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>i thought bitcoin was an anonymous payment system and projected my political beliefs onto it and when I was shown to be wrong I stuck around and kept projecting for some reason.

He looks 10 years older than in 2017

It's literally mooning right now you fucking faggots.

oh wow I better go run out and buy!

who cares

His heart is in the right place. I think he should try to understand the technical perspective of bitcoin more. He’s certainly better than fake satoshi.

no it isn't you deluded bitch
I've got nothing against' bch, since it's a real project with real development
but don't try to steer from the fact that you've lost value and your fork did not accompany BTC in it's value gain

Attached: chart.png (800x550, 44K)

Look at the hourly chart you fucking faggot

It's not that bch is good, it's btc that's a total shit that makes all its forks look great.
t. don't hold any btc anymore

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rofl just ignore the noise cuck

Two narcissists can never work together for long.

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oh god i really hope they aren't narcissists
if so were are going to get fucked

with BSV now the real Bitcoin and BTC the current market leader there's so much need for BCH as for a 5th wheel on a car

You can't see it in their every fucking action?

Attached: typical narcissistic injury.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

One day while Sergey was masturbating, Woody got wood. He could no longer help himself! He watched as Sergey stroked his juicy kawaii cock. He approached Sergey which startled him and make him pee everywhere on the floor and on Woody too. Being drenched in his urine made him harder than ever! Woody: "Sergey Senpai! I'm alive and I want to be INSIDE OF YOU." Sergey: "Oh Woody Chan! I always knew you were alive! I want to stuff you up my kawaii ass!" Woody grabbed a bunch of flavored lube and rubbed it all over his head Woody: "Oh my! It's cherry flavored lube! Cherry is my favorite! Woody then stuffed his head up into Sergey's tight ass! The other toys around the room watched intently as Woody shoved his head back and forth into Sergey's nice ass, continuously making a squishy wet noise. The other toys also became aroused and they all gathered around Woody and Sergey and started to urinate all over them, and then they started to masturbate. Sergey: "Oh my goodness, Woody Chan! You are churning my insides up so well! Your nose is stimulating my prostate! OH YES! All the other toys became so aroused by this, that they could not help themselves anymore! They pushed Woody completely inside, and they all went inside. All of them wanted to be inside Sergey's nice round ass. Sergey: "No wait guys! My ass cannot hold this much! I'm getting so full! All the toys went inside of poor squirming Sergey and pretty much, he was beyond full, and died from having his insides completely damaged. Adylyn came inside and found Sergey, dead with a huge ass hemorrhage on his anus, with a HUGE belly full of toys.

LMAO all the cope in this thread. No crypto has more adoption in actual payments than BCH. BTC has more but is crippled by fees.
Cashshuffle makes BCH reasonably private without overdoing it. Its fast and cheap to transact and has a cultish following.
BSV has a cultish following as well.

Anons who do their research hold both bad aussie and deluded ancap Bitcoins. BSV and BCH will be the largecaps with the hardest pumps this bullrun. They are the perfect middleground between high risk shitcoins and boring largecaps. Higher gains and higher risk but not suicide shitcoin risk. They aren't going to die anytime soon and have deluded shills and are usable for things.
Its the perfect storm

What's the point of BCH after it forked off from the Bitcoin protocol?

Everything that was great about BCH went with BSV after the split. Now there's only schizos, bagholders and anarcucks left fighting over what the fuck the coin is even about.

Attached: transactions.png (880x609, 133K)

>z-zoom in




>I thought Bitcoin was what's described in the whitepaper instead of listening to propaganda imposed by corporate and three-letter-agency-led censors on the main discussion channels, who only managed to fool 2017 newfags
He's 40+ he looks young af
stay poor
>lost value
Eh, a lot of us bought ours at 0.06 BTC shortly after the fork, and given the doubling we got from the BSV airdrop we're still ahead. Missed a lot of opportunities though, I do concede that.
One has the censors the other has the pajeets, so we don't need the third one that actually works? Great logic, retard.
based and semi-redpilled

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For one, BCH has more secure 0conf and actual privacy and merchant adoption and exchanges. If making money is your goal, holding both BSV and BCH is the play. If you arent about gains but about being part of a club and meming Craig then solo-BSV is for you.

