I'd wager most nolinkers just ignore link posts and they have missed this entirely, and that 90% of Jow Forums is still not aware of pic related due to Bitcoin 10k taking all the news. I'm not a linkfag, but I owned some link. I laughed when people here thought facebook would actually partner with chainlink. Now I don't know what to think.

Check chain link's page:

I never had any expectations from this, but Link is going to explode 50 to 100 times I'd say at least once the general public see that they are working with google.

Attached: read this you faggot.png (744x464, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ahhh the smell of desperation of the stinkers.

Admit it. Your fucking chainstink of a token is the worst performing token in this bull market


Oh how the times have chang......

First reply


Attached: file.gif (360x346, 170K)

>bull market

why does "chainstink" make me giggle so much

Kek, no they are using google... just because you drive a toyota to work doesn't mean you have partnered with toyota

They have no use for the actual token, just the service provided by the company. When will you retards learn?

>google partnership, simply put the biggest news possible
>first post is ironic

The day Jow Forums went too far

See pic.

And reminder that said pic is from BEFORE Google, so it's even more striking now.

Attached: chainlink outperformed all of crypto chart.png (1830x1859, 273K)

>they are using google..

Read the blog post posted there - it is google that is using chain link to perform smartcontracts on google cloud

>they are using google
other way around

Attached: google cloud chainlink.png (1600x767, 145K)

>mention of mutual partnership doesn't mean Google is partnered with LINK
>a blogpost about integration doesn't mean Google is partnered with LINK
>Google officially confirming partnership doesn't mean Google is partnered with LINK
>Sergey giving a speech at Google doesn't mean Google is partnered with LINK
>LINK logo on Google homepage doesn't mean Google is partnered with LINK
>LINK nodes integrated into android doesn't mean Google is partnered with LINK

Google literally irrefutably and officially confirmed they are using LINK.
You must've missed the news.

Bump for all the coping swing linkers

LINK Marketing Director is doing her job right!

ALSO this double confirms swift is a partner too. You have to be mentally ill to not go all in on chainlink

please dilate your fake vagina, thank you.

>like google
Ask jeeves partnership confirmed. It's not happening. It's just not happening.

Now that LINK became the most fudded project in the whole industry outside of Jow Forums, it's time to fud it even here. I was also fudding LINK when I swing traded, and wanted it to go down, so I could buy back in, so I know, that all these fudders are burned swingers.

That means nothing, I'm all in XRP becaues ripple technology will moon me. Why do you think XRP is so high in a market that is not anywhere near as high as 2017 yet

Because you're new. Fuck off.

>brown id
>ripple technology will moon me
>will moon me
>moon me

>ripple technology will moon me.
Keep telling yourself that.
LINK is literally the XRP killer, because with LINK you can use any blockchain for bank transactions, or even multiple blockchains. There is no need for a separate shitcoin, with offchain aggregation and decentralized oracles you can do the same thing with ethereum.

this and checked.
linkcels kys

It's a real possibility... I am hoping XRP hits $5-10 during this bull run. My holdings are 55% XRP and 45% LINK.

>Not holding Bitcoin
>Holding XRP

Fucking wow user

Not the first time LINK lies about "partnerships". Remember Swift? Was never a partner. Neither is Google. They just weaseled their way into getting a few mentions here and there.

Stay away from LINK. The tech is not decentralized and their partnerships are fake. Most linkies on here are lying to pump their bags.

hold some BTC and some BTC sv user, always

>I never had any expectations from this, but Link is going to explode 50 to 100 times I'd say at least once the general public see that they are working with google.

Actually quite the opposite. It will dump by 100x when people see they are not actually working with Google, that it is literally just an exaggeration by the news.

Any programmer can easily look at the blog post and twitter from Google employees and see it's not a real partnerships. It's pretty sad that news outlets fell for the scam, though I guess journalists are just burger flippers with social sciences degrees

fuckoff discord pajeet


linkies unequivocally BEE TEE EFF OH

Attached: aAaAaAaAa.png (350x350, 105K)

>google uses the chainlink technology to do what it is intended for
>b-but its not a partnership


yeah ok , im convinced Link is legit. Enjoy your gains.

what is your probrem here roundeye