Why is this shit shilled so much here now

is the exchange and token burn rumor true or more pajeet dysentery?

Attached: V-ID.png (200x200, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>token burn rumor
also binance will happen...ask team on telegram

Which wallets accepts V-IDs ? is it an etc-20 token ?

Don't buy in op this coin has no future and has no value whatsoever in the market and absolutely overvalued also this is a pedocoin run by pedophiles get the fuck out now and don't look back


yeah, so, pretty much all of them, or just use MEW+paper.

This will be a top 100 by marketcap eoy. you've been warned.

>is the exchange
tier-1 exchange Q3 on roadmap

>token burn rumor
July 19th, also you forgot about the buyback

These are not rumours. There was a rumour about binance dex listing, i'm not sure if it has any substance

I asked Marnix on telegram if you would be able to buy vids with vidt only, did not get a answer. Anyone knows this?

Ask Pim, he is more active

Already dumped. Doubled against fiat but still only 20% profit over ETH. Loss against BTC. Shitcoins gonna shitcoin.

That wouldn’t make sense for the company so probably not

>he thinks the token burns are a rumor

user i.....

2k suicide stack reporting in

>token burns
>monthly buybacks
>mega clients
>actual usage
>even bigger clients on the rumour
how do i even

Attached: kekerino.jpg (1024x773, 419K)

I've been following this since like April but didn't buy until Thursday. It's legit (actually has a usecase) and it's growth has been sustained and not erratic. Only reason I didn't buy months ago was that I don't usually hold Jow Forums fotm shitcoins until I've seen some proof they're going somewhere. This is going to be listed on Binance and looks to be about $1.50 EOY.

where does this binance rumor even come from besides some rando sending VIDT into one of the binance wallets?

don't get me wrong I'm a holder but you can even check the DEX listing proposals below, VIDT is not in them


bump, I really want to know about this Binance rumor

how to buy this?


By the time you have a solid rumor, it will already be 5x current price

Stop buying green dildos

There are no rumours, tier-1 exchange is on the roadmap and it's planned for Q3, it very well can be Binance CEX

40k suicide stack reporting

The symbol checks out. Anymore info on pedos?

>ONLY UP 20%

Sure is summer around herw

Yeah the developers of this coin are pedophiles too and when they exit scam they'll probably spend it on human trafficking

if you gonna try to fud, at least come up with something not so cringe

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My god...the retard level in this thread is strong. $1.50 by EOY????

Dude....this thing will be $1.50 by Q3 excgange listing at the latest. This is a $50 moonshot waiting to happen

lmao ikr, these guys know nothing


Explain away this one then.

Attached: 1561085356806.png (729x961, 484K)

Realistically it should be around $5 EOY. If it did hit $50 I would never stop cumming

>implying this isn’t bullish

Once their operation gets taken down, every token holder (on US soil) is going to get on a list, fyi

>implying the global powers and leaders aren't pedos
>implying the global powers aren't what's pushing the price of BTC up
>implying global powers backing this coin would be bad in any way whatsoever
FUD just became bullish try again

What if I told you it's a honey pot.

>a honeypot that's partnered with IBM, AmSpec and Airbus
I'm sure they would love to know these things desu
>also implying anyone outside of the incels here and the FBI know or give a shit what that symbol is

99.9% of shitcoins you see shilled on /b are just assholes trying to get you to buy and pump the price so they can sell on you. the only exception apparently is link. that one actually followed through and didn't end up in the wastelands of bygone cryptos

You're a idiot if you buy in now, wait for the DUMP.

>>also implying anyone outside of the incels here and the FBI know or give a shit what that symbol is
I'm sure random people would care if they knew about it. Maybe we should contact IBM and tell them about this. I honestly wouldn't want poor anons to lose their money bitconnect style once the word gets out.

Attached: wut.gif (320x180, 1021K)

sure sounds like some C O P E frend. I wonder how your alts have done since yesterday.
>comparing an actual, working product that's being adopted to the most low IQ ponzi scheme maybe ever

Attached: 231nhyk8yv001.png (282x179, 4K)

token not needed. plus pedophiles.

yes please sell

Listen man, let's not fuck around here. Everyone should sell right now, because this is a pedo ponzi scheme that is going to get everyone on FBI's radar. Good luck cashing out in USD when your transaction history is being tracked by the government. I suggest market selling at 0.00080000 is a fair price. I'm just looking out for you all.

faggot not needed.

>I suggest market selling at 0.00080000 is a fair price
Damn, you almost had me 6/10. Weak attempt at getting some poor retard's cheap bags though.

>>also implying anyone outside of the incels here and the FBI know or give a shit what that symbol is

Lol did you really get tricked into thinking that VIDT uses pedophile logo?

Attached: pedophile-symbols-1-728.jpg (728x943, 217K)

You're free to market sell for lower as well. Or keep it and watch over your shoulder as the feds track your wallet.

How do we know this is the real document? We would need VI-D's technology to verify the legitimacy of this image. Kind of a catch 22.

thanks just bought 100k

Bullish af

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What will VIDTSHARES allow you to accomplish?

this is photoshopped

What is vids

Company shares. Considering how rapidly they are expanding their use cases this could be very interesting. It has a lot of applications. A LOT.

