Why is this board so sexistic against femanon

the thots need to be patrolled or else they're start to come here freely

they lurk and mine our information regardless. They aren't as smart as us but they are definitely watching. The ones who post threads are just the lower distribution.

It's called negative reinforcement mutt. You come and shit up the board, you get told to fuck off or comply with board culture. Why do you think LURK MOAR is a rule across Jow Forums/nel?
If there wasn't such a rule, then this and every board would slowly turn into Jow Forums in a matter of weeks because the roasties wouldn't get told that their vagina has zero impact on discussion about the stock market or the price of btc. The only reason Jow Forums has so many femanons is because the lowest-of-the-low shitheaps browse that board and misery loves company

ive been here for YEARS and I have never, NEVER seen a thread where an OP announced they are a woman and the thread had any quality to it. its never happened. a woman has NEVER posted a legendary thread to any of the boards here. and this is undebatable especially if you are an oldfag.

furthermore, anons dont come to Jow Forums to entertain women, we come here to find new investments to do quick flips. to research potential investments and debate them with other anons. yet this thread is entirely off topic and should be 404'd - since all it is is a woman bitching about a topic that doesnt belong on this board. further proving the first point ive made.

Attached: dr sage and mr hide.jpg (310x394, 33K)

but it should tell you what kind of state a femanon is in if she cares what a bunch of shitposters on an anime forum say to her. That's also a non issue, they can choose to ignore it. Regardless, we're all wasting our time.


You guy's aren't wrong at all. I'm just favoring the side of hide the thread and ignore it rather than responding.

>95 replies
>no tits
Jow Forums, I thought you were supposed to be smart

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the board is very slow moving user. ive already posted in the important threads.
and taking just a few mins out of my time to btfo some faggot tranny who doesnt understand the value of being anonymous is just part of the free services i provide to 4chin posters.

but the could that would be awesome

Have sex