Are you properly positioned for the next collapse?
Are you properly positioned for the next collapse?
Yes all in LINK.
We all know gold is the real chad
silver will outperform gold
Yeah ok buddy keep dreaming, gold just broje resistance
It's a suckers rally guys
>have metals
>get it confiscated on every border you need to cross
fucking boomers
They never learn which is why things got so bad.
Crypto will be the only safe heaven
no, I just baught bitcoin
If you think crypto is a safe haven good luck to you my friend
Yes. I have nothing and will lose nothing
>survived 87
he survived his abortion?
>only going up since 2009
>0 censored transactions
>not safe
kys boomer
What are you gonna do when it goes to 0?
Same as what everyone else is doing. Dying to death. Crypto is value, pure and simple. If it goes to zero then the dollar, yuro, yen, yuan, everything hasbeen wiped out. Gold and silver become worthless as people are murdered in the streets over a can of poop soup or pack of ramen noodles.
crypto might get rekt more than anything
If you don't have $1 mil in at least three precious metals, in shapes you can fit up your ass, you're not going to make it.
You have to be shilling, crypto has no inherent value. Precious metals do and have for thousands of years. Once the dollar starts going into hyperinflation after we go back to 0 interest rates and QE4 gold is going to take off, and crypto will plummet. Only thing holding it up is hope and delusion.
what are you going to do when bitcoin hits a new ATH in your deathbed?
I'm American, but I have a lot of gold stored globally. So if things get so bad, that I gotta cheese it, I've got money waiting for me. I've got a lot of crypto, but gold is my bailout.
there's no crypto, only bitcoin
and bitcoin is the only thing that will save you from border confiscation of all assets
and this is wahy its going to 1 milli
Why? Gold is used in more growing industries, no?
you are really dumb as an individual. precious metal can't be used digitally. digital is now a thing, and it's growing forever with the new generations coming. digital business is not nothing.
if you're under 35 I'm honestly sad for your low level of understanding.
You can most certainly use it digitally, thry already have debot cards where you use the gold you have.
no, you are not using gold digitally, do you know what digital means? or are you straight up stupid?
that's not gold you're using, that's bits of data saying that you have gold, that's not gold, gold is physical not digital.
Yes but the gold has the value not the bits of data you mongoloid. Same with botcoin, the coin has no value just the dollars people want for it.
Yes, I've been buying real estate.
go to bed, peter.
silver is absolutely vital to the modern world
gold is good but silver is necessary and the supply is only going to become more and more scarce as we hit peak silver production
all in Link so yes
Just look at both charts of gold and silver then comeback
No u
lmao. Thats only usefull if we have complete SHTF collapse. If its just a massive economic crisis then you just bought the top
and how do you want to transact value digitally if those bits of data have no value? oh my god.
bitcoin has value within itself, it's a secured network divided into 21 mil shares that allows you to do things in that network, you could transmit value, prove existence, proving ownership, create automation of various tasks dealing with transfer of value, and much more. it has to be secured and answer to basic properties, such as fungability, scarcity, censorship resistant and so on. gold works, but it will never be digital. digital business is growing forever.
stay away from this field, wait until the service is delivered and don't ask questions on how it works, probably the best thing for you to do.
about as well as alts outperform btc now
no matter how many times you explain boomers that the proof of work backing bitcoin plus the brainpower in the developers being the best of the best in the field plus being unconfiscatable and decentralized, they will claim "it has no real value". This is what create the peter shift type. always on perma dennial.
Real state is the best and safest investment. Good luck putting your savings in imaginary coins. Might as well buy magic beans.
Stay deluded, I'll be laughing when you all lose you all lose your money
why are you ignoring what I've just said? you simply doesn't understand even though I've made it easy for you to understand, you are effectively very dumb, my sides
the big difference being the silver is real while cuckcoins are imaginary
How the fuck is real estate worth anything if SHTF? Are you gonna hire guards to shoot people who try to squat on your lands?
Im not, ive heard all this before. Arguing with you isnt worth it, I'll let the market sodomize you while gold moons.
>idolises a boomer that has been wrong about bitcoin since it was worth cents
>laughing ever again
pick one
Exact opposite you fucking retard. Gold is used in nothing, it’s inert. Silver is used in everything, it’s rhe best conductor out of every single element
thanks for this. unironically just sold
yes you are ignoring what I say, I tell you that to conduct digital business you need some guarantees, and you ignore that
added to my screencap collection
see you in 2021
This is why boomers are permanently traumatized with bitcoin.
Gold is literally the most cucked asset in history
You do realize planets and asteroids in our solar system contain silver..? What do you think is gonna happen once we mine most of the Earth silver?
lol people buying silver instead of gold saying its better investment because muh quantity are the same imbeciles buying xrp instead of btc
You do realize this can be said for any precious metal right?
Don’t ever speak badly about bitbeans you fucking nigger
The minimum age of anyone saying this is 40 years old
Good luck when the gov confiscates it all or raises taxes to 100% a year
Yes, and?
No, but I’m in position to buy when that happens.
>thinking price of silver will go up cause we mine all of it