Its a shitcoin that needs to die.
Moneygram news
>Dumps 4%
TONNES of bag hodlers, including ripple employees
thanks op
time to buy
Yep. If the biggest partnership in all of crypto can't even move it, nothing will.
No daddy! Don’t touch my ripple-wipple! It will moon I swear! Daddy noooo REEEEEEEEEE
Always do the opposite of what Jow Forums says.
It dumps because Libra will be XRP 2.0. No point holding this shit.
libra is a stablecoin
>missing the point completely
quality always prevails niggs
Fucking kek. MoneyGram. How could anyone think that was good news? The company literally was sued because it's nothing but a way for people to give money to pajeet scammers.
This isn't your 2 man 1 BTC volume shitcoin. Ripple is suppressing the price hard due to contractual obligations. 1 dimensional vision brainlet.
> biggest partnership in all of crypto
*Gilbert Veridian blocks your path*
Lol so much cope
Absolute joke coin. Quant will have a higher market cap by end of 2020. They're already doing what ripple can't.
This. It gives me confidence in XRP that Ripple is deliberately suppressing the price. It means that there is lots of demand, and that the price would be higher if it wasn't actively suppressed. If/when Ripple ever stops suppressing the price, it will explode.
Its 45 cents, Rajesh. You had your time to buy 3 XRP. A thread on an anime website won't swing the price sorry.
>Libra will be XRP 2.0.
You're trying to make a joke but you couldn't even explain what you just said because it makes no sense. How is a fiat backed stablecoin similar to the most advanced cryptocurrency there is, a real-time gross-settlement system?
>For its creation and development of the Ripple protocol (RTXP) and the Ripple payment/exchange network Ripple Labs was named as one of 2014's 50 Smartest Companies in the February 2014 edition of MIT Technology Review. A scientific study made by two researchers from Stanford and Stockholm University that studied the money production from an energy consumption point of view and a macroeconomic level stated that running a server on Ripple was comparable to the energy needs of running an email server.
Seething low-energy reply. Give me something to argue back at least you dumb fuck. God I bet you're a linkie.
>make alliance with second biggest remittance company in the world that moves hundreds of millions of dollars a year
>make Western Union start sweating, CEO openly says he's be up for making another deal
>xRapid in beta stage was as efficient as Western Union's system that took 20 years to hone and develop
No they're not. Nobody knows and nobody cares. Get out. Interledger, not overledger is what people are using.
They're still making big OTC sales in the tens of millions away from exchanges, this is why the price never moves. They've sold billions of XRP in the last year, but away from the public. They're only going to keep doing that for a certain amount of time, after that, all orders go through the retail markets. I keep track of XRPL scanners on Twitter and the transactions are somtimes in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Do you cretins seriously believe entities with hundreds of millions to spend on XRP are dumber than you are?
Cripple bagholders are coping harder than anyone else on this board.
You'd look better if you just pretend you didn't see my post. This just reaffirms that you handicap faggots have ZERO to say back. You can't refute a single thing I said, I am correct and you're a stupid queer.
You can post all the smug shit you want. I'm not sitting on a dud.
You're doing it again. You're not refuting a single thing I've said. Cry more.
Cry about what? Making money this year instead of sitting on a coin held by every brainless normie who heard about crypto on the news that is barely above the price it was at two years ago? There's nothing to refute. There's nothing to argue. You're a joke and I'm laughing at you.
Greater than 70% if the money invested in XRP will for into LINK by the end of this year.
And that's just XRP
>You're trying to make a joke but you couldn't even explain what you just said because it makes no sense.
Look at the Libra partnerships! It would be a Ripple wet dream!
>How is a fiat backed stablecoin similar to the most advanced cryptocurrency there is, a real-time gross-settlement system?
>most advanced cryptocurrency
Wat? XRP is not Crypto!
Sorry newfag COPE harder!
>God I bet you're a linkie.
The XRP tards hate the linkies cause they see themselves in the Linkies. Linkies & XRP are both cults. Shame link has actually 10xed & also have GREAT memes!
This will pump the hardest of all alts and anyone not realizing this is deluded and retarded beyond belief
why RIP xrp ???? i am investor plkease tell me in dertail
if you donut tellme why RIP xrp i will eat your brains !!!!!!
I love yoour hip investor lingo, fren.