Am I the only person still sitting on fiat that absolutely refuses to buy at this price?

Am I the only person still sitting on fiat that absolutely refuses to buy at this price?
Come and make me feel better by letting me know I'm not the only one.

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i'm with you op
fuck that short squeeze in April, just fuck me up I never though we would not retest 4k

If you are always waiting for an entry point in a bull market, you'll miss the bull market. shouda just bought, should still just buy now. This looks like the 2017 run that past 20k

Market buying $10m was the best april fools prank in history

I'm still half in fiat, waiting on the retrace that just refuses to come. But it will come and it will be so fucking deep. Issue is that it might just come at $20k, and I am not joking. Hoping that it will correct at the 50% retract from ATH which coincides with strong overheard horizontal resistance. It makes so much sense, but fuck, wasn't $6k supposed to be the absolute fucking resistance that would not be broken for at least a year? You just never fucking know. I'm considering buying in with my remaining fiat.

That fucking scam pump that started it all.

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The price is only rising now for what? 3-4 days since the last huge bear scare?
Do you have any idea how long it took for bitcoin to reach 15k$?
Nigger this is literally nothing.

100 mil, not 10

I'm the guy who posted last night that my wife is letting me bet all $30,000 USD of our life savings on BTC. Waiting for a correction here...

I sold at 4k
I don't know what to do with myself now

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it was and it was done at the perfect time too

>MFW it goes straight to 1 million with no correction

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>my wife letting me
lmao, you came from reddit didn't you?


Go look at 2017 if you wanna see how fast btc
can move :) This is very similar. I remember seeing multiple days at 10-15%+ without any backing down until we hit ATH and it burst. That last retracement was nothing, and it's been going up since mar...

It took months? What are you talking about?

I sold litecoin at ~125, received +240% profit and don't give a damn. Thank God people talked me out of pricing in again at the top.

they are just printing infinite tether anyway they can pump this to a million if they want a this point
pic related
and link

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I'm not asking for much, I'll be happy with $7k ish

You are ruined. Financially ruined

Not the only one, OP. My BTC stack is laughable but I need fiat for more immediate things. Unless BTC goes through another dip, I won't be investing mass amounts into it

Around nov-dec it was moving way faster than previous months and gained tons of value, and didn't retract until ath. Some similar examples to now:
dec 04 $11000 - dec 09 $16400
nov 26 - $8800 - nov 29 $10200

I agree the lead up was a lot more slow and steady

I'm doing better than most people. I've got about £20k in the bank to throw at this shit and holding 2k NEX. Just a bit pissed off thinking about the opportunities I had to buy at £3k

Buy NEO or Ether

Except bottom in 2017 was ~400$
And this time it's like ~4000$...
percentage wise doesn't really differ much


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I missed opportunities because 2018 scared the living shit out of me

£20k is incredible by todays standards. You have a big leg up already. I have 3k in savings, which is why I'm kicking myself when BTC was at this value

Good on you mate

Buy gold or silver then. Get out of the dollar for god's sake.

guys ive got 40k to spend, and i only hold link rn. i know i missed the bottom despite having the fiat, the 4k level i was sure would drop and we have never gone back under 4k and ive been absolutely justed.

what do i do now.

>my wife is letting me

Don't go in imo, it's a bubble that's gonna pop soon
Only difference (unlike last bullrun) is that the normie money won't be there as they already now about cryptos and were already fucked last time. I think it will go to 14k and then collapse

Same here, I don't believe this pump. I will buy shitcoins though when alt season comes

I only have that much because my parents are making it possible for me to live above my means. This shit ain't/can't last for much longer.

dude there WILL be new all time highs it's just a matter of when, 1 year, 2 years maybe less maybe more

don't be waiting till 20k to buy back in

I jumped on the dip to 3.3k but I've also been buying the whole way up

>legalized his liabilities

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Get fucked Newfag, Let us know when you buy cause that will be the top!

In your heart of hearts, do you really doubt that a big pullback is coming? All the technical indicators converge on that prediction. This parabolic move is not sustainable and will be violated in short order. We will retrace to $9200, maybe even as low as $6500.

this is starting to resemble peak 2017. everybody was thinking it's just gonna keep going, it was absurd. the delusions were real.

This is scary

Not him, but never trust anyone that holds crypto, they are delusional and overly positive because they want people to buy
Just look at John Mcfee, crypto millionaire who said BTC would be worth 1 million at the end of 2020


again this market no longer respond to ta it is 100% manipulated,they have so much USDT that they can literally absorb all the dips, they have been doing it for month now
look at the chart on the 1min all the big volume candles are red but the price just doesn't dip enough to create panic sell
it look exactly like a P&D where the whale keep raising the buy wall to bait peoples into buying thinking support is real

yeah, it's very possible, and it's ok, it's called HODL

way safer than predicting dips, don't kid yourself, you're not a trader and neither am I

I bought at $1000 and have held since, I should have tethered up at 6 figures, but I can wait
there are endless stories on here from people losing most of their BTC from trading; just buy and hodl

nocoiner cope

At current valuations I'm 50 % in fiat.
Not one chance in hell that I put in any more at these levels.
I got the majority of my crypto stack in february, so I've made 100 - 130 %.

i've been sitting in fiat since 6k
i'm good at economics, i'm not good at psychology/predicting ppl's retardation

do not worry. we're going back below 4k i swear my life on it but i'm not sure if it takes 1 day or 1 week

or 3 month ... or never at this point

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I was in the same boat watching it ride away and away. I got into ETH at 230 on the last dip and I don't consider myself a genius, just lucky. You just have to go for it, you can't make money off it if you just wait on the sidelines saying it has to correct 40% because it did in 2017. Use the fear and greed index as a gauge of when to buy, and just fucking buy and hold and DCA. I had to admit I fucked up but now I'm up 36%. The problem with you guys is a lot of you are just refusing to admit you were wrong. Admit it, and when that next 30% dip comes, fucking buy it.

If the price is going up this hard and fast, then op isnt gonna miss shit, because theres still way more upside.
Hes not wrong to wait for a pullback. A proper pullback.
