Why aren't you making 100k per year yet?

Why aren't you making 100k per year yet?

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I wasted my life away being depressed and becomnig a hermit. I do program now, though. Hasn't been 4 years yet.

>virtually anyone can make a wageslave salary by wageslaving
i'm shocked

because i'm making 200k

because i am not a burger

I make more than that a week

checked and unironically true. If you have a modicum of logical sense (and most men do) then you can make plenty of money as a programmer

Because people who code for a living cram themselves into a biomechanically fucked up position for the entire day, generally have to live in cucked metropolitan areas and pay cucked metropolitan prices for everything

its just so boring for me i lose focus. not made for everyone user, you go and enjoy that shit. its not for me

Because its not what you know, its who you know.

because I am NEET and cannot deal with people. I am forced to do one man show projects and even one successful project is not enough financially. At least three successful projects are required to make it.

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>Virtually anyone can make $100k/yr within 4-5 years of writing their first line of code.
In San Francisco

I don't enjoy it either. Some jobs are boring, but that doesn't mean you can't do them.

This, Almost nobody here makes over 100k.

>Tfw wasted entire youth infront of my computer playing games that doesn't matter at all now
>Heard about bitcoin when I started high school, I thought it sounded cool and bought in at $8
>Was about to buy 70 bitcoins but only bought 6 because 70 bitcoin was ~50% of my account back then (which was money from my birthday and christmas presents that I never used because I never left my house) and I really needed money for fresh computer parts
>School and games started taking up time, forgot about bitcoin
>Saw news talking about it in 2017 (5 years later)
>Recovered my old account and sold everything I had at 18900

I had some great times in games with friends, but man I wish I had some more self control back in the day. I would have been an actual millionaire if it weren't for games.

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Because I couldn't imagine any fate worse than being a code cuck and looking at millions of lines of code and have the crowning achievement of my life being some fucking website that finds airline tickets cheaper.

I'd honestly rather lay pavement or work in construction.

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what do you do for work? if student, what are you studying

Beautiful Wakandan Queen

>everyone on Jow Forums is either independently wealthy or makes 100k+ at 21


Because I'm making 200k a year.

i am but i'm doing it as an attorney

Which programming language should I learn then?

because I make 142k per year

>its better to lay bricks than help millions of people save money on airline tickets
really doe


Also when the bombs start dropping and society collapses, we'll need bricklayers and craftsmen, not faggucino sipping limp wristed twinks with big egos and small legs.

I'm not american and I don't plan on moving there any time soon

Because I would still have to work lmao

I want those yearly 100k without a jew enslaving me

This is not true, unless you are a PoC, a woman or trans. Truth is, there are so many Pajeet programmers it's economically retarded to hire anyone and pay more than 10k a year.

t. coder since 01

Very true. Americans cannot even conceive how their salaries are high compared to other countries.
Spoiled brats.

>help Ranjeet save 10 rupees on his flight to Sweden to racemix with QTs
>build the road your neighbors and friends will use every day

because i just made 174k

30K in the US is top 1% of the world

Problem with programming is, for every one brilliant programmer, there's a shitload of useless ones, if you work at a big company. And you're the one having to correct their shit. Give me Linux sysadmin stuff any day. I still get to do scripting and automate things.

I'm a geotechnical engineer in sub-consulting. Why does it matter?

Very fucking true. And yet your lefties complain about "muh 1%, we are the poor proletariat". Amazes me.

i'm a non-american white, so i don't get the immigration opportunities mr pajeet here gets

>Linux sysadmin
How to become a part of this career path kind user?

yoyu can train that small leg fag to lay bricks in 2 hours.

no skill

How do you get into sysadmin type stuff, user?

And non-Americans seem unable to grasp the concept of "cost of living."

How American centric.
These salaries are limited to few American cities.
Almost impossible to make in Europe, maybe upper 5% of programmers.


making the choice to have a cuckbox in the middle of your faggot city instead of driving 20mph isn't "cost of living", user. it's just you being retarded

I'ma a piano player in a whorehouse.

>not working remotely in the middle of the woods high up on a hill with a standing desk

You sir are the cuck. Your mind is cucked and can't think outside the box. Your mindcucked, faggot

Sounds like a blue collar wagey to me

>cost of living is 10k more
>make 100k more

I live in eastern europe


It’s been said in here already. It’s not for everyone. Trying to turn everyone under the sun into a programmer it’s a terrible idea. Find something that keeps your attention and challenges you.

London is more expensive than San Francisco.
America is much cheaper to live than Europe in general, with much higher salaries.
That's what decades of "muh social welfare" and "muh labor rights" do. 25 years more and a burger flipper in USA is going to drive a better car than an engineer in Europe. Americans use europoor ironically, but it's going to stop being ironic when old stereotypes are replaced by reality.

Cannot wait for the "learn to code" meme to die so people that are actually engineers can retake the space

Ive only been to south florida but the cost of living were insanely high compared to europe.

not that user but look at certifficates like RHCSA, CompTia A+, Security+ and look for foot-in-the-door stuff like help desk/internships

what do you mean by europe?

Start out in help desk and work your way up. This is one of those careers that kind of work in the trenches and gain knowledge through hands on work. Grab any type of help desk job or desktop support job and then start learning sys admin tasks along the way. Set up a test Linux system at home or in the cloud and learn while you're working. It's all hands on. Get into the command line and learn it. It's all about the command line.

the world is too vaporized to actually employ efficient people

>limp wristed
excuse me do you know how thicc and swole my wrists are? these keys don't press themselves
limp wristed coders don't code end of story

If youre an engineer you can learn to code in an afternoon.

I had trouble getting work with my Chem eng degree when oil prices got shittered a few years back so I learned DAX one weekend and now i just write query logic all day.

I'd like to get back to design work though.

Are you suggesting Americans have more labor rights than European's, because that is some of the dumbest shit I've read on here, and I've seen bsv shills.

ever since firefox got taken over by sjws and "empowered" engineers there has been a huge uptick in security flaws in their browser. its sad

Good. Let it all burn

No, I'm suggesting because Americans don't have as many suffocating regulations they are much better and the disparity is only going to widen

>tfw spent 5 years studying ICT while wagecucking instead of learning code
if Goldman Sachs et al quants only knew how comfy reading the charts is.....the market would crash

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.. i am.

65k base pay, double in on target earnings. no cap ... i could make 65k this year or 665k. probably will make 105-115

That's a very serious statement. Can you sir confirm it?

as a leaf, I grasp the cost of living pretty well

100k per year? I make 10 million every 2 years.

But I am

Americans too apparently. Your consumer staples including food cost way less than most of the developed world. Your real estate too if you don't live in literally two overpriced areas. Education ain't too bad either if you go to a public state university. Healthcare is usually fully covered if you're a working professional. Lower taxes to top it all of.

You can also make 100K+ in SEO, graphic design, or copywriting if you are competent and in the right market.

You don't invent or innovate but you use our tech