Pro-tip; the mcap is

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Bump! $60 by eoy?


Airbus is one of those things that whore themselves out for payment. Seen a partnership with lots shitcoins before allready with that one. Its like AWS, plenty of shitcoins had that one on their page.

But its a bullrun officially, so stay put

You do realize that they’re the ones essentially paying VID-T, right? This isn’t some kind of marketing partnership, Airbus is actually utilizing their product for document verification. Same for AmSpec


Staying put till 2.00


So what is the realistic ath this can reach? People have been saying $50, etc. but let’s talk realistic.

50$ = 1,5bil mcap
So, around current IOTA levels (hint: IOTA does fuck all to generate revenue/real world usage)

If fucking Tron is at a 2b mcap, anything is possible dude. I'd be super happy with 1/5th of that. Hoping for 10$

So you’re saying $50 is realistic possibility?

ADA Cardano was sitting @ 30bil mcap at the top of the last bullrun with 0 dollars generated from intended usage. What do you think?

Attached: fuckjannies.jpg (250x219, 3K)

Exciting time!

Around 200m-400m marketcap peak altseason by Q4 or Q1 '19. That would be $8-15 or minimum 30x. Achievable with the top exchange coming in Q3. V-ID has already made it into the TOP 50 (!!) of the most used ETH projects. Currently rank 37. It sits among projects like enigma, aelf, golem, decentraland, polymath. Check the marketcap of these projects, now and at ATH, then look at V-ID's.

Q1 '20*

how many vids to make it



with a price of 50$ per vidt you need 20k for a million

thank you user


probably gonna make it to at least $5 imho

>Airbus is one of those things that whore themselves out for payment.
Pretty sure they're one of the top aerospace companies on Earth, but thanks for setting us straight. Apparently they just shill cryptos, who knew?


Aren't they french? Why arent they using request

request for validating documents? please elaborate

plus airbus has many divisions all across Europe, it's partly german iirc

last CEO was german

this is where it helps at least partly paying attention to Boomer markets. If you did you'd know Boeing is in a world of shit due to failures with it's 737 supermax jets. Boeing is Airbuses main competitor. So, a lot more business has been going to Airbus this year.

Now, Airbus is probably keen to avoid what happened to Boeing, so they're going to want to be able to verify every step of their supply chain AND documents/discussions with said supply chain.'s a big world out there, try and kind of pay attention to it. Airbus is why I got my VIDT like six weeks ago, because I knew Airbus is on a winning streak this year...largely because Boeing shot itself in the foot.

That's right kids Airbus is going to pass along their revenue to a shitcoin ponzi.

Buy up some of that 2.5% circulating supply in IDEX now! The 10 wallets which own 90% of the rest of the available supply definitely won't dump on you! Trust me.