They compete for different markets now. BSV is right now primarily attacking storage and storage of apps with metanet. BCH is still going for payments prumarily.

BSV is nailing payments as well, some of the best payment services went with BSV at the split, like CentBee who is now blossoming in South Africa and HandCash who also make payment solutions for retailers.

Attached: handcash_payments_BitcoinSV.webm (360x640, 3M)

BSV seems to be expanding and exploding rapidly in applications, transactions and adoptions while BCH is stagnating. Mostly because all the talented devs, the energy and the innovation went with BSV.


Attached: centbee_retail_southafrica.jpg (1200x900, 194K)


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>BSV is right now primarily attacking storage and storage of apps with metanet.
They are working on it but nailing is very exaggerated. They can get there but for now they are the cool-javascript-app-stored-on-chain-Coin
Try buying a VPN or server or pizza or flight or any other product online with BSV right now. You cant, yet.

It's not surprising. BCH commie devs decided central planning was actually cool and decided to change the protocol, while limiting scaling. Literally Core all over again.

Their roadmap also plans to lock the protocol.

They partnered with Flash who flipped a bit and allowed contactless payments from one specific SV wallet. Can't pay with QR.
This is not robust, and the merchants are not onboard with BSV or know how to use it, or would ever be interested in holding it, or even know it is possible on their machine.
Giulble salesmen and Indians went with BSV (just check nchains team page LMAO)
BCH is the real Bitcoin Cash, with the realistic vision and better tech.

After changing things. Avalanche, wormhole, pre consensus, checkpoints, changes to transaction ordering, etc. Not Bitcoin.

Its a different approach for sure. BCH goes for protocol improvements for better scaling and faster more secure payments while BSV wants to scale exclusively via implementation code and hardware improvements.

Time will tell which works long term and but for now these are the largecaps with the biggest pump potential.

Do you know what ABC stands for?
Literally Adjustable Blocksize Cap.
That's the end goal.
BCH is the middle path between cores tiny bottleneck, and BSVs bloated blocks that splinter the network.
32meg is more than enough to enable PayPal level of transactions while keeping smooth block propagation and decentralisation.
Once BCH is doing more volume than PayPal, will increase.
That's it's secret cap:
BCH gets as big as it needs to.

No it doesn't. They literally attack you for suggesting that locking down the protocol is a good idea and what Satoshi himself said. They are all about having teams of anarchist dev teams sit down and add all kinds of shit to the base protocol instead of building apps on top of it. Schnorr, avalanche, CTOR, etc.

BCH is not Bitcoin, they have different roadmap that involves increasing anonymity and becoming crime coin.

And they have zero ambition of scaling.

Attached: CTOR_snakeoil.png (750x737, 151K)

>hourly chart
holy fucking shit never reply to me again you little manlet gypsy

Big business is not going to onboard their infrastructure or services on the chain unless they can be sure that 1) the protocol is stable (2) the network can actually handle the massive amount of transactions they will generate and (3) that using the protocol is actually compliant with all applicable laws.

BCH does not fulfill any of the criteria, so huge enterprise will never onboard their systems to the BCH chain. SV fulfills all 3 requirements which is why they are actually attracting a ton of interest, and is already killing it in transactions, so your sales pitch seems hollow.

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They want to improve the protocol and eventually end up with a world-scale capable BCH that works as p2p cash.
You can while all you want but vanilla BTCs 0conf are not perfect yet. We can work around that issue in BSV and I have no doubt Bitcoin 0.1 can be scaled but BCH is trying to make the scaling easier via protocol upgrades.

Im here to make money and both WILL pump. Whether you love Craig is irrelevant to me. I will profit off of Craigs next media stunt and I will profit off of BCHs slick product.

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Which part of don't fuck with the protocol did the BCH camp not understand?

