Why isn’t this back to $1400 or even $700 yet

Why isn’t this back to $1400 or even $700 yet

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500 going to come faster than your mom

Because the only reason ETH was that high was because the price was inflated because of all the ETH ICOs.
People needed ETH to buy they ERC shitcoins so not only did people who liked ETH buy ETH but everyone who wanted a ERC shitcoin bought ETH.

No one is gonna buy ERC shitcoins this time around though. The only sound buy is a platform coin that can do what ETH did but better.

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no one is buying your shitcoin Synth. Just stop.

corecuck price suppression through primarily BTC volume markets. if you look at order books over time using the exchange APIs to combine all the data, every fiat/tether ETH market pair has more buy power, and every btc paired market has more sell power. get it while it's cheap but maybe wait for a dip from the recent market rally. the corecucks will run out of money eventually.

This is mostly true

ERC tokens were the main reason, but not the only reason

ETH is very attractive because of the smart contracts meme and money skelly

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The only reason why it is SUPPRESSED is because of ICO's. remember as soon as it hits 400 icos will still be cashing in and exiting.

ICO's nearly killed eth.

realistically it was just over-sold because the scam ICOs had to dump their treasure hordes when the jig was up. it's amazing ETH didn't drop to zero with how much they all sold.

so we can buy in with btc gains and 2x you brainlet

Keep up the good work while I accumulate

And now 90% of shitcoins are ON ETH. ETH isnt going anywhere and is a save bet for massive gains from 300

its not bitcoin

That’s not how you spell Money Belly.

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Flippening will not happen for a long time due to whales not allowing BTC to be dethroned

because its a shitcoin

and that's a good thing. here's why. BTC is a good store of value and perfectly situated to replace physical gold in the new digital era. it's dumb, it's immutable, it can't be double spent, it's not complex and all around very simple. so basically just like physical gold, and that's how the market treats it. bitcoin failed as a p2p cash replacement years ago, that ship has sailed.

ETH is a global computer/dapp platform and should be treated that way. of course it won't rival bitcoin in price since it's not a physical gold replacement and not a store of value, it's a brand new decentralized world computer. the market has room for both BTC and ETH and it should stay that way tbqh.

Why do you have to type all that out like such a fucking Melvin?

because if i don't Jow Forums will once again devolve in a street shitting pajeet hole with the occasional btc vs. bsv civil war thread. no one uses their brain to trade until they knew the fundamental differences between all the major cryptos. yeah I opened like a shit head but I was just having fun. no one should be spoon fed.

why would someone make such picture

Skycoin is the next Bitcoin Gold

actually kill yourself sudo

we just need to wait until the asian countries start buying that shit up again. It wont happen until BTC is mid bubble but when it does, hold on to your butts. ETH 20k in 2020

Don't forget that there are still A TON of dead shitcoins that still have eth to dump.

Shhh op I need it to dump to 270 at least so i can dump 3k then it can pamp to moon

There's still a lot left to sell. Many shitcoins had 2 or 3 devs that are just holding for higher prices.

because eth is shit, im sorry you had to use two years to understand

depends on your definition of "a lot," but unless you have evidence i think we're past the worst of it. the people who waited will probably sell on the up swing during the next bull market instead of down into a bear market.

Will be incredibly fast pump to $500 in the next week, anyone swinging should be very careful
I'm talking instant quick, not over 24 hours

theres a fundamental difference between btc and eth whales
btc whales mined in the old days out of belief for the system, or bought giant bags and held through hell
eth whales created cash grab ponzis out of the desire for FIAT and will liquidate at the first opportunity


They've already liquidated and 2018 holders paid the price, EOS was the biggest scam and price suppressor for ETH, I feel like that's still a lesson to be learned as it just be at 0, but that's just one example.
Inflation has plummeted, 2.0 is coming, incredibly bullish news all of 2019... it's set up for something huge, I just don't know how huge.

>ETH is very attractive because of the smart contracts
maybe attractive for nerds and some bankers but guess what you only need a little bit of eth for gas so that makes it a shitty investment

advanced, fancy tech =/ good investment

the beatings ETH has taken really prove it's the only blockchain that isn't vaporware. it launched in a bear market while we were all getting slaughtered during 2014-2015 so the whole dev community was in it for the tech, not for speculation on price like EOS and 95% of ICOs. then in 2017 ICOs laid waste to the ERC20 token and over-sold eth price below BTCs trendline, yet ETH is still alive and kicking with the most active development on any block chain and no toxic dev groups like BTC/bcash/BSV. even if price doesn't recover for years it's still worth the wait in my eyes. the tech will replace basically any large distributed database or hard to track program like land registries, security assignments, shipping records, consumer to mfgr purchase incentives without retailer middle men, the list goes on forever.

But why will the token accrue value fundamentally in the long term?

because ether (ETH) is the gas that executes smart contracts. the more complicated the contract, the more gas/ETH is needed to execute the contract. developers or companies, and anyone using ethereum needs ETH for it to function - so if the platform is good, that will cause higher prices because everyone will want it for their dapps. not in the same sense BTC acts like digital gold, so we shouldn't expect the same price trends, but all signs are pointing to the ethereum platform becoming successful.

The scenario for ETH to appreciate in value is likely the more ETH is staked, locked in contracts and grows more mainstream, possibly will be traded in the traditional market as well like with ETHE after Bitcoin will get it's ETF, ETH might follow

That's an ADDITIONAL reason, yes

you're right, but the other purpose staking serves is to replace proof of work mining, so it decreases the sell supply but also is a fundamental part of keeping the network running and contracts executing. it fits really well into current markets as a commodity, wall street will make sure they get a piece of the pie.

this is actually ture, save for the shilling.

ETH is dead in the water and the only thing it has is the EEA and name recognition. Sure it will make gains this bull run but as far as going back over 1k... doubtful.

It's all up to )))them(((.

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I wonder why no one thinks it was actually because how insanely fucking profitable was GPU mining this back then, also making GPUs go fucking parabolic in price

ETH will start pumping when whales voluntarily unwind or get stopped out on their long BTC / short ETH pair trade.

When that happens, prepare for a massive pump.

>guess what you only need a little bit of eth for gas
you need eth for the collateral and basically to do anything with eth defi. defipulse.com/

for the lulz

my IQ is 138 and all the research points to $10,000 ETH by the end of 2021.

this is the only time i will ever post this here.
good luck.

It was overvalued due to the scam ICOs. Its still over priced as newfags love this shitcoin that obviously wont scale.