All ready to mark. Mark 1, mark 2, all systems positive

> 05 04 09 55 LMP (TRANQ)
> Okay. I assume we're - we're GO for lift off, and we'll proceed with the ascent feed.

> 05 04 10 02 CC
> Roger. That's correct, and we'll go ahead and watch tank 2. If it doesn't - tank 2 doesn't decrease, we'll tell you to close the ascent feeds and open the shutoffs. Over.

Attached: spaceXVIDT.jpg (1060x652, 139K)


Attached: 1235524143.jpg (686x364, 195K)

Literally unstoppable

Attached: 1561149989179.jpg (1460x1290, 277K)

Prepare for lift off

> 05 05 11 03 CC
> Roger. Were you successful in passing 95K? Over.

> 05 05 11 03 VIDT (GAINS)
> That's a positive, control. Standing by to break atmosphere.

Attached: vidtoff.jpg (964x712, 72K)

Speed slightly dropping, user. Engage FOMO thrusters on my mark.

> 05 06 09 22 VIDT (GAINS)
> Roger. FT engaged, standing by.

Attached: verified_hx72.jpg (909x516, 74K)

05 from station V, ID say we are ready to engage the all thrusters and lift off is a go, over.

> 05 11 10 39 VIDT (OP)
> Copy liftoff successful FT engaged, user. Stabilizing gains speed with document verification system. Over.

Attached: vidtgaged.jpg (948x664, 186K)

lol nice memes, keep it up

10-4, make sure to hold on tight we may have some turbulence into the stratosphere. Fomo boosters powered by document verification engaged and checked. Safe travels my friend.

> 05 15 02 16 CC (HOUSTON)
> Copy that, user. Readings all looking normal. We suggest cooldown to allow other Anons into validation field. Hold here for 100K vits. Over.

> 05 15 07 12 VIDT (GAINS)
> Copy, standing by. Over.

Attached: vidtcontrol.jpg (1042x694, 274K)

10$ end of year?


Attached: IHELD.jpg (3395x2473, 632K)

standard mcap for most overhyped shitcoins is 250m$

so should be at least 20$

also the monthly buybacks and burns will help

I would be ridiculously happy

Sometimes I looked at the charts from the end of 2017 and wished I got in then. Shitcoins pumping 100, 200, 300% over night as the normie cash flowed in. And I thought that was it, a moment in history lost. Yet here we stand, BTC pumping insanely, mainstream media buzz slowly growing, and its just a matter of time until the new golden bullrun. But more than that, a new generation of lowcap gems wait to be discovered, and VIDT is unironically the king of kings. A 10x would put us just about in the top 100, a 100x would put us in the top 30. You did it user, you made the right choice. You're gonna make it, we all are.

the memes are powerful in here


holy shit, trips of truth

Checked! Let's go, 1b mcap!

Attached: VIDT1.jpg (1939x1939, 372K)

Fuuuk. Ground control to major user. I swing traded and sometimes sold for losses for the last 24 hours just to form that ascend. (at last I have more 82.5k with %20 profit after the pump so also profitable for me.) Hope other vidiots don't sell too much and we will bounce from 90k and break ath. Remaining is sorta cup and handle meme so fomo will further I hope. Roger.

Real upstanding work, user.

CHECKED, user.

I'm a poorfag with 6 ETH and ~3 ETH worth of shitcoins and wish I bought more VID before it took off. I picked up 1 eth worth on 4-19 though and it's doubled up already, I won't touch it til we're in the $3 range.

How much longer do I have to get in at maximum

until exchange listing Q3

Thanks user. There was good hidden buy pressure so I took my chance. Hope it goes well.

until it pumps again or goes down

>imagine being this low IQ
whoever bought that guy's stack is feeling preeeetttyyyy comfy

Attached: lowiq.jpg (1197x648, 198K)

Gentlemen, you are using antiquated technology when preparing for interstellar travel. VIDT is not designed for transport on rocket based solutions. We are going Interstellar and require a more technologically advanced transport mechanism.

Attached: wormholegenerator.jpg (387x243, 40K)

Fuck! Are we ever gonna break that ATH or not? Swing faggots are absolute cancer

1$ is top 200.

Attached: 1560810253208.jpg (1440x810, 2.16M)

FOMO booster at the ready, cap'n.

Attached: fomobooster.jpg (1495x1122, 358K)

Easily. Just wait till they start doing social media validations friend.

Its going to be awesome

OUTSTANDING! Well done, Chief Engineer. We should be able to warp the time-space continuum and achieve 1b mcap or higher with this warp core.

if we flip 89-90, crawl to ath and then moon.

god dammit someone please fill my order at 0.00088179 i'm getting some serious fomo

riding ONE pump then jumping on this gem boys, don't take off yet

Market buy fren. Dont get left behind this moon mission is blasting off

lol no