Daily reminder

Imagine not buying the real bitcoin under $250

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imagine still beliving in fairy tales

do the needful

i remember when it was "imagine not buying the real bitcoin under 55" kek

posting in legendary thread

See you at $310

>3rd world internet posting squad

$BSV is the biggest bullshit of the current crypto era

it must be tough going through life as a retard

People this dumb actually exist...

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imaging being this needful

a few questions:
1. why did csw setup the trust at block 70? that literally only 11 hrs after the project began
2. how does one mine directly into a shamir shared key?
3. if the trust was valid, why did csw make a payment to hal finney approx 35 mins after creating the trust? why did he make payments to mike h approx 30 days after the trust was initiated?

would appreciate real answers, leave curry recipes for another thread

Imagine living in a tin roof shack, shitting on railroad tracks & getting paid 4usd a day by csw to shill bsv.

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the private key generated when setting up the wallet is whats used to create the shamir shares.

Why do you care about these irrelevant details of Craig's life and personal finances?

Focus on the technology and the societal implications of a globally scaling Bitcoin and you will understand what makes BSV actually valuable.

Or stay poor, I don't care faggot.

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$1200 EOY

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That sucks bro

>private key generated when setting up the wallet is whats used to create the shamir shares
so you are saying that csw still has the private key? why would other members agree to the convolution of have a piece of a key, when one member has the whole thing...are you aware of how ridiculous that sounds?

again non-curry answers only.

oh fuck you drew a green arrow going up, i need to buy NOW

>why ask if the creator of the project is a scam artist...just give us your money
pajeet....come on...

Imagine having a $200 shitcoin and watching Bitcoin (BTC) pass $11k today.

not exactly. they could have scripted the generation of the private key and creation of the shares in such a way that all parties involved were present and the script itself deleted all traces of the private key and shares. doing this would be pretty easy on any linux distro.


the script could have also been written to only display each share when each person pressed a key and the clearing the terminal so the next person only gets his own share. this is a little hard to explain to non tech ppl but in a nutshell each person would only receive one share without seeing any of the others or the private key.

but all this would require writting a script to handle all that. but it's not a stretch to imagine they did it considering the amount of money involved.

>scripted the generation of the private key
my script deleted the key, you should trust me because....and this team was assembled into the room 11 hrs after project started?

i understand you are a bsv believer, however can you honestly not see this is retarded?


basically all thats needed to mine the btc is the pub key of the trust. the miner would supposedly just send each reward to the pub addresses of the trust.

maybe all parties were present and the computer itself was airgapped during the process and destroyed after while all parties were present to witness it.

all this is a bit far fetched but still plausible and also very possible as well.

still makes no sense...
1. team assembled into same room 11 hrs after genesis block
2. everyone is doing that for coin worth .0000000000000 USD
3. everyone trust home-made script and promise to "delete the key"...wink..wink...
4. immediately apparent they he kept the key because he starts sending to hal finney 35 mins later.

Are you aware how stupid you sound?

Bitch lasagna

your the one being confrontational. I'm just merely speculating on the method that could have been used to securely generate a priv key and store it into shares. like i said the method is possible and i can write the script myself to prove it to you.

wether they actually went to this length is up for debate though.

Diagnosis: Stage 1

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we're all gonna make it

BSV has outperformed BTC by more than double in the last 2 months and more than triple in the last month.


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its not confrontational...you are sperging out over a bash script when everything around that bash script is already proven to be fake....give it up...

take a step back and realize you are a conmans mark

Craig had a long term plan + a team that helped him. It's completely delusional to assume he just produced the Bitcoin paper ad-hoc out of a gut feeling and also coded everything by himself (which he didn't, someone did that for him).

Even when he had help - He's still Satoshi and the central character. It doesn't change anything.

The problem is, that most people defying him are so weak and incompetent, they cannot even imagine the concept of having a long term plan and executing it by means of people on one's payroll.

so they all agreed to this long term plan including the trust?

if it's safe to assume the white paper and the code was all written by a team of people then it's also safe to assume they collaborated on a bash script as i explained above.

...and they all agreed to the trust to be executed 11hrs after going live, right?


..and then csw broke the trust 16hrs later to send to hal finny?

(170-70 = 100 blocks / 6 per hour = 16hrs)

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He failed to produce his list of bitcoin addresses to court, probably going to be hit with contempt. I'd feel bad for the BCV suckers/shills if they weren't so annoying.


also seems like all of csw statements promising this or that price + promising to crash btc, etc....all of that are probable SEC violations of "blue sky laws / forward looking statement" so will probably have to deal with those charges too.

Imagine believing Satoshi, who disappeared like smoke in the wind as soon as Gavin started talking to FEDs, would then a few years later come back to fight all the legal battles involved with claiming to be Satoshi. And then, if he does legally prove it, fight all the legal battles Satoshi disappeared to avoid...

he might be satoshi if hes not where is satoshi...

its almost as if CSW is the reluctant hero we need, but certainly dont deserve.

actually he complied with sec laws by making his intentions public and clear well in advance. this way when he dumps his bags no one can say he manipulated the market.

you talk as is satoshi is just one person. that's why you don't understand anything.

Almost, but not quite.

thats not how it works sanjay.
google "blue sky laws" and "forward looking statements"

SEC fined Elon for simply making an obvious 420 weed bruh joke about stock price

CSW will certainly be charged criminally for price statements he has made as its direct manipulation.

>h-he will be charged this time

So then when do the USA based winklevoss twins get rounded up for saying if we break 10k we hit 15k. The comments on that tweet were the most uninformed normies. That’s actually damaging.

Bitcoin is TRASH. Purchase Libra.

He actually explains why he came back, but nobody bothers to read it. I guess they are going to stay dumb forever.

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This is the new cope narrative. It's the same one they use against Trump.

>H-he's going to jail a-any day now

You can only laugh at these retards

You are actually correct.

Imagine how much more damaging it would be if the twins said "we are going to start selling our 1M bitcoin stash and force the market to collapse, except for BSV which will moon"

Thats what CSW has done. Sadly he will now need to defend in court....impact of price uncertain but that cant be good especially if now legally barred from moving coins due to market manipulation threats. Shame

>has an interest in BTC
>doesn't want to admit the truth about BSV

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Sage this shit already

imagine buying this stupid fork that nobody cares about

nobody eh?

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Low energy

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you think the entire world is wrong
hint: it's not
in fact get therapy that's a glaring sign of mental illness.
just trying to help fren

see you at $380

Cringe & bluepilled

I kinda agree, holding crypto is basically calling the whole world wrong already. But believing CSW is Satoshi is almost Flat Earth tier. Should be able to figure it out for yourself.


>But believing CSW is Satoshi is almost Flat Earth tier.
Nice ad hominem, bro. Now you convinced me for real!

knowing csw is satoshi = based holocaust denial

Tulip fags will be humiliated so hard in January 2020. Their delusions will make history.

>more BTC shit



Tulip trust doesn’t exist.

nice, somebody is in anger stage already

10k is pretty much inevitable itable at this point

Yeah, the guy calling the entire crypto market is the fraud instead of the scumbags running the Ponzi scams.

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I'm not trying to convince you. I don't argue with flat earthers either. I'm here to laugh at you.



Better than BTC but BCH way better.