Attached: protocol_set_in_stone_satoshi2.jpg (2164x1748, 868K)

Say it with me

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Bitcoin (regardless of the ticker) is not suitable for apps. nChain's chief scientist is an incompetent charlatan: bitcoin is not Turing-complete, it's not suited for dApps and its purpose is entirely different. BCH not striving to be a dapp platform is a pro, not a con.

Its funny BSV tries to accuse BCH of centralization when Calvins entities own every notable business building on BSV and every miner and the only node implementation. The promise of locked protocol is a promise not more. They could decide to change protocol tomorrow and it would be way easier for them to do than for Amaury or any of the 4 BCH implementation.

But again. I do not care: Im here to make money and both WILL pump. Whether you love Craig is irrelevant to me. I will profit off of Craigs next media stunt (or eventual b2b adoption) and I will profit off of BCHs slick product.

LMAO say that to projects like Agora who is literally building an entire OS on chain


Try it

Attached: agora_bitcoinsv_OS.jpg (1180x1480, 107K)

"Stable protocol" and "law-compliant coin" is just nChain's retarded sales pitch that only brainlets fall for. BSV is as far from being stable as possible, and, talking about compliance, if all crypto gets banned, it'll get banned among the first.

Based and purplepilled

It's just a dedicated file storage. Who needs a fucking file storage where you have to pay for each upload? Cloud storage does the job.

Everything you say is false and dumb, please stop posting thanks.

Absolutely no. ABC's approach keeps them holding the keys to the network. nChain and to a smaller degree Unlimited (I literally have no clue why Unlimited hasn't 100% moved to bsv yet) approach is to keep blocks unbounded and leave the sizes up to the market/miners as intended. Once Feburary hits there won't be anymore tinkering with protocol on bsv and the only tinkering occurring on it now is restoration to 0.1.0.

These are the shills I talk about in my post here
These rabid low IQ BCH and BSV shills will make smart anons rich.

>Once Feburary hits there won't be anymore tinkering with protocol on bsv and the only tinkering occurring on it now is restoration to 0.1.0.
That's another retarded sales pitch aimed at tech-illiterate people

I honestly don't get it. People here in August 17' got onboard bch for this very reason. I don't understand why any of those same people wouldn't have dropped bch for bsv.

Vitalik wanted to develop on btc but was blocked and limited because of Core, you're a moron.

Your opinion is shit.

>we wont change protocol. promise

>We wont be blockstreamed, promise

Ideological useful idiots always get duped, sweeties.

early days of BCH Craig himself was talking about "radical innovation" and stuff like sharding. CTOR was promoted on nchains own website. Locking the protocol has become a big topic in the ruinup to november fork. Before that they were more about scaling on-chain by all means necessary.

Good for him, he created something entirely different. You can't run Ethereum on bitcoin, prof. Faustus is a fucking incompetent charlatan.
>but muh 0.1.0

The fact is that BCH offers nothing that BSV doesn't do better, (fees, transaction speed, applications, ecosystem, scale, etc) EXCEPT for one thing: the promise of future anonymity, that is, a promise of safe haven for criminals.

That's it. It's alluring if you want another Silk Road type black market for drugs, sextrade and weapons trade, but it's a fucking terrible proposition if you actually want business adoption of any kind and a new global monetary system run on Bitcoin.

Look at your thought leaders like Roger, who is a total clown. Pic related.

Attached: delist_governments.png (1382x484, 99K)

Pick up a charlatan bag today and rest easy

>your thought leaders
Imagine becoming part of any "crypto community"

Are you emotionally invested and all in your favorite crypto? BOTH coins will pump. Your opinions are irrelevant.
Both have rabid delusional supporters like you. The price will go up and I will profit.

>imagine thinking you have any control on what coin we will use in the NWO or that it matters which coin you support now

Big time criminals still prefer fiat by the way and they will as long as fiat exists.

>stuff like sharding. CTOR was promoted on nchains own website
Sauce me boss, because you're talking complete bs. I've only ever heard him say sharding doesnt work.

