I’m super high and bored why not

>I’m super high and bored why not.
>I know a lot of you struggle with women
>I traveled the world going out with some of the best dating coaches in the world
>it is very common for me to go out to a bars and hook up or just have a girl interested in me
>I use to help teach students and consult friends all the time
>I have had a good amount of one to three night stands

Ask me anything for 15-30 min for schleep

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How about you kys? ;)

sage you should’ve went to church and built a family not be a degenerate faggot
Imagine thinking anyone but simps and cucks would care about anything you say

Best way to approach gril on dating app?

Have kids.

Some people need help. It’s not that serious.

Be funny on the first message

Imagine having such an unironic view of being self important


imagine dedicating any amount (in your case significant) of lifetime to charm used 30yo wrinkly roasties in the club
yeah you go user, don't forget to neg her by saying some shit about her nails and then number close

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We all picking out lambo colors and you bother with roast? Buy qnt you fag.

women are fun
I certainly enjoy their company
but if you expect them to be like men, you're just going to continue to be dissapointed
they're not like men, no matter what the talmudvision says

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no shit sherlock
just kidding... I totally expect to talk about shitcoins, kikes, worldwide apocalypse and latest linux distro with women
the fuck are you on...I work in 95% female workplace ..their company is boring 80% of the time

>I totally expect to talk about shitcoins, kikes, worldwide apocalypse and latest linux distro
they listen to me when I talk about my interests
when I worked at my old corporate job I fucked half the hot girls in the office that were my age (in their 20s), furthermore, half of them had boyfriends; I was more akin to their "work hubby"
>pro-tip fellas, if your chick has a "work hubby" then I have some bad news for you and some even worse news for you

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> hot girls
> in their 20s
also you are retard to talk about your interests with women, they will euther use it against you or are just in estrogen phase of cycle..that's why they care lmao. boy you are deluded
Well, I got similar experience, same with cucking other guys, which I did not know at the time.
.. if that perpetual roastie PnDs fulfill you or make you happy..good for you I guess

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>if that perpetual roastie PnDs fulfill you or make you happy..good for you I guess
naw I have a hong kong waifu now, it's a nice thing we have going
other women are still looking for a piece though
the point is what I said before
>I enjoy their company
why does it have to be so charged and all or nothing (ie. either you're trad or you're a chad)
I do with women as I please and as they enjoy, it's a win win for the most part
we'll see where it goes though, fundamentally my parents have been together longer than 30 years and they're better off for it. I'm looking for the same thing long term

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Have sex

What's the next +500% moonshot?

great job OP. True respect for you. It's NOT EASY what you've done. Don't get put down by the hating incels here. Keep it up. Big thumbs up from me.

I disagree on the oroginal point, though can't argue much with your strategy.
Kinda bad dilluting your genes with bug dna but it's the higher tier bug so maybe that turns out fine. Godspeed.

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>Kinda bad dilluting your genes with bug dna but it's the higher tier bug
I've been with them all user
white women drank the kool aid unfortunately
they did the same thing to them as they did to black women in the 60s and 70s
absolute trainwreck
>muh abortion
>muh rape
>muh abuse
meanwhile nothing but mold in their minds
such a shame
I know there's exceptions, so I'm still holding out for a harem of multi-racial wives, but actually

Attached: chromeo-white-women.png (1200x1200, 1.73M)

How to deal with rejection, keep confidence up which chicks who have booked up party calendars for weeks just because they are female and you are free on a Saturday. And keep focused on finding the kind of chick you want.

pathetic incel

why are poosie naturally kind of smelly?

cunts are full of bacteria