Company shares

Be careful, there is a scam shitcoin with the same name.

Coin name is "VIDT"

Thx frens

Thing with this is it could realistically 100x easily.

That'd be a $700 market cap, which isn't exactly crazy.

Even a 1000x would only be $7billion.

An I being crazy? I know MC is a meme, but generally speaking the market has limits bases on rough market cap sizes compared to Bitcoin's


$700 mcap would put the price somewhere around $26, no?

For the supply and the scope/use case of this project it wouldn't be strange either.


If anything you can compare it to Litecoin in terms of price potential as they have almost the same supply.

$100 Vidt is unironically a possibility

Litecoin does fuck all though...

Weak fud

Ownership in company

Can someone tell me the easiest site to buy this from btw ...

Going all in, just read the site and whitepaper. This is the new Antshares

IDEX is the recommended option. Also on hotbit.

This is infudible

Working service with big customers.

Is there even another project that does the same thing?

The team is too lean and the website is shit tier. What am I missing?

>What am I missing?

a brain

Please close your browser right now.

Litecoin is a store of value like Bitcoin is, VID-T is in it's own lane completely. People keep comparing this to XRB (which based it's value on zoomy zoom muh fast transactions) and ANS (which is a blockchain platform for dapps, Chink ETH) when this is neither of those things. It's actually far more applicable to modern use and adoption than 99% of everything on the market. You can literally hop on the site and start validating docs whether you're a small business or large corporation.
I'm trying to think of one but nothing comes to mind, energy-revolution shitcoins and supply chain shitcoins have been common and almost all died. Everyone wants the next ETH/ANS in terms of a blockchain platform that will achieve mainstream success, which the odds of one of those flippening something as established as ETH/BTC in 2019 is basically 0. ANS is an exception to the rule because Chinese loving using Chinese-made products.

They have a picture of them drinking beer in the whitepaper.

So nothing. Got it.

You're not missing anything, don't worry. Nothing to see here. You're doing just fine. Run along now.

This is Binance 5 wallet:

There's almost 100k VIDT there.

BUT it's been transfered there over 180 days ago. I guess that's about when they settled the deal about listing.

>whitest team in crypto isn't fat enough for you
Unironically bullish 10x

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Oh yeah, they also use valuable front page space to shill their IDEX bags. Keep investing in wash trading scams, rajeet

Sure thing, Rakesh. I bought at 8 cents.
These sure are heavy bags. Don't you have some street shitting to do?

so it's clear you have no interest in refuting anything I said, and only wish to dump your bags on fresh pajeets. Learn 2 shill

do you speak out of your uncleaned asshole or what

this coin is one of the few that actually does something.

except btc,ltc,eth which are the big three every other coin except a few is horseshit compared to vidt.

what is ripple doing, what is eos doing. nothing

What is there to refute.
>muh lean group
>muh website sucks
Ok so you are convinced it sucks. I'm not shilling anything to you. I would however recommend you do some additional research other than what you've done already. I'm not here to "shill" you to buy or not buy this coin.

This coin has unironically outperformed every coin on the entire market in the last 24 hours, check the charts. Enjoy staying poor, it's not too late to hop on the train Vindi. New ATH and floor has been set every day or 2 since 8 cents, you probably thought 15 was the ceiling too.

it's outperforming solely because the team shills their bags on the front page

moron they buy back and burn thousands of coins every month

Hahaha pajeets fudding I love it shoo Ramesh

I have shilled it a handful of times because a kind user introduced me in April.

It's not hard.

Look at the website, look at the founder and co-founder's linkedin pages, look at the ACTUAL LIVE NETWORK HANDLING REAL VALIDATIONS FOR HUGE CLIENTS.

I'm not a fucking rocket scientist, but I am comfy af.

what happens when they run out of tokens? are they just going to continually add decimals and lower the price to validate documents?

this isn't explained anywhere and I'm curious if that's actually their longterm plan.

Attached: gay retard.jpg (250x226, 21K)

why would the team shill this when this is literally Jow Forumscoin now and they have ten spergs at a time to do it for them? Seriously, reddit is just only now starting to catch on within the past 4 or 5 days and youtube shills are starting to promote it, plus it was featured on Blockfolio earlier today/yesterday. Half the rest of the token holders are literally Jow Forumsraelis and only weak hands have sold, the general sentiment is that this is going to at least a couple hundred million marketcap by peak bull.

also has anyone bothered to work out at the current burn rate what the supply will look like by the time vested tokens are released?

don't worry user you're not missing anything if you don't buy this. it's a coordinated pump and dump to make (You) to buy in thinking "wow, what a great hidden gem" and then bleeding it to death. the end

none of the shills here can answer something this basic. Just lol

nigger im in DEEP at the absolute bottom and have resolved myself to not sell until this is near the top of cmc. your gay fud does not answer my question either.

Attached: im going to gene edit my kids to have sams ankles.jpg (1536x2048, 460K)

my point is proven

Pink IDs are gay

A noose

what does mine say?