>Good for him, he created something entirely different
More splits and fractures = less security, more friction and less adoption. Cheering on 1000s of shitcoins is a marker of someone who doesn't understand or care at all about Bitcoin.

Oh bitcoins an anarchist coin as described by the whitepaper? Can you show me that section or the creator having any anarchist views? Would be of great assistance, thanks in advance.

Altcoins were inevitable and would have emerged one way or another. "If we were in charge, there would be no altcoins" is another sales pitch for low-IQ people. Cope.

You hope they aren't narcissists?!

Dude, you are so fucked. How did you not notice?

The point is that only one blockchain will displace the entire financial system, the one that scales first.

You think Bitcoin is just a vehicle to make some fast cash, which is why you are never going to make the correct long term investments, because you do not care about fundamentals like the philosophical, economic, legal and technical aspects. Bitcoin is in fact a fully fledged economic system - it is literally DESIGNED for governments and banks to run all economic affairs on it. In the end, only one Blockchain will consume everything else, we all know this is the future, the tech can not be un-invented. It's here now, and it has sparked an entirely new industry.

The people who pick correctly and make wise investments will be the new elites. The people who pick wrong will lose everything they put in. It is just an inevitability.

Attached: 4th_industrial_revolution_Bitcoin_capitalism_in_code_form.png (846x2478, 267K)

>Bitcoin is in fact a fully fledged economic system - it is literally DESIGNED for governments and banks to run all economic affairs on it
You spewed out one more sales pitch, thanks.

Oh I know there wont be shitcoin roulette forever but these things move slowly.
Emotional BSV and BCH-lets who hope for a flippening and think BTC will go to 0 within a week are delusional. If you have your ear to the ground and aren't emotional you will be able to be comfy while slowly moving your buying power into the winner.

>there are BSV bagholders who though BCH was going to be destroyed in the fork by means of HASH WAR and there was.
>You split, we bankrupt you
the same brainlets now think Craig will dump BTC to 0 in 11 months

>everything is mooning
>pretends bcash mooning along with the rest is noteworthy

>both will pump
nope. they'll rise with the rising tide but that is it and they'll underperform bitcoin an underperform other projects with good tech

>You split, we bankrupt you

That's pretty much what happened, just look at Bitmain, what are they now?





Bitmain got totally fucking rekt after the hashwar. And the BCH devs are literally begging their anarchist basement dwellers for pity donations, see and as well as pic related.

Sorry not sorry. Winners and losers are being picked at the moment, woe whoever is on the wrong side.

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>still billionaire chink

>still billion dollar corporation

>8 billion cap

you split, we bankrupt you was the moved goalpost by the way. His official slogan was THERE WILL BE NO SPLIT
He also dais he had super secret exploit which he would use to destroy BCH in the hash war.
LMAP BCH and BSV cucks truly are low IQ followers.


they will outperform BTC by multiple X and already did.
BSV 5xed from bottom already.
BCH 5.8xed.
BTC 3.3xed.

>Altcoins were inevitable
Yeah and LTC existed for a long time. It had literally no relevance until BTC was getting full blocks and other limitations. The only reason shitcoins took off in any meaningful way was because Core, otherwise they would have just remained obscurities.

this is true. alts would be irrelevant except for a few novelty ones and BTC would be at 100k+ easily if it had just started increasing blocksize

Lol you are taking his statements too literally as if he has some kind of Godlike power over reality itself. The intent of his statements was that if they split the chain he was going to do everything in his power to make them suffer financially, which is exactly what happened. BCH devs out begging in the streets and Bitmain reeling while nChain and the BSV ecosystem is in a stronger position than EVER and growing with extremely healthy financials and their mining empire only increasing.

You can't pretend the BCH camp came out on top in this battle. They may still go actual bankrupt as the story continues to play itself out.

Yep you can see exactly when this happened on this graph.

Attached: 1530242115362.jpg (1600x1007, 154K)

thats a good picture


pump my bags friend :)

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