryptographic tokens distributed by smart contracts, for my investment in a technology company offering nodes as a service to the industry standard decentralized oracle project

Attached: research and development.jpg (1993x1204, 347K)

>true HODL trinity
>mfw this was my crypto (((bear))) market
the real gains are just beginning

Attached: 1559129671938.png (1830x1859, 273K)

>or am I a brainlet
Yes, because you're letting that last 1% go to waste

>pic related
>filename related

Attached: mfw I'm telling my friends about chainlink and 42.jpg (2500x1184, 218K)

>1% go to waste
tx fees, gas, mining fees, withdrawal fees, etc.
you can call it physics if you like (same phenomena in thermodynamics)

Attached: 1561171517627.gif (480x480, 2.04M)

Lost energy, huh 42?

>42, you must go all in link if you truly want to make it. Go past your limitations son.
then again chainlink's pump will make ETH early 2017 look like baby's first pump
>1 week candles
>look like 5 mins candles
>peak of 420
>hmmm...what did they mean by this
surely just a coincidence

Attached: eth early 2017.jpg (2308x1531, 262K)

entropy, the 2nd law of thermodynamics

Attached: file.png (447x624, 22K)

"Carnot engine" provides theoretical boundary condition on the efficiency of a heat engine
funny how there's significant overlap with these concepts and what we talk about here
life is full of these kinds of overlaps

Attached: file.png (1191x794, 389K)

I tried warning the bobo's today about what was going to happen
they didn't listen
>5:00pm EST
bobo btfo

Attached: 1561175494436.png (1212x612, 276K)

Did you see Coinbase announcement of link on coinbase pro?

BTC BCH LTC is the holy trinity

Attached: Jeb.png (812x634, 582K)

got sauce on that
>inb4 big if true

Attached: John Trump - Tesla.jpg (727x1100, 188K)

I too would like sauce on this

Yes, any other positioning is pure retardation.
>t. Have this spread

Here's your path to adoption, friendo.

Attached: ZBUX.png (300x300, 90K)

saw this yesterday
nothing official though

Attached: 1561169840548.gif (600x686, 3.52M)

>pic related

Attached: 1560888270998.jpg (1068x921, 101K)

50% eth 50% vidt

Kek you jokinhg rite

Lol no because it's not happening

You're retarded. Drop Link for BTC. Probably drop ETH for BTC too.. or use it to swing trade binance ieo


Attached: Screenshot_20190621-231515_Blockfolio.jpg (1439x2204, 522K)

LTC is the real BTC


what is truth, really...


Eth is the shit, anyone who says otherwise is just mad they didn't buy any.

did you see this?

Attached: 1518573776360.jpg (1778x2048, 397K)

You’re right. It’s shit that gets clogged up with sigital pussies with it’s 15 tps.

bitching about cryptokitties clogging ethereum is the litmus test for dunning-kruger opinions about this
the gas market performed as intended during the initial rush. the network literally never slowed down or crashed. newbies letting their gas price autosuggested to 20 by primitive wallets got their tx stuck for a while, that's about it. worth noting at 100 gas price, ethereum transactions were still cheaper than bitcoin
no later than the next weekend, eth devs of all stripes came up with network improvements to drive down the costs and increase thoroughput
three weeks later, costs were back to normal
then for the following year and a half, regular improvements were made
hundreds of dapps have been running on layer 1. layer 2 solutions have matured through 2018, and some popular dapps seamlessly run millions of transactions there
ofc, if you're the average btc bagholding retard who gets your news from coindesk, you don't know that. more importantly, you don't WANT to know that. after king shitcoin has been gimped into a purely speculative tool for market manipulators, you have to cling to the store of value narrative for dear life. ignore all information, refuse to learn, stick to debunked talking points. bitch about the 2016 DAO while the 2018 parity bailout failed. complain about emission rate (that you call inflation, because it's a serious economic term and makes you feel like a serious man talking about serious money - even if any economist could tell you this is not what inflation means), even though by design ethereum emission rate naturally trends towards 0 as we approach infinity, not unlike bitcoin pow stretching decades - save for the fact bitcoin has no plans to deal with decreasing block rewards, except "the price will magically rise forever because deflation". cry about PoS being about the rich, when the minimum level of entry for bitcoin mining is an ASIC farm
bitcoin has swapped fundamental value for spiritual value. gl with that

chickens can't fly, they jump after the corn